The World Grid Project
“The integrated world energy grid is the World Game’s highest priority objective”
Buckminster Fuller
Earth by Zoe Watson
Contact: Greg Watson (
updated February 22, 2025
One of the clearest and concrete roadmaps leading to a truly sustainable, equitable and secure energy future is that charted by a world-around electric grid powered entirely by Earth’s renewable energy income with the potential of providing everyone everywhere with reliable, affordable and carbon-free electricity as conceived and first proposed by Buckminster Fuller in the middle of the last century.
“In the early years of Trudeau’s premiership of Canada, when he was about to make his first visit to Russia, I gave him my world energy network grid plan, which he presented to Brezhnev, who turned it over to his experts. On his return to Canada Trudeau reported to me that the experts had come back to Brezhnev with: “feasible . . . desirable.”
Buckminster Fuller | Critical Path
Originally under the auspices of the Schumacher Center for a New Economics a World Game™ Workshop team has been assembled and challenged with developing a series of exercises designed to illustrate how a comprehensive design science approach to problem-solving can shed new light on humanity’s options for addressing the climate crisis. A primary goal is to engaging people around the world in World Game™ Workshop activities designed to help them envision a contemporary realization of Fuller’s world grid and its impacts. We will begin by identifying, tracking and mapping cases of what Bucky called spontaneous cooperation among countries that are integrating their power grids across political boundaries - critical steps leading to the formation of a globally connected grid.
We will compile a database that includes information on how each project was initiated and by who was involved (government, private sector, private/public partnership etc.); how the integrated grids are managed; current status, etc. We also hope to monitor how technical, regulatory, marketing and security challenges are addressed as well as any unanticipated obstacles and opportunities. In this phase of our initiative, we’re looking to discover the most effective strategies for addressing the challenges associated with transcending political borders to create regional electric grids capable of supporting 100% renewable energy generation.
Present hub-and-spoke networks were designed for central power plants, ones that are close to users. Such networks need to be reengineered. Spanning the world electrically evokes Buckminster Fuller’s global grid.
Even before the discovery of high temperature superconductivity, Fuller envisioned electricity wheeled between day and night hemispheres and pole to pole. Worldwide deregulation and the free trade of electricity could give buyers and sellers establishing a supply-demand equilibrium to yield a worldwide market price for grid provided electricity.
Energy for a Greenhouse Planet. Science. November 1, 2002
Fuller Projection of the global electricity trade network (2018)
Based on: Structure Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Cross-Border Electricity Trade: A Complex Network Perspective
by Yue Pu, Yunting Li, Yingzi Wang. Sustainability 2021, 13(11), 5797;
If you’ve lost power anytime recently, you’ve come face to face with one of the fundamental truths about energy today: There are a lot of things we once could do without electricity that now require it.
You’ve also come face to face with one of the hottest, and most poorly understood, buzz phrases in energy—the “electrification of everything.”
The concept, most simply put, is that more of the energy we use will come from the electric socket. Instead of having fuels like natural gas or oil or gasoline flow directly into our homes, offices, manufacturing facilities and cars, those fuels—and other sources of energy—will increasingly be converted to electricity first.
The idea is being pushed by several groups with a vested interest in seeing it happen—most notably, environmentalists and the tech industry.
Wall Street Journal
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally – And Vice Versa
September 2019
We must integrate the world’s electrical-energy networks. We must be able to continually integrate the progressive night-into-day and day-into-night hemispheres of our revolving planet. With all of the world’s electric energy needs being supplied by a twenty-four-hour-around, omni-integrated network, all of yesterday’s, one-half-the-time-unemployed, standby generators will be usable all the time, thus swiftly doubling the operating capacity of the world’s electrical energy grid. (Buckminster Fuller)
An interconnected globe-spanning grid would connect everyone to the same energy-accounting system. The universal grid could be connected modularly to regional, local and micro-grids.
China’s Vision for a Global Grid
February 13, 2019
In fall 2015, Chinese president Xi Jinping debuted at the UN a grand scheme called Global Energy Interconnection (GEI) to transform the world’s power grids. GEI imagines taking our existing grids—fragmented today along national lines—and knitting them together over the next five decades into a global network. This integrated system would serve as the backbone of a transition from fossil fuels to a new energy system based around three pillars: clean energy, smart grids, and a new technology for long-distance power lines known as ultra-high-voltage (UHV) transmission.
Reconnecting Asia
The World Grid and New Geographies of Cooperation
July 19, 2022
The world’s transition away from fossil fuels is not only inevitable, but in fact is well underway. This sentiment, until recently acknowledged primarily by environmentalists and clean energy advocates, is now being embraced and even championed by the likes of Shell Energy and bp (formerly British Petroleum, rebranded as Beyond Petroleum). We have emerged from what Buckminster Fuller referred to as humanity’s womb of permitted ignorance. The consequences of the industrial revolution’s practice of extracting and burning Earth’s energy capital to support ever-expanding, consumptive and wasteful economies have come full circle. The corporations that made trillions of dollars in profits while compromising our waters, soils and atmosphere are now maneuvering to control the energy transition narrative. And they may succeed if unchallenged.
Source: Global Energy Interconnection
The untapped potential of the sun is well known – all the energy humanity uses in a year is equal to the energy that reaches the earth from the sun in a single hour. The sun never sets – every hour, half the planet is bathed in sunshine. By trading energy from sun, wind and water across borders, we can deliver more than enough clean energy to meet the needs of everyone on earth. This trading is already beginning to happen through discrete bilateral and regional arrangements. But to meet the sheer scale of the challenge, these efforts need to be brought together and supplemented to create a more inter-connected global grid. We call this vision: One Sun One World One Grid.
Implications of intercontinental renewable electricity trade for energy systems and emissions
October 24, 2022
We find that renewable electricity trade across large world regions via the underlying UHVDC interconnection can boost renewable electricity production and reduce 2020–2100 cumulative CO2 emissions from the power sector up to 9.8%. Financial investments in the UHVDC lines are offset in the long term by reduced investments in other electricity-generation options, including nuclear and storage. Finally, we find that renewable electricity trade can substantially reduce air pollutant emissions in importing regions.
How Much HVDC Transmission Is There Now, Coming, & Where?
October 3, 2023
One of the big levers for decarbonizing our global energy is by connecting continent-scale grids with high-voltage direct current transmission (HVDC). We’ve been doing a lot of that already, but a lot more is planned. There are about 200 GW of HVDC cables stretching 58,000 kilometers in operation today, and about 180 GW planned stretching about 45,000 kilometers in planning and construction. The large majority of what’s in operation is in China, of course
It’s hard to keep up with all of the projects. Enter RTE International, a consultancy and engineering company whose activities cover all areas of electricity transmission. They keep track, as best as they are able, of all existing and planned HVDC projects globally. They publish updates as part of their monthly HVDC newsletter.
Global Energy Network Institute (GENI)
GENI — Linking Renewable Energy Resources Around the World
For decades GENI President Peter Meisen and Bucky Fuller were the most visible and effective advocates for the World Grid. Peter anticipated and helped create the roadmap leading us towards the realization of a world electric grid powered by renewable energy. The GENI website continues to serve as an invaluable resource.
The GENI Initiative focuses on linking renewable energy resources around the world using international electricity transmission. Decades ago, visionary engineer Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller developed the World Game simulation, posing the question:
How do we make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or disadvantage to anyone?
Research shows that the premier global strategy is the interconnection of electric power networks between regions and continents into a global energy grid, with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy resources — a world wide web of electricity.
International Trade in Sustainable Electricity
Thomas Cottier and Ilaria Espa (editors)
Cross-border trade in electricity is rapidly expanding as a result of technical innovations, economic and geopolitical developments, and the ongoing decarbonisation of the electricity sector in response to climate change. The expansion of electricity networks and the integration of increasing shares of renewable energy (RE) electricity into the grid have made long-distance electricity flows both feasible and desirable. Drawing on the work of experts in trade and energy law and policy, and offering novel, multidisciplinary perspectives on the rapidly evolving landscape shaping international trade in electricity, this book examines the most important challenges - technical, economic, legal and policy-related - posed by long-distance and sustainable electricity trade. The book explores the regulatory implications of the policy instruments aimed at supporting RE electricity and considers how best to promote greater overall coherence in international electricity governance.
Geopolitics of Electricity: Grids, Space and (political) Power
SWP Research Paper 2022
Although electricity grids shape and define both political and economic spaces, the geopolitical significance of electricity remains underestimated. In political communities and beyond, such grids establish new channels for projecting geopolitical influence and new spheres of influence.
In the Europe-Asia continental area, integrated electricity grids meet interconnectors – that is, cross-border transmission lines linking different electric grids. Interconnectors define new, partly competing vectors of integration that extend beyond already integrated electricity grids.
Because electricity spaces extend beyond state borders and across legal jurisdictions, they enable a diffusion of geopolitical power. The vulnerability of states to strength projection and external influence also depends on how robust and resilient the electricity grids are.
In this context, it is attractive for non-EU states to belong to the electricity system of continental Europe. This is because interconnected synchronous systems form “grid communities” that share a “common destiny” – not only in terms of electricity supply but also in terms of security and welfare.
Global Energy Interconnection Journal
The provision of low carbon energy to our society is a key issue at the heart of sustainable development of global energy supply. The Global Energy Interconnection (GEI) Journal publishes original research on theories and developments as well practical applications on principles of large scale low carbon energy generation, transmission, distribution & storage technologies, global energy interconnection & system developments, global energy policy and energy market operations, global climate changes & environmental impacts, global energy transition strategies and global energy governance. GEI journal has been indexed in multiple databases such as EI Compendex, Scopus, Inspec, DOAJ, Elsevier ScienceDirect, etc.
Decarbonizing the power & energy sector by ramping up the adoption of renewable energy is essential to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement where the required acceleration of the global shift to low carbon can only be achieved through a combination of clean energy generation, modern transmission technologies, power grid interconnectivity, energy storage as well energy policy, which all play important roles in the transition.
Networks of Power: Electrification in WEstern Society, 1800-1930
Thomas Hughes
In Networks of Power, Hughes compared electricity network development in Berlin, Chicago, and London. His thoughts inspired a new field preoccupied with the study of so-called Large Technical Systems (LTS). Hughes defined electricity networks as socio-technical systems including technological components, but also institutional and organizational ones, as well as natural resources, and legislation. These systems were constructed by so-called system builders, which could be either people or institutions. They were guided by a number of principles. Two important ones that also play a role in the building of international connections were load factor and economic mix.
Since electricity cannot easily be stored, network operators sought to use generating capacity to a maximum at all time, and hence create a high load. A high load factor thus reflects high usage of the system’s equipment and is a measure of efficiency. Economic mix refers to the optimal use of a combination of various energy sources in the system in order to create economic advantages and increase the system reliability. For this reason system builders sought, for example, to use hydroelectric plants or mine-based lignite-fired plants, even when they were located in different countries.
Supergrid – Super Solution
Eddie O’Connor and Kevin O’Sullivan
As we live through the throes of an energy crisis this timely book sets out how electricity can finally get the world off fossil fuels, and accelerate moves to a zero-carbon world. The essential element in this transformation is setting up a supergrid to transmit vast amounts of power quickly to where it’s most needed.
Supergrid – Super Solution sets out how this can be done in the European context, with Ireland playing a lead role through deployment of its vast offshore wind resources. This is in a new energy supply system delivering consistently cheaper power, all made possible by using ‘superconductor’ technology.
Supergrid – Super Solution outlines:
The masterplan by a global leader in developing renewable energy with input from leading energy experts.
The solution that tears up energy history by revealing how renewable energy and a radically changed electricity grid are key to securing Europe’s energy future.
The need for courage and collective action by states and the private sector to work together in the best interests of humanity and planet Earth.
After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy
Robert O. Keohane
This book is a comprehensive study of cooperation among the advanced capitalist countries. Can cooperation persist without the dominance of a single power, such as the United States after World War II? To answer this pressing question, Robert Keohane analyzes the institutions, or “international regimes,” through which cooperation has taken place in the world political economy and describes the evolution of these regimes as American hegemony has eroded. Refuting the idea that the decline of hegemony makes cooperation impossible, he views international regimes not as weak substitutes for world government but as devices for facilitating decentralized cooperation among egoistic actors. In the preface the author addresses the issue of cooperation after the end of the Soviet empire and with the renewed dominance of the United States, in security matters, as well as recent scholarship on cooperation.
