World Game™ makes it eminently clear that we have four billion billionaires aboard our planet, as accounted by real wealth, which fact is obscured from public knowledge by the exclusively conceived and operated money game and its monopolized credit system accounting
Buckminster Fuller | Critical Path | 1981
Games are uniquely conducive to systems thinking. They compress space and time, and offer an embodied experience of the tensions that dominate governance challenges.
Pablo Suarez | Rethinking The Future Of Governance Through Games | 2017
The World Game™ refers to a strategy or a combination of strategies, with their documentation, as a “scenario.” The scenario encompasses a logical sequence of events (the strategy) which shows how, starting from the present, a future evolutionary condition might evolve step by step; “longhand,” it is a synergetic synoptic view of as many developments as can be grasped and as may appear relevant to the experimental simulation of the proposed possible reality. “Shorthand,” or through computer simulation, all relevant variables and their omni-interaction will be automatically displayed—both visually and through computer read out.
Buckminster Fuller | The World Game™: Integrative Resource Utilization Planning Tool | 1971
War Game vs. The World Game
The World Game Institute (WGI) and o.s.Earth created and facilitated playing of longhand versions of The World Game™ Workshop. Inputs consisted primarily of baseline demographic and economic census data arranged and presented in various formats including a series of data sheets organized by The WGI under the banner Vital Statistics of Spaceship Earth. Our goal is to develop computer-assisted-and-augmented simulations that build on the prior Workshop experiences. We will develop dynamic digitized Dymaxion Maps highlighting global trends and resources together with an interactive website that allows gamers and the general public to explore dynamic relationships surrounding meeting basic human needs, resource allocation, trending technological innovations and potential conflicts with other societal priorities (equity and equality, biodiversity, environmental quality, for example).
“The whole strategy of the World Game is accomplished by simulated employment of my comprehensive anticipatory design science by which alone has shown me how to progressively alter the fundamental conditions under which humanity exists and to do so by feasible and logical means. ”