Keohane challenges neorealist claims that meaningful international cooperation is not possible, as well as hegemonic stability theory claims that international cooperation is only possible under hegemony. The book applies insights from new institutional economics to international relations. The book shows how realist assumptions about actors and the international system can logically lead to the conclusion that meaningful cooperation is possible.
cross-border electricity trade/POWER grid inteGRATION
global chronological news TRACker
Spontaneous Cooperation: The world grid is self-organizing invisibly right before our eyes.
Nodes of the emergent self-organizing world grid
Uzbekistan's Energy Transition Depends on Systematic Reforms
February 22, 2025
Any discussion of energy transition trends must therefore be visualised in the form of a triangle, ensuring that the competing and often contradictory goals of energy security, minimising climate impact, and ensuring energy affordability are in tension. Each country, sector, and policy crystallise a set of trade-offs between different points on this triangle.
To achieve net zero by 2050, unprecedented changes in industrial structures and infrastructure are needed. The transmission and storage systems required to support a greater and faster reliance on renewable power generation may not yet exist. While energy efficiency is acceptable politically, it is a complex challenge that requires action in disparate area—not least in consumer behaviour.
Southeast Asia aims for sustainability through connectivity
February 20, 2025
The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) estimates suggest that renewable energy could meet more than two-thirds of the region’s energy needs by 2050. However, unlocking this potential is far from straightforward. Large upfront capital investments, profitability concerns, and a lack of adequate grid infrastructure all stand in the way.
Regional interconnectivity is key to unlocking Southeast Asia’s decarbonized future. The ASEAN Power Grid (APG) vision aims to connect power grids, creating a borderless network throughout Southeast Asia that links regions rich in renewable energy to demand centers. A connected system would lay the foundation for a robust and integrated regional energy market. It would allow countries to diversify their energy sources and strengthen resilience by drawing upon mutual support from neighboring nations.
ASEAN Nations Needs a Supergrid to Meet Climate Goals
February 18, 2025
It may just be a power cable, but the soon-to-be-operational connection between two Malaysian states could unlock one of the world’s most ambitious infrastructure projects.
A 30-kilometer cable connecting Malaysia’s hydropower-rich Sarawak state to neighboring Sabah is set to turn on by the second quarter this year. The plan is to link that up with Indonesian provinces and Brunei to Peninsular Malaysia across the South China Sea.
Ultimately, this would feed into a sprawling regional supergrid, which would allow all 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, to access renewable energy and accelerate their transition away from fossil fuels.
GCCIA, QDF ink financing agreement for Oman direct interconnection project
February 13, 2025
Muscat: Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnection Authority (GCCIA) and the Qatar Development Fund (QDF) formalized their partnership in a landmark financing agreement to the tune of $100 million.
The event took place in a ceremony held on Thursday in Muscat under the patronage of Eng. Salim Nassir Al Aufi, Minister of Energy and Minerals. This agreement paves the way for a transformative direct grid connection project linking the GCCIA network with the Sultanate of Oman, the total cost of which exceeds $700 million.
The agreement was duly executed by Eng. Ahmed Ali Al-Ebrahim, CEO, on behalf of the GCCIA, and Fahad Hamad Al Sulaiti, Director General, on behalf of the Qatar Fund for Development.
Nepal-India talks today, aim to boost power transmission
February 12, 2025
Nepal and India plan to build at least five cross-border transmission lines in order to evacuate at least 16,000 megawatts of power by 2035. To lay the ground for the same, the energy secretaries of Nepal and India are meeting in New Delhi on Tuesday.
Suresh Acharya, secretary at the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation left for New Delhi on Monday at the head of a 12-member delegation to take part in the meeting.
The meeting is expected to come up with a roadmap for constructing various cross border transmission lines to facilitate the export of 16,000 megawatts of energy to India and Bangladesh.
Tanzania: How AfDB-backed transmission line could boost electricity trading and regional integration
February 7, 2025
Africa’s power pools play a crucial role in supporting regional integration by facilitating grid interconnection between neighboring countries. These interconnected grids allow nations to buy and sell power across borders through a shared market mechanism.
Investing in the vital infrastructure that underpins these power pools will as such remain a key focus for the African Development Bank as it intensifies efforts to light up and power Africa under Mission 300.
The Iringa-Shinyanga transmission line in Tanzania has emerged as a vital link in the Eastern Africa Power Pool (EAPP) and that it will help boost the continent’s fledgling but promising regional electricity markets.
Historic Shift As Baltic States Join European Power Grid
February 6, 2025
This coming weekend it will finally happen. The three Baltic states -- Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania -- will disconnect on February 8 from the IPS/UPS electricity transmission grid that links Russia, Belarus, and the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. The following day, the three countries will join the synchronous grid of Continental Europe (also known as the UCTE grid), which includes most European countries, from Portugal in the west to Ukraine and Turkey in the east.
For the Baltic countries, this move, known as the "Baltic Synchro," is a historic moment. It means that they, not Moscow, will be able to better manage and control their own electricity supplies. Diplomats from the Baltic region that I have spoken to see the move as shaking off the last vestiges of the Soviet era, comparing it to when Soviet troops left the countries in the 1990s.
Morocco and Mauritania agree to connect electricity networks
February 5, 2025
Morocco and Mauritania signed an agreement on Tuesday to connect their electricity networks. The agreement was announced by Morocco’s National Office for Electricity and Drinking Water (ONEE), after the Director General Tarik Hamane and his counterpart from the Mauritanian Electricity Company (SOMELEC), Sidi Salem Mohaned Elabd, sealed the accord in a ceremony witnessed by Moroccan Ambassador Hamid Chabar.
“In implementation of the directives of King Mohammed VI, and within the framework of the Royal Atlantic Initiative [allowing the Sahel countries to benefit from the Atlantic Ocean] aimed at strengthening African South-South relations, the electricity connection project between the two countries is a major step that will enhance the reliability of the two countries’ electricity grids,” said Moroccan officials.
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan forge Green Energy cooperation in historic agreement
February 5, 2025
Azerbaijan has firmly positioned itself as a leading force in the green energy transition, actively driving renewable energy initiatives across the region. Serving as a vital bridge between Europe and Asia, Azerbaijan has cultivated strong strategic partnerships with Central Asian nations, particularly Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, to create a comprehensive framework for cooperation across multiple economic sectors.
This cooperation will support the development of the Middle Corridor and deepen Azerbaijan's integration with Central Asia. As President Ilham Aliyev emphasized, the project opens new avenues for cooperation between Central Asia and the Caucasus, with an electric cable to be laid under the Caspian Sea, broadening the cooperation beyond the three countries.
Global super grids do not necessarily favor deployment of solar power
February 3, 2025
New research from Sweden has shown that building global super grids across different continents could not necessarily result in increased investments in solar power. The scientists outlined the One Sun One World One Grid (OSOWOG) concept, which advocates the development of a global super grid covering 18 time zones covering the Americas, Europe, the MENA region, South Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania could facilitate the integration of solar energy and transmit clean energy globally at all times.
The researchers found that such a grid may reduce electricity system costs by 1.2% and 6.5%, with the average value reaching 3.8%. They also found that it may decrease investments in solar power, even with transmission grids spanning 18 time zones.
Europe’s network of giant power cables is becoming political
February 2, 2025
Europe’s electricity system is the world’s largest interconnected grid, but rise of right-leaning parties is disrupting the harmony
The collapse of Norway’s government this week brings into focus the hundreds of cables transporting electricity across borders in Europe and how they’re being transformed into political weapons.
A dispute about exports of Norway’s cheap power is partly behind the government breakdown. Elsewhere, Swedish Energy Minister Ebba Busch said she was “furious” with Germany in December as exports to Europe’s biggest economy caused higher prices for the Nordic nation. In France, the far-right party wants to stop free trading across borders altogether.
EU invests over €1.2 billion in cross-border infrastructure contributing to build our Energy Union and to boost competitiveness
February 1, 2025
The European Commission will allocate almost €1.25 billion in grants from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) to 41 cross-border energy infrastructure projects, which have obtained the status of Projects of Common interest and Projects of Mutual Interest (PCIs and PMIs) in 2024 under the Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E) policy framework.
This is the largest call for proposals under the current CEF Energy programme, both in terms of applications received and funding awarded and goes beyond the call’s initial indicative budget of €850 million. It is also the first call under the revised TEN-E Regulation which includes hydrogen and offshore electricity grid projects.
An Electricity Interstate for the United States
February 1, 2025
A mesh-connected national DC grid, called a SuperGrid, could move energy at low cost over the whole nation with active routing, moving electric energy from areas with an excess to areas with a shortfall. In addition, existing AC transmission lines can double their capacity by “reconductoring,” replacing traditional aluminum lines with advanced conductors.
Of the leading competitors for 21st-century primacy that low-cost energy can bring in the remainder of the 21st century, China is ahead and Europe is second. The U.S. could take the lead through an aggressive effort to build a national Electricity Interstate.
Ethiopia Targets 13,000 MW Electricity Generation by 2028
January 31, 2025
Ethiopia has set an ambitious goal to increase its electricity generation capacity to 13,000 megawatts by 2028, President Taye Atsek Selassie announced.
Speaking at the African Renewable Energy Summit in Tanzania, where former South African President Thabo Mbeki participated in a panel discussion, President Taye highlighted Ethiopia’s commitment to expanding regional access to electricity.
He emphasized that the country is working to boost power generation from renewable sources to meet growing energy demands. Ethiopia is also collaborating with 14 countries on a regional electricity connectivity plan.
Libya seeks Turkiye expertise to bolster renewable energy drive
January 28, 2025
Libya, home to vast oil reserves, is turning to renewable energy to meet rising electricity demand and plans to rely on strategic partner, Turkiye, for technological expertise and investment, Anadolu Agency reports.
With a population of about 7 million, Libya’s electricity demand has exceeded the capacity of its oil and gas-powered plants. The North African country aims to diversify its energy mix by increasing the share of renewable sources, particularly solar and wind.
Libya’s renewable energy strategy targets generating 4 gigawatts of capacity by 2035, accounting for 20 per cent of the country’s total energy portfolio. The ambitious plan capitalises on Libya’s abundant solar and wind resources, but international collaboration is crucial to realising these goals.
Nepal, India agree to build two power lines, upgrade three
January 27, 2025
Nepal and India have reached a new deal on construction, upgrade and investment modalities for five transmission lines at a time when 11,000 megawatts of energy from various hydro projects is in pipeline.
The 12th meeting of Joint Working Group on Power Sector Cooperation concluded in New Delhi on Wednesday finalized the investment modalities of two 400Kv cross-border transmission lines and agreed to expedite the three additional transmission lines for power augment, said Sandeep Dev, joint-secretary at Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation, who also led the Nepali side at the meeting.
“We have reached an agreement on investment modalities of 400Kv Inaruwa (Duhabi)-Purnia (Bihar) and Dodhara (Lamki)-Bareli (Uttar Pradesh) cross-border transmission lines through a joint venture involving entities of the two countries,” he told the Post.
Malaysia to become ASEAN’s RE hub
January 23, 2025
MALAYSIA needs to leverage its strategic position as the ASEAN Chairman in promoting investments in the grid and green energy infrastructure to become the regional renewable energy (RE) hub.
Gading Kencana Sdn Bhd MD Datuk Guntor Tobeng said with political stability and supported by clear energy-related policies and legislation, this country has an advantage in realising the vision.
He said, compared to other ASEAN countries, Malaysia has the advantage in attracting foreign RE investors in the quest to be a major player in the region.
“The only thing is, Malaysia needs to offer fiscal incentives such as tax exemptions to companies that develop projects that use green or low-carbon technology to be more competitive and better than other ASEAN partners,” he said in a statement.
“Malaysia should aim to become a RE hub in the region by 2050 with reduced carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.
EU supergrid at core of von der Leyen’s cheap energy plan
January 21, 2025
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told the World Economic Fourm on Tuesday that a modernised EU supergrid would be at the heart of an upcoming plan to bring down power prices.
A "new plan that we will present in February" aimed at reducing energy prices will "remove any remaining barriers to our Energy Union," von der Leyen told the Davos summit, stressing the need to "better connect our clean and low-carbon energy systems."
"Our competitiveness depends on getting back to low and stable energy prices."
Africa Energy Summit 2025: World Bank, AfDB lead mission to electrify 300 million Africans by 2030
January 20, 2025
The World Bank and African Development Bank (AfDB) have launched a transformative energy agenda at the Africa Energy Summit 2025, focusing on providing electricity access to 300 million Africans by 2030.
The Africa Energy Summit is scheduled to take place on January 27–28, 2025, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Observers say the summit will mark a historic step toward achieving universal energy access, with a goal to provide electricity to 300 million Africans by 2030 under the Mission 300 initiative.
MENA region’s photovoltaic (PV) solar energy capacity to exceed 180 GW by 2030
Januarey 17, 2025
There was substantial growth in the MENA region’s solar photovoltaic market in. 2024, according to the latest report from MESIA. The association’s “Solar Outlook Report 2025” provides an overview of the trends, innovations, technical advancements, challenges and opportunities of the region’s solar landscape. It projects that MENA’s photovoltaic solar capacity hit 24 GW (AC) in 2024, which would represent a 25% year-on-year increase.
The share of solar energy in the Middle East and North Africa’s (MENA) energy mix has grown significantly in recent years. Solar capacity in the region rose 23 percent in 2023 to 32 gigawatts (GW) and is projected to exceed the 180 GW peak by 2030. The latest Solar Outlook Report 2025 by the Middle East Solar Industry Association (MESIA) outlines the rapid growth of solar energy in the MENA region and the UAE’s key role in this transformation.
Italy, Albania, UAE sign deal for Adriatic energy link
January 14, 2025
Italy, Albania and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed on Wednesday a deal worth at least 1 billion euros ($1 billion) to build a subsea interconnection to import renewable energy across the Adriatic Sea.
The plan will strengthen the existing power interconnections "stretching 430 km along the Adriatic seabed, linking Italy to Montenegro and other Balkan regions... to make (them) more efficient and competitive," Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi.
UAE launches $6bn ‘world’s first' around-the-clock renewable energy facility
January 14, 2025
The UAE on Tuesday launched what it called the “world’s first” facility that can provide renewable energy at scale around the clock.
Abu Dhabi clean energy company Masdar will combine 5 gigawatts of solar capacity with 19 gigawatt hours of battery storage to produce 1 gigawatt of “uninterrupted clean power”, Dr Sultan Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and chairman of Masdar, said at Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week.
The project is being carried out in partnership with the Emirates Water and Electricity Company (Ewec).
Türkiye eyes tripling electricity interlinks with neighboring markets
January 13, 2025
Türkiye aims to triple its electricity interconnection with neighboring markets and also boost power exports to nearby regions, Energy and Natural Resources Minister Alparslan Bayraktar said Monday.
"Soon, we are going to continue to increase our supply to Syria," with the hope of contributing to stability in the region and the country, Bayraktar said at the 15th session of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Assembly in Abu Dhabi.
The country currently supplies electricity to Iraq, Bayraktar noted during the panel titled "Energy Transition Pathways in Emerging Economies."
Energy Ministry lists regional cooperation and power grid enhancement as Malaysia’s top priorities for Asean in 2025
January 13, 2025
The Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (PETRA) has identified two energy-related priority economic deliverables (PED) as key priorities under Malaysia’s ASEAN chairmanship in 2025.
They are the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2025, Phase 1: 2026-2030, and the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) Enhanced Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
“These two policy documents are crucial to ensure sustained cooperation among ASEAN member states in developing the energy sector toward supply security and energy sustainability in the region,” PETRA stated in a press release today.
Expanding ASEAN grid supply chains could mitigate critical transmission equipment shortages
January 11, 2025
In June 2024, the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) released a report on renewable energy supply chain opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region. The report highlighted the potential for countries to expand their focus beyond manufacturing solar panels and wind turbines when developing energy transition industries. It encouraged embracing a wider array of technologies and services to deliver clean electricity to the grid effectively.
Creating fully grid-integrated energy supply projects requires a wide array of complementary materials, components, and services that go beyond making solar panels or wind turbines. As IEEFA has reported, these “balance of system” elements can account for 55% to 80% of the total investment cost in a solar or wind project, thus representing attractive areas for localization.
Jordan, Egypt Discuss Strengthening Electrical Grid Connectivity, Cooperation
January 8, 2025
The National Electric Power Company (NEPCO) and the Egyptian Electricity Transmission (EETC) held a meeting on Wednesday to review the operational status of the electricity interconnection between the two countries and explore avenues for continued cooperation aimed at enhancing the reliability of the electrical systems in both nations.
Sofian Bataineh, Director General of NEPCO, led the Jordanian delegation, while the Egyptian delegation was headed by Mona Rizk, Chairperson of the EETC.
Bataineh emphasized that the ongoing collaboration between Jordan and Egypt serves as a model of effective regional partnership in the energy sector. Both nations reiterated their commitment to enhancing their electricity interconnection, reinforcing their shared objective of regional energy integration.
Singapore and Malaysia to study REC framework for cross-border electricity trade
January 8, 2025
Singapore and Malaysia are set to conduct a joint study to formulate a framework that will recognise Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) associated with cross-border electricity trade.
In a joint statement, Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry, and the Energy Market Authority said the framework is expected to fuel demand for cross-border electricity trading projects. This is then expected to boost investment to support the long-term viability of renewable energy projects in the region.
Building the Backbone of the Global Energy Transition: COP29’s Transmission Pledge
January 7, 2025
Although not explicit in the COP29 pledges, the nature of the transmission grid and the necessity of transporting bulk power long distances across borders and doing so cost-effectively and efficiently places considerable emphasis on HVDC technology.
However, while recognizing the need for infrastructure investment is an important first step, achieving the objectives becomes far more challenging considering the demand for HVDC equipment and the growing backlog of orders.
India Unveils $109 Billion Transmission Plan for Green Power
January 6, 2025
India’s power ministry unveiled a plan to revamp its power grid to accommodate a large renewable expansion through 2032.
The project, estimated to cost 9.15 trillion rupees ($109 billion), will help integrate 500 gigawatts of renewable power by the end of the decade, a more than two-fold increase from now, the ministry said in a statement on Monday.
Transmission constraints have emerged as a key obstacle for the growth of renewable energy the world over, with a spurt in demand causing delayed deliveries and surging prices of grid equipment.
Bulgaria and Hungary invest in two green corridors to Central Europe
Janaury 5, 2025
Recent discussions between Vladimir Malinov, Bulgaria’s Minister of Energy, and Péter Szijjártó, Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, mark a significant step in Europe’s energy strategy. The talks highlighted projects aimed at improving energy connectivity and diversifying supply sources.
Among the initiatives discussed, the creation of two green corridors through Bulgaria is a key priority. These routes will transport energy produced in the Caspian region to Central Europe. A feasibility study, including innovative solutions to strengthen infrastructure security and sustainability, was announced.
Hungary’s support for Bulgaria’s integration into the intergovernmental agreement on green corridors underscores the strategic importance of this partnership. This collaboration aims to reduce Europe’s energy dependency and facilitate the integration of renewable energy into the grid.
Ethiopia Expanding Power Export Network, Bolstering Regional Integration
January 3, 2025
Ethiopia is expanding its role as a regional energy powerhouse with electricity exports poised to significantly contribute to its economic growth and foster closer ties with neighboring nations.
Ethiopia, which is currently supplying power to Sudan, Kenya and Djibouti, is on the verge of commencing electricity export to Tanzania, a crucial step in its ambition to become a regional energy hub.
Ethiopian Electric Power CEO, Ashebir Balcha confirmed today that final grid testing for the Tanzania connection is underway.
Proper terms needed for successful cross border trade: Energy adviser
January 2, 2025
Power, energy and mineral resources adviser Fouzul Kabir Khan has called for proper terms and conditions during negotiations for successful cross border trade between Bangladesh and its neighboring countries.
The adviser made the call during an interview with Indian media outlet The Hindu Businessline, published today (1 January).
"Success of a cross-border trade largely depends on the terms decided. It is mostly good for the countries involved. We would like the cross-border trade to expand to Nepal, Bhutan, India and beyond," the adviser said.
"Countries and their political leaderships will realize that regional energy trade could be a win-win situation for all. This realisation will bring greater understanding as far as energy trade is concerned," the adviser added.
The Rivers Run Dry and the Lights Go Out: A Warming Nation’s Doom Loop
December 31, 2024
Ecuador has been pummeled by an extraordinary drought, exacerbated by global warming, that has engulfed much of South America, drying rivers and reservoirs and putting the country’s power grid on the brink of collapse.
Just a decade ago, the small, resource-rich nation of Ecuador was embarking on a bold transition to hydroelectric power.
But Ecuador is not alone. In recent years, abnormally dry weather in places around the globe has sent rivers to extreme lows, draining hydropower resources in places like Norway, Canada Turkey and even lush Costa Rica.
Africa: Rolling Out the Red Carpet for Africa's Mammoth Gathering
December 31, 2024
Ethiopia is actively participating in regional initiatives aimed at creating a unified electricity market. This endeavor involves harmonizing power regulations, strengthening grid infrastructure, and promoting cross-border energy trade.
Experts believe that a regionally integrated power grid will not only spur economic development but also contribute to climate change mitigation by encouraging the adoption of cleaner energy sources. Additionally, it is expected to enhance energy security, ensuring a more reliable and resilient power supply for all participating nations.
Ethiopia's leadership in regional power integration is seen as a significant step towards a more prosperous and interconnected East Africa. The nation's commitment to harnessing its energy resources for the benefit of the wider region is being hailed as a model for Pan-African cooperation.
Sunshine Gold dethrones Black Gold
December 28, 2024
For sunshine-consuming countries, solar energy provides significant economic benefits by lowering energy costs and enhancing energy security, reducing reliance on foreign oil.
To foster a win-win situation between sunshine-rich and non-sunshine countries, the global community must right now prioritize equitable collaboration in renewable energy development and trade. This would involve cross-border energy sharing through advanced grids and storage technologies, technology transfer, and joint R&D to adapt renewables to diverse climates. Establishing global green funds, fair carbon credit systems, and hybrid energy solutions can ensure financial and energy access equity.
In addition, international cooperation should be emphasized for fair revenue distribution, capacity building, and private sector engagement, alongside ethical resource management and community empowerment.
The $1 billion ‘electricity highway’ that allows Ethiopia and Kenya to share their power
December 19, 2024
Ethiopia produces all the power for its national grid from renewable sources, and is home to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, the largest hydropower plant in Africa. In Kenya, renewables account for around 90% of electricity, and the country boasts one of the largest geothermal facilities in the world, in the Olkaria Area.
But relying on renewables can be hard: electricity can’t always be generated when needed (a drought can mean no hydropower) and renewable energy is difficult to store. One solution? The Ethiopia-Kenya Electricity Highway.
Interconnectors are popular outside Africa, too, with a network of over 400 in Europe. A link between Spain and Morocco already connects the electricity supplies of Europe and Africa, and another – between Greece and Egypt – is currently under construction, with the aim of completion by 2029.
'Compelling case' to link America and Europe via transatlantic power cable
December 16, 2024
Linking the European and North American electricity grids through a subsea interconnector would help both continents achieve a more secure and efficient energy transition due to the uncorrelated peaks in power demand and wind and solar generation, finds a new paper.
Interconnectors are integral to the energy transition as means of sending power where it is needed, when it is needed, a task all the more difficult with renewable energy due to the variable nature of wind and solar generation.
Power demand and wind and solar generation spike at different times on both sides of the Atlantic, meaning that linking two continents could bring substantial benefits for energy transition, the study says.
Asia’s renewable energy path to global leadership
December 14, 2024
Today, Asia stands as both the world’s largest producer and consumer of energy, and is still relying heavily on coal and fossil fuels to power its sprawling megacities and industries.
Yet, the region now also boasts vast renewable energy resources, among them, solar in the deserts of India, wind along the coastlines of China, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan, and hydropower potential in Southeast Asia’s rivers.
Led by heavyweights like China, Japan and India, the timing could now be apt for Asia. The move towards global leadership though would not just be a response to the potential changing of US energy policies but, in reality, would be an essential move for a region that has to increasingly balance economic growth, environmental challenges and the preservation of an immense and unique natural biodiversity.
Transmission of green electricity from Malaysia to Singapore begins today
December 13, 2024
The first transmission of green electricity with a capacity of 50 megawatts (MW) from Malaysia to Singapore began on Friday, according to the Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (Petra).
Petra said the distribution followed the signing of the Renewable Energy Supply Agreement (Resa) between Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) and Sembcorp Power Pte Ltd on Dec 9, 2024.
“The cross-border supply of green electricity from Malaysia to Singapore is the result of a bid through the Energy Exchange Malaysia (ENEGEM) in June 2024, and part of Petra’s initiative under the Cross-Border Electricity Sales for Renewable Energy Scheme (CBES RE),” it said in a statement here on Friday.
CIS auction wins ensure South Australia will be first grid in world to reach 100 pct net wind and solar
December 11, 2024
Two key project wins in the first large scale generation tender under the Capacity Investment Scheme means that South Australia is now set to become the first gigawatt-scale grid in the world to reach 100 per cent “net” renewables, all through wind and solar.
The state currently leads the country, and the world, with an average share of more than 72 per cent renewables (all wind and solar) over the last 12 months, and has recently accelerated its target of reaching 100 per cent net renewables to 2027, rather than 2030 as first planned.
MENA’s Emergence as a Hub for Renewable Energy Supply Chains
December 11, 2024
The Middle East and North Africa will become one of the world’s foremost renewable energy producing regions and a hub for international renewable energy supply chains within the next 25 years.
Cross-border electricity interconnections form an offtake mechanism for renewable energy exports but are insufficient for creating robust renewable energy supply chains. The general lack of progress in the development of trans-Mediterranean interconnection for MENA renewable power exports to the wider European Union market stems from the lack of deliberate coordination between renewable power generation capacity and the construction of interconnections as offtake mechanisms.
Kenya and Tanzania to launch cross-border electricity transmission line
December 9, 2024
Kenya and Tanzania will inaugurate cross-border electricity trade next Wednesday, marking a milestone in regional energy cooperation.
The $309.26 million (Sh39.97 billion) transmission line, connecting the two nations, will officially go live on December 11, 2024, according to the Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (Ketraco) Managing Director John Mativo.
This collaboration positions Tanzania as Kenya's third electricity trade partner after Ethiopia and Uganda enhancing efforts to mitigate power shortages and blackouts in both countries.
ISA, USAID sign MoU to advance grid interconnections
December 8, 2024
The International Solar Alliance (ISA) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote more responsive and sustainable energy systems. This partnership aims to expand the use of renewable energy, strengthen energy interconnections across regions, and support the development of a unified grid to facilitate the large-scale transfer of clean power.
Under the MoU, USAID (which has 120 Member and Signatory countries) will work with ISA to establish and expand clean energy transmission networks. These efforts will focus on regions such as South Asia, the Persian Gulf, Southeast Asia, and Africa, promoting energy security, sustainability, and greater access to renewable energy across borders.
EAPP member states meet in Mombasa to advance talks on regional electricity market
December 7, 2024
NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec 6 – Cabinet Secretary for Energy and Petroleum Opiyo Wandayi has reiterated the need for strategic collaborations in advancing cross-border transmission and trade in energy among 13 member states ahead of the Eastern Africa Power Pool (EAPP) regional trade conference next week in Mombasa.
The conference, being spearheaded by EAPP in partnership with the World Bank and the government of Kenya, will also see the launch of a centralized regional power market and brings together regulators, utilities, international experts, development partners, and regional stakeholders.
Developing an efficient cross-border power market is anticipated to help with energy security, resource utilization, and the transition to sustainable energy systems, as well as boost countries in strengthening relationships and saving costs through shared resources.
From Grid Upgrades To Clean Energy, A Look At Malaysia's Journey To Net Zero 2050
December 6, 2024
Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) is committed to supporting Malaysia's energy transition goals, and plans to invest RM45 billion between 2025 and 2027 to upgrade the national power grid infrastructure
The national utility is gearing up for Regulatory Period 4 (RP4) from 2025 to 2027, preparing to support economic growth and meet increasing electricity demand.
RP4 aligns with the ASEAN Power Grid (APG), a multilateral initiative aimed at connecting the power grids of 10 ASEAN nations, enabling cross-border electricity trade in the region.
Energy Transition Roadmap: ASEAN’s focus on expanding interconnectivity and regional trade
December 5, 2024
With rapid industrialization and urbanization, ASEAN’s energy demand is expected to continue increasing. While the region depends on fossil fuels to meet the growing demand, it is focusing on a sustainable transition to low-carbon energy sources along with energy security and economic growth. Renewable energy sources (RES) account for over one-third of the region’s installed capacity, which is set to increase to over 39 per cent by 2025, surpassing the 35 per cent target for the year.
In the long run, ASEAN is expected to witness a significant transformation in its energy mix, with a heavy dependence on RES for power generation. By 2050, RES such as solar, wind and hydro will contribute 1,742 TWh, or 63 per cent of the energy mix, exceeding the domination of fossil fuels in 2005 (85.8 per cent of 510 TWh) and 2022 (71.2 per cent of 1,267 TWh).
Arab League Launches Pioneering Electricity Market Initiative
December 3, 2024
The Arab League has introduced the Arab Common Electricity Market, marking a significant step towards regional integration in electrical energy. The initiative, launched during a ministerial council meeting in Egypt, aims to enhance supply stability, reduce costs, and bolster investment in renewable energy across the Arab states, signaling a new era of regional collaboration in the field of electrical energy.
The announcement came during the 15th session of the Arab Ministerial Council for Electricity, held in Egypt's New Administrative Capital, which saw participation from ministers and delegations representing 22 Arab nations.
WAPP Chairman Reaffirms Commitment Towards Competitive Regional Electricity Market
December 2, 2024
The Chairman of the West African Power Pool (WAPP), Sule Ahmed-Abdulaziz has reaffirmed the commitment of member utilities to the organization’s vision of a Competitive Regional Electricity Market.
Ahmed-Abdulaziz, gave the assurance at the 19th session of the West African Power Pool General Assembly in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, themed: "Advancing the Regional Electricity Market”: Overcoming Barriers and Building a Resilient Competitive Power Market.
Abdulaziz underscored the critical role of WAPP in fostering regional energy security, highlighting the advancements in interconnection and synchronization efforts, bringing the region closer to a fully integrated electricity market.
$1.3 billion, 1000+km Ethiopia-Kenya green electricity grid adopts HVDC for transmissions
December 1, 2024
The electricity highway between Ethiopia and Kenya, officially opened in 2023 after more than 10 years of planning and construction, is redefining energy connectivity in East Africa. It is more than a piece of infrastructure, it is an economic and environmental entity, connecting not just power grids but nations and populations.
The total cost of US$1.26 billion was funded partly by US$338 million from the African Development Bank. The World Bank, the Agence française de développement, and the governments of the two countries concerned also contributed.
This vision of a shared energy future runs for 1,045 km between Wolayta-Sodo in Ethiopia and Suswa in Kenya. It enables both countries to pool resources, hydroelectricity from Ethiopia, and geothermal and wind power from Kenya. Regional Connectivity lies at the heart of the project.
Analysis: South Asian cross-border energy trade ignores climate risks
November 29, 2024
On 3 October, this cooperation achieved a major milestone. Bangladesh’s new regime signed a tripartite agreement to import 40 megawatts (MW) of hydropower from Nepal, via Indian territory. The hydropower potential of Nepal and Bhutan, estimated to be more than 100 gigawatts (GW), will strengthen this energy cooperation.
India had been the lone electricity trading partner for Nepal and Bhutan for decades. This agreement gives the landlocked nations an opportunity to sell their surplus, monsoon-generated hydropower beyond India for the first time.
However, climate impacts may become a complicating factor in energy trade among Bhutan, Bangladesh, India and Nepal. Experts suggest that this scramble for hydropower ignores the impact of climate change upon the Himalayan region.
Regional power connectivity could unlock Central Asia and the Caucasus’s high-potential renewable mix
November 28, 2024
Central Asia and the Caucasus benefit from a diversity in geography that provides a complementary profile of renewables – strong wind potential in the north, solar in the south and hydro in the east around the region’s two largest rivers. Sharing renewable electricity across the region via interconnectors would help balance supply and demand across different times and conditions to ensure a cheap, reliable supply of electricity.
The planned green energy corridors connecting Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Türkiye, and the EU could bring together these diverse renewable sources, delivering low-cost, sustainable power across borders.
North Plains Connector: A bipartisan solution to America’s energy grid challenges
November 26, 2024
The North Plains Connector project, which will connect the U.S. eastern and western electric grids, has emerged as a cornerstone for enhancing the resiliency and reliability of the U.S. electric grid and as a lynchpin for bipartisan cooperation.
With support from Republican governors in both states, and significant funding from the Biden administration, the initiative highlights the nation’s need for a robust energy infrastructure in an era of increasing demand and climate uncertainty.
The project is the first of its kind to connect three major electricity markets: the Western Electricity Coordinating Council, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, and the Southwest Power Pool.
Can ASEAN Power Renewable Energy Diplomacy?
November 25, 2024
Renewable energy diplomacy is vital in addressing internal and external challenges to the energy transition in Southeast Asia. Yet, a broader appreciation of the geopolitics of energy transition within ASEAN is sorely missing.
Fossil fuels have been central to Southeast Asia’s post-colonial nation-building and a key driver of global geopolitics in the last two centuries. The objective of contemporary energy diplomacy in the region is to secure fossil fuel supplies to meet national security goals. A new form of energy diplomacy is needed to drive the development of the ASEAN Power Grid (APG), utilise the region’s critical mineral resources, and address the compounding geopolitics of energy transition. Renewable energy diplomacy is thus the key catalyst for meeting national-level net-zero targets and limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Moldova's electricity market will be integrated into the European one. Who stands to gain?
November 24, 2024
Moldova's electricity market is set to integrate with the European energy market by the end of 2025. Speaking to IPN, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Energy, Constantin Borosan, highlighted that this development will bring significant benefits for both suppliers and consumers.
By the end of next year, the energy markets of all countries associated with the EU are expected to be coupled with the single European energy market. "This means that from Portugal to Moldova, Ukraine, and from Italy to Denmark, there will be one unified electricity market, operating with the same trading schedule and rules.
Georgian Economy Minister says regional cooperation “important” for ensuring energy sustainability
November 23, 2024
Georgian Economy Minister Levan Davitashvili on Friday told a panel session of the Istanbul Energy Forum, addressing pressing energy matters, regional cooperation was “important for ensuring energy sustainability and strengthening energy security”.
Davitashvili highlighted global energy challenges and the importance of regional cooperation in solving them, while also emphasising the development of cross-border transmission infrastructure and the promotion of energy trade between the countries.
Iran-Russia power grids link-up to boost regional electricity supplies: Minister
November 20, 2024
ranian Energy Minister Abbas Aliabadi says connecting the power networks of Russia and Iran would significantly increase the region's electricity supply capacity.
Abbas Aliabadi made the remarks in a meeting with the visiting Russian Energy Minister Sergei Tsivilev in Tehran on Tuesday.
The official described the meeting as crucial, noting that Russia is one of Iran's key neighbors.
Iran has established electrical connections with Türkiye, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, and Pakistan, he added.
'Regional power grid integration, a game changer for Nepal'
November 20, 2024
'Regional grid integration is a powerful tool for energy security, and leadership efforts in this area are inspiring. Commitments to achieving net-zero emissions by 2070 in the region align well with Nepal's hydropower potential, which can support these goals. By integrating grids, we ensure a reliable supply of renewable energy throughout the region, allowing countries to rely less on fossil fuels.'
The Butwal-Gorakhpur transmission project further demonstrates a balanced partnership model. Both Indian and Nepali stakeholders share investment and risks, making it a valuable model for future projects. Such collaborations are redefining how we structure cross-border projects, and we're keen to replicate this success with other initiatives, such as the Lamki-Bareilly line.
Slovakia will become part of European Regulated Electricity Market
November 19, 2024
As of 1 January 2025, Slovakia is expecting a major milestone; as our country will be actively connected to the transnational platforms MARI (Manually Activated Reserves Initiative) and PICASSO (Platform for the International Coordination of Automated Frequency Restoration and Stable System Operation). Therefore, the total price of electricity supply will also reflect the costs of balancing deviation and the purchase of regulatory electricity within these platforms. There is an ongoing controversy within the expert community as to whether the overall electricity prices for consumers will increase or decrease.
HVDC Grid Market Competitive Landscape Key Players and Strategies
November 18, 2024
As per the Market Research Future (MRFR)'s analysis, the Hvdc Grid Market is Projected to reach a market value of USD 5.01 billion while flourishing at a CAGR of 1.73% by 2032.
The HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) grid market is experiencing significant growth due to the increasing demand for efficient long-distance power transmission and the integration of renewable energy sources. Unlike traditional AC (Alternating Current) systems, HVDC technology offers higher efficiency and lower transmission losses, making it a preferred solution for large-scale power projects. This article explores the key factors driving the HVDC grid market, its technological advancements, applications, and future outlook.
'A bullet train for power': China's ultra-high-voltage electricity grid
November 16, 2024
The Xiangjiaba-Shanghai transmission link, which went into service in 2010, is one of China's first ultra-high-voltage (UHV) projects – a technology designed to deliver electricity over long distances. It spearheaded an era that would see the country build a vast network of UHV infrastructure, dubbed the "bullet trains for power", to send electricity generated from hydro and coal in remote regions to populous cities.
China now considers these huge power cables key to its rapid buildout of wind and solar power bases, which are concentrated in several far-flung regions. Countries such as the UK, India and Brazil have adopted similar strategies.
Tripartite power agreement between India, Bangladesh, Nepal could revive SAARC
November 16, 2024
Conventional wisdom says that cross-border renewable energy trade, while desirable, is problematic primarily because of a trend towards growing nationalism and associated geopolitical tensions. The tripartite power agreement between India, Banglasesh and Nepal may actually help restore strained political relationships.
This successful project according to political pundits could be the first initial step towards the revival of SAARC which so far continues to be defunct since India and Pakistan’s relationship went spirally down.
As the power begins to flow from Nepal to Bangladesh, facilitated by the Indian grid, this initiative sets a precedent for future projects aimed at building a more interconnected and resilient energy market in South Asia.
COP29: Saudi Arabia signs major green energy pact with Central Asian nations
November 14, 2024
Saudi Arabia has signed a joint executive program with Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan to strengthen collaboration on renewable energy development and transmission.
The deal was signed on the sidelines of the 29th UN Climate Summit in Baku by Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman and his counterparts from the three nations, according to a press statement.
The initiative aims to foster a strategic partnership to assess regional power grid interconnection projects centered on renewable power.
Saudi Arabia, a leader in Middle Eastern clean energy, aims to meet 50 percent of its power needs from renewable sources by 2030.
Azerbaijan Plans Caspian-Black Sea Energy Corridor
November 13, 2024
Azerbaijan next week will garner much of the attention of the climate tech world, and not just because it will host COP29, the United Nation’s giant annual climate change conference. The country is promoting a grand, multi-nation plan to generate renewable electricity in the Caucasus region and send it thousands of kilometers west, under the Black Sea, and into energy–hungry Europe.
The transcontinental connection would start with wind, solar, and hydropower generated in Azerbaijan and Georgia, and off-shore wind power generated in the Caspian Sea. Long-distance lines would carry up to 1.5 gigawatts of clean electricity to Anaklia, Georgia, at the east end of the Black Sea. An undersea cable would move the electricity across the Black Sea and deliver it to Constanta, Romania, where it could be distributed further into Europe.
U.S. electricity exports to Canada have increased since September 2023
November 13, 2024
Power transmission lines linking the United States and Canada are part of a complex and highly interconnected power system, with connections spanning from New England to the Pacific Northwest. Those connections help smooth the delivery of power within three of the four major interconnections in North America, and in turn they help ensure system reliability and access to economical sources of supply.
For the better part of two decades, Canada has exported significantly more electricity to the United States than it imported. However, in the fall of 2023, electricity trade between the two countries became more balanced. The shift was due partly to Canada’s reduced hydropower generation, the country’s primary source of electricity generation, as drought conditions reduced inflow to reservoirs in western Canada. In addition, lower natural gas prices in the United States reduced power prices, making U.S. electricity more competitive.
Turkey seeks World Bank funds to upgrade power grid
November 12, 2024
Turkey is in talks with the World Bank to access funding to strengthen and extend the country’s energy transmission grid, part of broader plans to quadruple renewable energy generation capacity and transition away from fossil fuel dependency.
The reinforced transmission network could also support Turkish plans to become a power exporter, building on existing international grid connections and allowing for new lines of supply.
In July, Turkey began transmissions via a 300 megawatt capacity link to Northern Iraq, with Turkish-generated electricity feeding into the Iraqi grid connecting three provinces.
Bridging Energy Frontiers: The U.S.-Mexico Energy Partnership Opportunity
November 12, 2024
The energy sectors in the U.S. and Mexico are vital to their economies, yet their challenges and opportunities vary significantly. While the U.S. leads in fossil fuel production and renewable energy innovations, Mexico's untapped renewable potential and reliance on imported natural gas present both hurdles and prospects.
Energy is the backbone of modern economies, shaping policies, investments, and sustainable infrastructure development. For business leaders, policymakers, and investors, a nuanced understanding of these dynamics is essential for informed decision-making.
The U.S. and Mexico share a history of energy collaboration, from natural gas exports to interconnected power grids. Expanding this partnership offers significant advantages:
Pakistan stymied SAARC centre in Islamabad, India to set up new hub in Bengaluru to boost BIMSTEC energy cooperation
November 11, 2024
New Delhi: Bengaluru India will soon have a centre to promote regional energy cooperation among India and six other countries in its neighborhood – emerging as an alternative to a similar institution, which was set up in Islamabad almost two decades ago but failed to live up to its promises due to obstructionist policies of Pakistan.
The ‘garden city’ will host the BIMSTEC Energy Centre (BEC), which will promote regional cooperation in the sector among India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Nepal and Thailand. The Government of India has signed the ‘host country agreement with the BIMSTEC secretariat, clearing the way for the centre to be set up in Bengaluru.
New Delhi wants the BEC in Bengaluru to boost regional energy cooperation – a task that the SAARC Energy Centre set up in Islamabad in March 2006 failed to accomplish in the past 18 years.
The Baltic States to Connect to European Electricity Grid
November 9, 2024
The synchronization of the Baltic states with the continental European grid will take place through the extension of the existing link between Lithuania and Poland, LitPol Link.
From February 8, 2025, the Baltic states’ electricity systems will operate independently and autonomously, synchronizing with the continental European electricity system, after an isolated operation test.
“We will also be able to independently manage the electricity system’s frequency, participate more actively in the EU’s common electricity market, and use the installed infrastructure to integrate more renewable energy generation into Lithuania’s system,” said Dainius Kreivys, Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania.
Australia and Asia, linked by the longest cable on Earth
November 9, 2024
The ambitious Sun Cable’s Australia-Asia PowerLink project involves constructing the most extended subsea power cable to link Australia and Asia for 4,300 km.
This massive infrastructure project is expected to revolutionize the way Singapore and other parts of Southeast Asia obtain renewable energy sources, making a much-needed bridge between the abundance of Australian solar and Singapore’s increasing energy needs.
Such development suggests the possibility of a global renewable energy grid where continents are connected, and countries can import and export renewable energy resources.
Expanding the Massive Benefits of a Decade of Western Grid Integration
November 8, 2024
The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) launched the Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) in November 2014, to more efficiently deliver power throughout the region.
The WEIM is a real-time electricity market that allows utilities and other wholesale market participants to buy and sell power close to the time electricity is generated. It’s the first regional market structure in the west – covering 80% of all electricity customer demand – and its pricing structure creates more sales opportunities for clean energy that otherwise might have been curtailed or gone to waste. It also improves reliability during stressed grid conditions, saves customers money by expanding the availability of lower-cost power, and has reduced regional greenhouse gas emissions by automatically finding lower-cost resources to meet real-time power needs.
ASEAN power links seen doubling at 18
November 5, 2024
Southeast Asia is on the brink of a major energy transformation, with plans for an extensive interconnection of electricity grids across the region.
The initiative, according to ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE) Executive Director Beni Suryadi, aims to connect 10 ASEAN member countries through 18 interconnections — nine of which are already operational.
The interconnection plan is designed to enhance energy capacity and facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid, making energy distribution more efficient and sustainable.
“There is a plan to enhance capacity and allow more renewable energy into the grid. Another one is still in the feasibility study for the possible cross-border connection, including the Borneo-Philippines route,” Suryadi told reporters.
Nepal completes 220kV Chilime-Trishuli transmission line
November 5, 2024
The 220kV Chilime-Trishuli transmission line project has been completed after seven years of construction. This crucial development in the energy sector is expected to open the doors to electricity trade with China.
The Chilime-Trishuli transmission line links two locations: Chilime, a small village close to the Chinese border in the north of Kathmandu in Rasuwa district, and Trishuli, a smaller town in Nuwakot district.
According to the Nepal Electricity Authority, this transmission line project is extremely important for Nepal because it will benefit electricity producers and facilitate power trading with the northern neighbour, China.
Ethiopia-Kenya Electricity highway’s potential to meet East Africa’s needs and supply energy to the neighbours and beyond
November 2, 2024
Businesses, households and local communities in East Africa are reaping benefits from the electricity highway between Ethiopia and Kenya.
According to the African Development Bank Group (AFDB), this project is more than just a piece of infrastructure; it is also an economic and environmental entity, connecting not just power grids but nations and populations.
Officially launched in 2023, after more than 10 years of planning and construction, the pioneering project has created jobs and brought significant economic benefits to the countries. It is defined as the pinnacle of the future, in which green energy drives better regional collaboration and sustainable growth.
The Role of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in Africa's Energy Sector
October 21, 2024
The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is set to play a transformative role in the development of Africa’s energy sector, providing the framework needed to enhance intra-African trade, attract investment, and boost regional energy integration.
One of the key benefits of the AfCFTA is the removal of trade barriers, including tariffs and customs delays, which have historically impeded the development of Africa’s energy infrastructure. By fostering cross-border energy trade, the agreement enables the free flow of renewable energy and natural gas across Africa, creating integrated energy markets that can help reduce energy costs, increase efficiency, and promote access to electricity in underserved regions.
GCC grid saves $3bln since 2009
October 30, 2024
The Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnection Authority announced that it has saved approximately USD 3 billion for member states over the past 14 years from 2009 to 2023. In a recent report, the authority affirmed that this interconnection project is one of the most significant infrastructure projects approved by the leaders of the GCC countries. It explained that the energy traded among member states amounts to five terawatt-hours. Savings achieved from reducing installed capacities reached USD 950 million, and reductions in operating costs resulted in savings of KD 180 million. Also, the economic value of the exchanged energy was estimated at USD 690 million.
The total economic savings from the electrical connection amounted to USD 20 billion. There were 2,700 support cases, and the total length of the electricity transmission lines reached 1,050 kilometers. There are nine high-voltage transmission stations spanning 400 kilometers, while underwater electricity transmission lines measure 100 kilometers. With the commencement of the Wafra project in Kuwait, the total length of the lines now stands at 1,372 kilometers.
Power integration crucial for Latin America
October 30, 2024
Latin America expects a significant increase in regional electricity integration in 2025, with countries from the Andean region starting the approval process to integrate their grids.
The four countries that form the Andean Community (CAN) — Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru — began working on integration seven years ago, finalizing agreements last May. The member countries have 24 months to incorporate commercial and regulatory rules to integrate grids into national legislation.
CAN secretary general Gonzalo Gutierrez said he was confident that the integrated system would be ready quickly. The next big piece — and one Gutierrez said is central to the region — is getting Chile to join the integrated system.
"The incorporation of Chile into the Andean integrated system is crucial," Gutierrez said at the annual meeting of the Latin American Energy Organization (Olade) in Asuncion, Paraguay.
Nersa approves cross-border electricity trading
October 30, 2024
Energy regulator Nersa on Tuesday approved four new electricity trading licenses in addition to the current six, as well as an import/export license that will allow licensee Greenco Power Services (Africa GreenCo) to trade electricity across country borders within the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP).
The SAPP has 12 member countries represented by their respective electric power utilities, which are organized through the Southern African Development Community.
The approval process, which started early last year, was surrounded by controversy earlier in July this year when Eskom - a South African electricity public utility - unexpectedly objected to the granting of the trading licenses despite failing to object to the approval of any of the licenses Nersa had granted before.
Nordic Power Market Revamps Pricing For Better Efficiency
October 29, 2024
On October 29, the Nordic power market adopted a new method for setting day-ahead electricity prices, aiming to enhance grid efficiency and unify costs across Nordic countries.
The Nordic power market's shift to flow-based market coupling is a strategy to streamline renewable energy integration and standardize electricity pricing. Covering 12 bidding zones across Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, that are interconnect via electricity transmission lines.
This method draws from successful practices in continental Europe, improving electricity flow by over 10%. As the north generates more wind energy and the south demands more power, this approach could harmonize prices: raising costs up north and lowering them down south.
Global smart grid offers solutions to climate change, biodiversity loss
October 28, 2024
A globally interconnected smart grid of renewable energy sources could offer a transformative solution in tackling the interconnected global challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss concurrently, according to a report from an international NGO in China.
The report was unveiled on the sidelines of the ongoing COP16 United Nations biodiversity conference in Cali, Colombia on Friday by Beijing-headquartered Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO).
The global energy interconnection is envisioned to be a globally interconnected smart grid with an ultrahigh voltage grid as the backbone, which could serve as a platform for development, deployment and utilization of clean energy worldwide.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative vital for expansion of trade and energy: Mansour
October 25, 2024
Acting Minister of Energy and Water Abdul Latif Mansour says the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) project is vital in expanding the scope of trade and energy export between Afghanistan and China.
Speaking at the third meeting of energy ministers of BRI in China on Wednesday, Mansour expressed hope that Afghanistan could join this intercontinental construction project.
He stated Afghanistan has significant untouched natural resources and efforts to coordinate Afghanistan's energy sector with China can unlock these resources for the benefit of both countries and support regional energy security.
Iran, Pakistan explore avenues of cross-border energy cooperation
October 25, 2024
In this meeting, Abbas Ali-Abadi and Sardar Awais Leghari discussed future collaboration, particularly focusing on the development of electricity projects in border regions, IRNA reported.
In this regard, Awais Leghari underscored the importance of cross-border energy projects in boosting connectivity and trade.
Exchanging views on the need for enhanced energy connectivity amongst the regional countries, both sides underlined the importance of strengthening energy cooperation in power plant operations and maintenance. They emphasized the need for regular coordination and communication.
Cambodia increases its electricity import capacity by over 50%
October 24, 2024
Cambodia is set to increase its electricity import capacity by more than 50% over the next two years, supported by energy agreements with Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand. This initiative aligns with the country’s broader efforts to diversify energy sources, improve energy security, and reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. The decision comes amid rising electricity demand and concerns about the reliability of national power generation, particularly in light of climate challenges affecting hydropower production.
One of the main drivers behind these electricity import agreements is the need for greater flexibility in Cambodia’s energy supply. Hydropower, which has been a major source of electricity for the country, is increasingly affected by climate change, leading to unpredictable output.
AAPowerLink: Singapore government grants conditional approval to import Australian solar
October 23, 2024
Renewable energy developer SunCable has today (22 October) received conditional approval from the Singaporean government’s Energy Market Authority (EMA) to import renewable energy generated from solar PV via the Australia-Asia PowerLink (AAPowerLink) interconnector.
The AAPowerLink project is set to deploy between 17GW and 20GW of solar capacity and between 36.42GWh and 42GWh of energy storage to connect Australia’s Northern Territory with Singapore via 4,300km of subsea cable and supply power to the territory’s capital, Darwin, and the surrounding region.
Once complete, it will be capable of delivering up to 15% of Singapore’s total electricity needs via a 2GW high-voltage direct current (HVDC) subsea cable, Sun Cable said.
S’pore’s demand for clean imported energy helps usher in a regional power grid
October 21, 2024
Singapore’s growing appetite for imported renewable energy will help to lay the groundwork for the development of a regional grid in South-east Asia, stimulating investments in renewable energy projects, and helping to grow the manufacturing sector to meet demand for solar panels and batteries.
Energy Market Authority (EMA) chief executive Puah Kok Keong said Singapore is willing to make the investments required to help the country tap renewable energy from its neighbours, which, in turn, forms the backbone of the Asean regional power grid.
Such a grid can improve interconnectedness within countries, and incentivise investments in domestic renewable projects, he added.
GLOBSEC’s Grid Transition Index 2024: Netherlands, Romania, and Poland Among Least Prepared for Green Energy Transition
October 18, 2024
Europe’s green energy revolution might be at risk, as a new GLOBSEC report reveals that some of the continent’s key economies, including the Netherlands, Poland and Romania, are among the least prepared for the green transition. The GLOBSEC Grid Transition Index 2024 ranks 35 European countries based on their readiness to support renewable energy, and the findings raise concerns about the future stability of Europe’s electricity grids.
The Netherlands, in particular, is in the spotlight, ranking 24th out of 25 assessed EU countries – just ahead of Estonia. Despite its ambitious renewable energy targets, the Dutch electricity grid remains one of the least prepared to handle the rising demand for clean energy, posing a serious threat to its decarbonization efforts.
The report reveals that without urgent investment, countries at the bottom of the ranking will struggle to support their renewable energy ambitions. These nations – including Estonia, Bulgaria, Poland, and Romania – face significant risks such as rising energy costs, delays in connecting new energy sources to the grid, and increased vulnerability to power outages.
Laos’ Megawatt Ambitions: Energising Regional Geopolitics
October 16, 2024
Landlocked in the heartland of mainland Southeast Asia, Laos has embarked on a grand vision to become the “Battery of Southeast Asia,” ensuring economic independence and providing the region with green energy. By leveraging its prime location along the Mekong to build hydropower dams, and exporting electricity to its neighbors, the government hopes to generate significant revenue to address its economic challenges, while shoring up regional energy security. To this end, the Laos government must walk a fine line between the demands of Chinese state-owned enterprises, who have bankrolled its projects, and potential pushback from its neighbors, who rely on a freely flowing Mekong, to achieve its vision.
New Agreement Boosts Prospects for Connected Grids in the Gulf
October 15, 2024
The October 9 agreement to finally connect Iraq to the Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnection Authority (GCCIA) marks a significant step toward greater energy integration in the region. Originally established to link the power grids of the six GCC states—Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE—the GCCIA has been gradually expanding its reach. Iraq’s inclusion in this regional grid highlights the growing importance of cross-border energy cooperation to address the rising electricity demands in the Gulf. Iraq’s existing energy ties with Iran, however, suggest that the region could be on the verge of an even more ambitious project: a Gulf-wide power grid that includes all eight Gulf states.
The agreement to connect Iraq to the GCCIA represents a turning point in the Gulf’s energy landscape, opening the door to broader regional cooperation. With regional diplomacy expanding between Iran and the Arab states of the Gulf, the possibility of integrating Iran into a Gulf-wide electricity grid becomes an increasingly tantalizing prospect.
SCO Summit In Pakistan: A Catalyst For Regional Economic Integration And Soft Power Elevation
October 15, 2024
The 23rd Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Pakistan marks a significant moment in the region’s geopolitical and economic landscape. As Pakistan prepares to host this event, it symbolizes more than just a meeting of member nations – it underscores Pakistan’s evolving role as a pivotal regional player. The summit is expected to not only pave the way for deeper economic integration across the Eurasian region but also provide an essential platform to bolster Pakistan’s soft power and diplomatic image.
The country’s proximity to energy-rich Central Asia makes it a natural transit route for pipelines and energy projects, a fact that has been recognized by China and Russia, who are key players in the region’s energy sector. A more integrated energy network could lower costs, improve access, and promote sustainable development across the region.
New dawn for Energy: ADB's vision for a sustainable Caspian Corridor
October 13, 2024
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has committed $225,000 from its Special Technical Assistance Fund to support the establishment of a "green energy corridor" across the Caspian Sea. This project represents a pivotal move toward enhancing energy cooperation between Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, fostering sustainable electricity trade that aligns with global environmental objectives.
Project Overview: Caspian Green Energy Transmission Line
Objective: To establish a sustainable energy corridor that facilitates the transmission of renewable energy from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Azerbaijan to European markets.
Liberia to Import 50 MW from Ghana
October 10, 2024
The Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) has taken significant steps to address the critical power supply challenges faced during Liberia’s dry season by advancing discussions to import 50 MW of electricity from Ghana.
At LEC’s request, key regional stakeholders involved in this potential transaction concluded a coordination meeting in the Ivorian capital, Abidjan, on Thursday, October 3, 2024.
The crucial meeting was coordinated by TRANSCO CLSG in collaboration with the World Bank and the West African Power Pool.
India-Nepal Power Transmission Line Nears Completion, Set To Boost Cross-Border Energy Exchange
October 3, 2024
Transmission lines are under construction to facilitate the supply of electricity between India and Nepal, enhancing energy cooperation between the two nations. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) is constructing a 400 kV capacity line from Gorakhpur to the Nepal border, while Nepal Vidyut Pradhikaran is building an 18 km stretch from the border to Butwal in Nepal.
The project, named the Gorakhpur-Butwal transmission line, is expected to be operational by next year, with the Indian segment spanning 94 km and costing ₹462 crore. This new transmission line will enable the flow of electricity from India to Nepal during the winter months, when Nepal's hydropower production is significantly reduced, and from Nepal to India during other seasons.
Offshore Wind Growth and HVDC Developments in the North Sea: Key Trends and Future Outlook
October 1, 2024
According to the European Commission Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP), there are ambitious plans to significantly increase cross-border transmission infrastructure across Europe. The objective is to achieve a high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) cross-border interconnection target of 23 GW by 2025. This expansion aims to enhance connectivity and facilitate greater energy exchange between countries. Looking further ahead, the plan outlines a more substantial increase, to expand the cross-border transmission capacity to 64 GW by 2030. This strategic development is intended to support the integration of renewable energy sources, improve grid resilience, and strengthen the overall efficiency of the European energy network.
Iran Proposes Connection of Power Grid of Russia, Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia
September 30, 2024
Iran's Minister of Energy stated that Iran intends to engage in electricity trade and transit by using the difference in temperature and horizon by connecting its electricity network to all countries with a common land border.
He suggested that Russia's electricity network be connected to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia through Iran, and in this way, reducing investment in the production sector, it would help the environment and expand security in the region.
Aliabadi added: Considering the huge energy resources available and also the significant transit role of these countries in the political geography of the world, this alliance can turn BRICS into a unique economic and political power.
AIIB session discusses ways to improve cross-border connectivity in Central Asia
September 28, 2024
The Ninth Annual Meeting of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) featured a session dedicated to “Best Practices for Resilient Cross-Border Connectivity in Central Asia.” This session brought together experts and stakeholders to discuss the critical aspects of transport and energy infrastructure development in a region known for its strategic importance as a bridge between Asia and Europe.
Central Asia serves as a crucial transportation and energy hub, yet its landlocked countries face significant challenges, including high transportation costs and fragmented electricity grids. These obstacles hinder economic integration and cooperation among nations.
“Improving infrastructure connectivity and promoting regional cooperation are central to AIIB’s mission and are vital for boosting competition, productivity, and growth in Asia, particularly in Central Asia,” stated Konstantin Limitovskiy.
Collaboration among states and stakeholders can accelerate transmission deployment
September 27, 2024
High-voltage power lines span borders across the U.S., with many grid operators overseeing multi-state regions and even single-state grids exchanging power with neighboring states. Given the interconnected nature of the electric grid, coordination between states on infrastructure deployment is essential to accelerating grid expansion. A collaborative approach among decision-makers and stakeholders—such as state and local officials, business leaders, consumer groups, and others—can yield significant benefits for the grid and the communities it serves. Federal policy should prioritize and support these efforts.
While multi-state coordination of transmission network expansion is inherently more complex than individual state-led infrastructure projects, regional and interregional network upgrades often yield significantly greater benefits than smaller, local lines.
Obstacles remain in Laos-S’pore regional power deal; crucial for electricity traded to be clean
September 25, 2024
Singapore on Sept 20 announced plans to double its electricity import capacity via a regional grid, in an extension of the landmark Laos-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore (LTMS) power integration project – which brought the Republic its first imports of clean energy.
This announcement, which comes after news that progress on the second phase of the LTMS project had stalled, may at first glance seem worth celebrating.
But closer scrutiny into the details of this development raises some important questions.
For one thing, the energy imported under this phase of the project is unlikely to come solely from renewable sources.
An independent governance needed for sucess of West African Power Pool
September 21, 2024
The West African Power Pool (WAPP) was established in 1999 by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to promote energy cooperation and integration among member states. Its primary goal is to enhance energy security and reliability through cross-border electricity trade and efficiently utilise the region's vast energy resources.
However, despite the noble vision, WAPP’s structure has been criticized as highly political, favoring state-owned enterprises (SOEs) over private-sector players. This imbalance in governance, which grants SOEs permanent board member status while private participants rotate on and off the board, stifles competition, discourages private sector investment, and undermines the broader goals of regional energy integration.
Singapore to double energy import capacity under regional power trade deal
September 20, 2024
SINGAPORE will boost its renewable energy import capacity to a maximum of 200 megawatts, thanks to enhancements to a cross-border multilateral trade deal.
The doubling in capacity was made possible by the introduction of multi-directional power trade, under which additional supply will come from Malaysia, said Singapore’s Energy Market Authority (EMA) and Keppel in a joint statement on Friday (Sep 20).
The cross-border energy trade deal was launched on Jun 23, 2022, and is the first collaboration among ASEAN member states on multilateral electricity trading of renewable energy.
The fate of India-Bangladesh connectivity projects
September 18, 2024
Given their geographic proximity and interlinkages, connectivity cooperation is a central tenet of the India-Bangladesh bilateral partnership. Sharing the world’s fifth-longest boundary (4,096 km), Bangladesh borders India’s Northeastern states and West Bengal. Connectivity cooperation between the bilateral partners is mutually beneficial. Surrounded by Indian territory on three sides, Bangladesh is often described as ‘India locked’, necessitating robust connectivity with India.
Energy cooperation is another cornerstone of the India-Bangladesh relationship. Notable initiatives include the India-Bangladesh Friendship Pipeline, which reduces diesel supply costs and mitigates power cuts in Bangladesh, and jointly developing the Maitree Thermal Power Plant in Bangladesh, to enhance power supply (see Table 1). Furthermore, under the Indo-Russian agreement to collaborate on atomic energy projects in third countries, India is assisting in the construction of Bangladesh's first nuclear power station in Rooppur, paving the way for Bangladesh's entry into the ‘nuclear club’.
Cyprus Backs Multi-billion 'Great Sea Interconnector' Subsea Electric Cable Link
September 18, 2024
Cyprus will support a multi-billion euro electric transmission cable linking the power grids of Europe to the Middle East, a source close to the matter said on Tuesday.
The so-called Great Sea Interconnector (GSI) seeks to link the transmission networks of Greece via Crete, Cyprus and eventually Israel in a project costing 2.4 billion euros ($2.7 billion). As far as Cyprus, the cable is estimated at 1.9 billion euros.
The government decided to support the project at a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said. The level of Cyprus's participation was unclear with the source saying that would be decided later.
Nepal, Bangladesh exchange views on energy cooperation
September 16, 2024
The ambassador of Bangladesh to Nepal, Salahuddin Noman Chowdhury, paid a courtesy call on Minister for Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Dipak Khadka on Sunday.
Mentioning about the 'abundant' potential for hydropower development in Nepal, the Minister said the meeting was meaningful in deepening the energy cooperation between the two countries amidst increasing energy needs in Bangladesh.
Minister Khadka expressed his confidence that an upcoming meeting among secretaries and joint secretaries of both countries will be fruitful as the meeting will see discussions and decisions on various significant issues including cooperation on large hydroelectric projects, agreement on cross-border transmission lines with the Indian side, and the initiation of electricity trade.
Israel sees Cyprus-Greece power link as key to regional security
September 12, 2024
Israel has placed high importance on the electrical interconnection project that will link its electricity grid with Cyprus and Greece, calling it a "top priority," Israeli Energy and Infrastructure Minister Eli Cohen announced.
The "Great Sea Interconnector" is a planned electricity cable that will connect Israel's power grid to the European Union via Cyprus and Greece. Cohen highlighted that the project would enhance energy security in the Eastern Mediterranean region by providing access to diversified energy markets and integrating Israel more closely into the European energy grid.
Power play: India’s energy diplomacy in the neighbourhood
September 12, 2024
An essential pillar in the Government of India’s (GoI) strategy for resilient energy supply chains is “nearshoring” energy supplies and greening the Indian grid. The GoI is pursuing these goals in tandem with the Neighborhood First policy, by building energy infrastructure across South Asia. New Delhi is building green energy infrastructure (hydel power plants and solar parks) in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka, and is connecting these countries’ national energy apparatus to India for exporting excess energy generated in these nations.
India's energy cooperation with its South Asian neighbors is a cornerstone of its foreign policy and energy security.
Empowering Nations:The India-Sri Lanka HVDC Connection
September 10, 2024
The India-Sri Lanka HVDC link is a proposed high voltage direct current interconnection aimed to enhance energy security and promote sustainable development for both nations. It facilitates the exchange of electricity, optimising the use of renewable energy resources, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, and strengthening the regional power grid’s resilience. This project is crucial as it supports economic growth and environmental sustainability in the region. Notice over the past 50 years the global energy landscape has evolved rapidly driving increased grid integration across territories and nations, and there is a global movement towards an ‘ecological civilisation’. This is a concept proposed by China followed by Europe and Africa which emphasises sustainable development and harmonious coexistence with nature.
ECOWAS, Member State-owned Media Organisations Tackle Misinformation To Strengthen Regional Integration
September 9, 2024
he Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission, in partnership with the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA), has met with Heads of government-owned broadcast stations from ECOWAS member states.
A statement on Monday said that the two-day meeting which held at the ECOWAS Headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria, focuses on enhancing media cooperation between the Commission and member states’-owned broadcast stations to improve information dissemination, combat misinformation, and promote regional integration across the West African subregion.
MED9 Summit To Focus On Streamlining Permitting For Cross-Border Energy And Offshore RES Projects
September 9, 2024
The Ministerial Summit on Energy, involving the nine Mediterranean countries of the European Union (MED9), is set to take place in Larnaca on September 23, 2024. The summit will focus on strengthening cooperation among member nations and establishing cohesive strategies on energy transition, energy security, and reducing electricity costs in the Mediterranean region.
The meeting will feature representatives from France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Croatia, Malta, Portugal, and Slovenia, along with officials from the European Commission and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
Cyprus And Egypt Explore Enhanced Energy Cooperation In Nicosia
September 7, 2024
In a significant step towards bolstering energy ties, Cyprus’ Minister of Energy, Trade, and Industry, Mr. Giorgos Papanastasiou, met with Egypt’s new Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Mr. Karim Badawi, in Nicosia today. The meeting marks Mr. Badawi’s first official visit to Cyprus, extending an invitation from Mr. Papanastasiou for a preliminary exchange of views between the two nations.
The discussions focused on recent international and regional developments in the energy sector. Both ministers highlighted the importance of strengthening cooperation to achieve the common goal of establishing a reliable energy corridor from the Eastern Mediterranean to Europe. This corridor aims to facilitate the transport of natural gas and green energy between the two regions.
Caucasus-Balkans partnership: Towards a cross-border energy network
September 5, 2024
Romania, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Hungary have embarked on a major project to build a submarine cable linking the Black Sea region to Europe.
This energy corridor aims to diversify sources of electricity supply while strengthening regional infrastructures.
The initiative, spearheaded by the Green Energy Corridor Power Company, was announced at a ministerial meeting in Bucharest, marking a significant step towards integrating the region’s power grids.
The project takes place against a backdrop of increased energy security in Europe, particularly in the face of geopolitical tensions.
It represents an opportunity to connect renewable energy sources in Azerbaijan and Georgia to European markets via Romania and Hungary.
According to the Romanian Energy Minister, Sebastian Burduja, this interconnection should support diversity of supply and enable greater flexibility of the European power grid.
Autonomous region an important link in nation's power transmission
September 4, 2024
Xinjiang, with its unique geographical advantages and abundant comprehensive energy resources, will increasingly highlight its position in China-Central Asia energy development and cooperation, according to the conference.
The autonomous region in Northwest China is one of the most important bases in the country's west-east power transmission program. It also serves as a major energy production base and ranks among the best in terms of solar and wind energy resources in China.
The integration of large-scale new energy represents an important demonstration in building a new type of power system with new energy as the mainstay in China.
Central Asian Republics Aim for $2 Billion in Bilateral Trade
September 4, 2024
Late August this year was a time for state visits, with Azerbaijan’s leader, Ilham Aliyev traveling to Uzbekistan, and Kazakstan’s president, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, visiting Tajikistan. The dominant theme of both trips was strengthening trade ties.
The visit’s outcome provided added momentum to an ambitious project involving Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to develop solar- and wind-generated electricity for export to Europe.
Following up on Tokayev’s visit, Kazakh and Tajik officials are discussing a deal under which Kazakhstan would import Tajik-generated electricity, the Ferghana News outlet reported August 29. Such an arrangement could provide a boost to Kazakhstan’s participation in its “green-power” consortium with Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan.
Indonesia Advances Supergrid Development To Boost Renewable Energy Integration
September 4, 2024
Indonesia is taking significant steps toward developing a supergrid to address the imbalance between renewable electricity supply and demand. The supergrid will connect renewable energy sources across islands, enhancing system reliability, increasing the renewable energy mix, and improving generation cost efficiency.
The supergrid development plan includes both intra-island and inter-island interconnections. Intra-island connections involve strengthening the transmission networks in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi, while inter-island connections will link major islands such as Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi.
Pan-Arab Electricity Market: A Unified Pricing Model to Boost Regional Power Trade
September 3, 2024
In a region historically known for its energy wealth, the Pan-Arab Electricity Market (PAEM) is taking significant strides toward integrating power systems across borders. This ambitious initiative, which has been in the works since the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 2017, seeks to transform the way electricity is traded between Arab nations. As the region grapples with challenges of limited cross-border electricity trade, the World Bank, in collaboration with the League of Arab States (LAS), has released a comprehensive report titled “Transmission Pricing Methodologies for use in the Pan-Arab Electricity Market.” This report proposes a groundbreaking framework to simplify and unify transmission pricing, aiming to unlock the full potential of regional electricity trade.
Atlantic SuperConnection: Laying the FID groundwork for subsea interconnector to ply UK with geothermal and hydroelectric electricity while doling out wind power to Iceland
As the rise in renewables and cleaner electricity, alongside national and global energy security pursuits, pushes the demand for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) interconnector cable sector offerings to new heights, plans have been set in motion to put the required funding in place to take a final investment decision (FID) on a subsea interconnector project between the UK and Iceland.
Atlantic SuperConnection (ASC) Energy, a subsidiary of Global Interconnection Group (GIG), is continuing to progress with its plan to develop a 1,794 MW (1.79 GW), 708 km interconnector, called Atlantic SuperConnection, which will enable a green energy link between Iceland and the UK, strengthening both countries’ security of energy supply.
Shetland Islands connects to the GB power grid
August 31, 2024
In what they are calling a ground-breaking achievement for clean energy in the UK, SSE has announced connection of the Shetland Islands to the GB electricity grid for the first time.
According to the Scottish energy company, the milestone comes with the completion of two major projects, including a 260km subsea transmission link between the islands and the mainland.
The subsea cable, an HVDC link, will transport electricity between the Shetland Islands and the GB mainland grid for the first time.
The second of the two projects is completion of the Viking Wind Farm, which is set to become the UK’s most productive onshore wind farm. Developed by SSE Renewables, the wind farm features 103 Vestas turbines, has an installed capacity of 443MW and is expected to produce around 1.8TWh of renewable electricity annually.
The completion of the Viking Wind Farm and the subsea transmission link represents a £1 billion ($1.3 billion) investment by SSE.
Indonesia Awaits License to Export Electricity to Singapore
August 29, 2024
Indonesia is currently seeking the Singaporean government’s green light before it can start exporting solar power to the city-state, according to a senior government official.
Rachmat Kaimuddin, an aide to senior minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, said Thursday that the sunny Indonesia had been in talks with Singapore to help power the neighboring country.
He added: “We plan to send the first electrons [to Singapore] in early 2028 or end of 2027. The power [developers] are still preparing the cable lines and [decide on the] plants first, among others. But what we are hoping for is that this project uses Indonesia-made solar modules, panels, and batteries.”
Balancing Energy Supply and Demand in Sub-Sharan Africa
August 27, 2024
A common misconception about electricity in sub-Saharan Africa is that there isn't enough to go around.
In reality, there is a stark mismatch between supply and demand. Some countries, like Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Uganda, produce far more power than they consume, resulting in excess electricity.
Unused electricity strains economies as generation companies pass on production costs of unused electricity to off-takers, primarily governments.
Interconnected electricity infrastructure and cross-border trade is essential to close power supply and demand gaps.
Power pools enable regions with lower energy costs to sell their surplus power to areas with higher costs, resulting in mutual benefit for all parties. Countries with abundant hydro, solar, and wind resources can finance, develop, and sell excess power to neighboring countries.
Sultan, Malaysian PM stress importance of Brunei-East Malaysia economic ties
August 26, 2024
His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam and the Malaysian Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim expressed the importance of enhancing closer economic collaboration between Brunei Darussalam and the Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak.
The leaders welcomed the progress made in realising the cross-border power interconnection project between Lumut, Kuala Belait and Tudan, Miri, which aims to ensure a steady supply of energy and also establishing opportunities for a bilateral power trade between ASEAN Member States.
Both leaders acknowledged the close cooperation and the potential for increased collaboration in the energy sector between Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia and welcomed future ventures that would benefit both countries.
India-Sri Lanka Power Generation Agreement
August 26, 2024
India and Sri Lanka have taken a significant step in strengthening their bilateral relations through the signing of an agreement focused on power generation. The deal aims to boost energy cooperation between the two neighboring countries, with a particular emphasis on renewable energy sources and grid connectivity. This agreement is seen as a milestone in regional collaboration, reflecting the mutual commitment of India and Sri Lanka to enhance energy security and promote sustainable development.
Both India and Sri Lanka are committed to increasing their share of clean energy in the power generation mix, and this agreement is expected to facilitate the development of wind, solar, and hydropower projects.
Reality check for cross-border RE
August 24, 2024
Just two months ago, Malaysia’s pilot auction for green electricity exports to Singapore closed with 100MW capacity set for the island state for one year from September.
To the surprise of many, the pilot saw a muted response. Industry participants point to three issues: obstacles in recognising green attributes of renewable energy (RE) procured from another country, pricing of RE sold from Malaysia, and the country’s packaging of this “product” called RE.
Meanwhile, Malaysia is also expected to launch the grid's third-party access (TPA) mechanism, dubbed CRESS or Corporate Renewable Energy Supply Scheme, next month.
This marks another real new market for the players who can plant up based on demand. This is unlike Malaysia’s green energy exports pilot, which remains centralised, where it uses capacity from existing RE plants contracted to Tenaga Nasional Bhd (KL:TENAGA).
Russian, Chinese govts support development of cross-border fuel and energy projects
August 23, 2024
The Russian and Chinese governments pledge to continue developing current cross-border fuel and energy projects and to work out new ones, a joint communique issued after the 29th regular meeting of the two countries' prime ministers said.
Russia and China plan to develop cooperation in new areas such as renewable energy sources, hydrogen energy, power storage and carbon markets.
In addition, they will promote trilateral contacts as part of the roadmap for advancing mid-term cooperation between Russia, China and Mongolia and will actively contribute to the implementation of key cooperation projects and the fulfillment of joint tasks as part of the program to create a Russia-Mongolia-China economic corridor.
Australia approves US$13.5 billion project to export solar power to Singapore
August 21, 2024
Australia said on Wednesday (Aug 21) it had given the go-ahead for a A$20 billion (US$13.5 billion) solar project that plans to ship energy from a giant solar farm in the country's north to Singapore through a 4,300km undersea cable.
Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek said SunCable's flagship Australia-Asia power link project would help meet the growing demand for renewable energy at home and abroad.
Plibersek said the vast solar farm would generate enough energy to power three million homes and would include panels, batteries and eventually, a cable linking Australia with Singapore.
"It will be the largest solar precinct in the world and heralds Australia as the world leader in green energy," she said.
A final investment decision is expected in 2027 with electricity supply to begin in the early 2030s, according to SunCable.
India raises imports of Nepal’s energy to nearly 1,000 MW
August 14, 2024
India approved a plan to import an additional 251 MW of electricity from Nepal on Monday, bringing the total imports to nearly 1,000 MW. Nepal now exports almost equal to what the country used to generate five years ago.
Observers see the development as a sign of strengthened ties between the neighbouring countries.
Last fiscal year, which ended in mid-July, Nepal became a net exporter of electricity. That means Nepal is selling more electricity than it buys.
The country’s power utility, Nepal Electricity Authority, said it exported 1.94 billion units of electricity, or more than 700 MW, worth Rs17.07 billion in the last fiscal year. During the dry season, Nepal imported 1.91 billion units of electricity worth Rs16.93 billion.
CREGI-RES Project: A Vision for the Caribbean Sustainable Energy
August 14, 2024
The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has conceived the Accelerated Sustainable Energy and Resilient Transition (ASERT) 2030 Framework. This is part of the CDB’s Energy Sector Policy and Strategy (ESPS) aimed to facilitate its leadership role in pursuing renewable energy projects. The CREGI-RES project (Caribbean Regional Electricity Grid Interconnection and Renewable Energy Scaling) stands as a transformative initiative composed to reshape the Caribbean’s energy landscape.
The CREGI-RES project promises to revamp how energy is produced, distributed, and consumed across the Caribbean islands. Besides, it aims to make the energy systems more sustainable and efficient.
A Ray of Hope in Nepal’s Energy Landscape
August 13, 2024
Nepal’s journey from being an energy-deficient nation to an emerging power surplus country within a decade is nothing short of remarkable. The report that Nepal's electricity production capacity has tripled to 3,157 MW, with an impressive 1,700 MW added in just the past three years, is a significant achievement that Nepal can showcase to the world. Nepal is often cited as the second-richest country in the world after Brazil in terms of hydropower potential.
Effective utilization and management of this resource are extremely important. This is where the significance of cross-country transmission lines and increased domestic consumption comes into play. While the construction of a Nepal-India cross-border transmission line under the grant assistance from the Millennium Challenge Corporation is currently underway, there are also discussions to build more transmission lines, including a Nepal-China cross-border tansmission line.
Central Asian Heads of State Consultative Meetings: Advancing interstate cooperation
August 10, 2024
The Azerbaijani President commended the cooperation in renewable energy. “Azerbaijan is keen on deepening its collaboration with Central Asian countries in renewable energy. The Memorandum of Cooperation on connecting the energy systems of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, signed in May of this year, represents the first step towards our cooperation in green energy.”
The "Memorandum of Cooperation on Integrating the Energy Systems of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan" represents a significant step towards regional energy integration and collaboration. This agreement aims to enhance cooperation among the three countries in the energy sector, focusing on the integration of their energy systems.
The memorandum outlines plans to integrate the energy systems of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. This integration is expected to facilitate the efficient exchange of energy resources, improve energy security, and optimize the use of available energy sources across the region.
A second loan agreement of 35mln Dinars was signed to establish a new interconnection station in Al-Wafra, Kuwait
August 9, 2024
The Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development signed a second loan agreement with the Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnection Authority worth 35 million Kuwaiti Dinars (equivalent to 112 million US Dollars) to contribute to financing the project to enhance the Gulf Electrical Interconnection System and connect it to the southern Iraq network.
The project involves the construction of a new interconnection station within the Gulf Interconnection System in the Al-Wafra area of Kuwait, covering an area of approximately 62,000 square meters. It also includes the extension of double-circuit overhead transmission lines of 400 kilovolts over approximately 255 kilometers to connect the new station to the Al-Fadhili conversion station in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Nepal-Bangladesh bilateral trade headed for uncertainty
August 8, 2024
Analysts have warned that the ongoing political turmoil in Bangladesh may disrupt Nepal's trade, including the signing of the first agreement to export electricity to the energy-hungry nation.
Nepal, India and Bangladesh were scheduled to sign the power trade agreement on July 28 to export 40MW of electricity to Bangladesh via India.
Bangladesh has been facing its worst political crisis since independence in 1971. On Monday, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned and fled amid massive anti-government protests.
“It’s more than 15 days since cargo trucks from Bangladesh have not moved. The containers ready to be dispatched from Nepal are on hold,” said Rajendra Sangraula, senior vice president of the Nepal Freight Forwarders Association. “There will be cargo movement until the situation returns to normal.”
Pasas Kharel, executive director of the South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment, said the electricity import might also be on hold for some time, but as it is their need, it will be continued.
How Armenia’s ‘Crossroads for Peace’ plan could transform the South Caucasus
August 8, 2024
Armenia’s “Crossroads for Peace” initiative, unveiled by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan at the Tbilisi Silk Road Forum in October 2023, is an ambitious regional transport proposal aimed at connecting Armenia with its neighboring countries—Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran, and Georgia. The initiative seeks to revitalize and develop crucial infrastructure—roads, railways, pipelines, cables, and electricity lines—to facilitate the flow of goods, energy, and people across these nations, connecting the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf to the Black Sea through easier and more efficient transportation links.
More direct routes through Central Asian and South Caucasus nations could diminish the value of the Eurasian Northern Corridor, aligning with US and European Union efforts to reduce dependencies on Russia. The development of the Trans-Caspian Corridor offers such a strategic alternative, diversifying energy supplies to Europe and enhancing trade connectivity between Asia and Europe, while bypassing Russian influence.
East African Power Market to start Trading by December 2024
August 1, 2024
Established in 2005, the East African Power Pool (EAPP) is a regional organization that aims to enhance regional power trade and increase access to reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity. It consists of ten member countries: Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.
The primary goal of the EAPP is to establish a regional power market, which will enable member countries to trade electricity with each other, leading to increased access to reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity. The establishment of the regional power market will also provide opportunities for member countries to develop their energy resources and export excess power to neighboring countries.
Scientist makes groundbreaking discovery while investigating 'super grid' that could revolutionize power access: 'Considering all possible cases'
August 1, 2024
Researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have proposed creating a "super grid" so that Caribbean islands aren't left in the dark during hurricanes.
While countries in the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have ramped up solar and wind generation, renewable electricity generation significantly drops when these islands get slammed by hurricanes.
They found that connecting the islands' electric grids alone was the least reliable since they're often in the paths of hurricanes. However, linking the U.S. and Carribean grids with South American power supplies could provide backup electricity if the U.S.-Carribean grid gets disconnected.
Six intercontinental power links that want to reshape the world of energy
July 31, 2024
The next generation of interconnectors will not be just international but intercontinental, with huge implications for renewable energy.
Interconnectors are integral to the energy transition, allowing variable wind and solar power to flow where it’s needed, when it’s needed. As an up to $40bn plan to link the European and North American grids is announced, Recharge looks at six proposed interconnectors that would link not just countries, but continents.
“Interconnectors are as vital to electric grids as motorways are to road transport networks and will be essential for countries to decarbonise their energy system while maintaining energy security,” said Ben Hertz-Shargel, global head of grid edge at energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie.
Interconnectors can also help make renewable energy projects cheaper, he said. A wind or solar farm can be built where it is windiest or sunniest, rather than in a less suitable location where power demand happens to be greatest.
They can also be built in countries with cheap and abundant land, rather than trying to squeeze them into more densely populated areas – all of which ultimately helps cut bills for consumers.
Sometimes an interconnector will be a one-way flow from a country with the potential to generate abundant and cheap renewable energy. On other occasions, electricity will flow both ways at different times of day, matching a peak in power generation in one time zone with a peak in power demand in another.
World Grid Project
Regional Energy Regulators Meet To Harmonize Cross-border Power Trade
July 31, 2024
The regional association of energy regulators for Eastern and Southern Africa (RAERESA) and it partners are gathered in Kigali-Rwanda for a validation workshop that would be a game changer in cross-border power trade.
The workshop that covers two days from July 30-31 is discussing deliverables of the consultancy assignment on regional harmonization of regulatory frameworks and tools for improved electricity regulation in The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).
The objective of the whole project that was financed by the African Development Bank at a tune of $ 1.5 million, is to promote cross-border power trading by advancing intra-regional harmonization of electricity regulations in the region.
Grid Enhancement: The Philippines’ focus on transmission and RES interconnection
July 30, 2024
The Philippines, an island country in Southeast Asia, lies in the western Pacific Ocean. It is an archipelago, consisting of more than 7,000 islands and islets, with Luzon being the largest island and Mindanao the second largest. The National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP), as the transmission network provider, is regulated by the Energy Regulatory Commission and plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliable transmission of electricity across the three main regional grids of Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao.
The NGCP has outlined an extensive plan to expand and modernise the transmission infrastructure across the Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao grids, including island interconnection projects, to meet the country’s increasing electricity demand and facilitate RES integration. The primary objectives include enhancing grid resilience and reliability, addressing congestion issues and enabling the interconnection of regional grids.
Cross-border electricity trade agreement among Nepal, India and Bangladesh halted
July 29, 2024
The tripartite agreement between Nepal, India and Bangladesh for cross-border electricity trade, which was scheduled to be inked on Sunday, has been halted.
Nabin Raj Singh, spokesperson for the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation (MoEWRI), informed that the scheduled agreement has been halted after authorities from Bangladesh expressed their inability to attend the tripartite meeting showing the student-led protests in Bangladesh. The recent deadly nation-wide protests against government job quotas claimed the lives of as many as 174 individuals in Bangladesh.
Earlier, Union Power Minister of India, Manohar Lal Khattar, and State Minister of the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources of Bangladesh, Nasrul Hamid, were scheduled to visit Nepal to ink the agreement. MoEWRI Spokesperson Singh said another date for signing the agreement will be fixed soon.
Integrating South Asia through the BBIN Corridor
July 26, 2024
Regional integration through connectivity enhancement in South Asia has been a continually evolving paradigm. Over the past 10 years, the Indian government has focused on enhancing transport connectivity and facilitating a cross-border energy trade in South Asia. A key initiative in India’s South Asian connectivity strategy is the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) multimodal corridor. The corridor aims to enhance trade, cross-border movement and people-to-people ties while linking landlocked Nepal and Bhutan to Indian and Bangladeshi ports. The corridor also envisages interconnected grids for regional energy security.
The Indian government’s initiatives in energy trade, regional transport and connectivity are works aimed at physically manifesting the corridor in the long-term scenario.
EU Awards More Study, Preparatory Grants for Cross-Border RE Projects
July 25, 2024
The European Commission has selected additional project studies and preparatory works for EUR 67.4 million ($73 million) in funding under the 2023 Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Energy call.
These studies and preparatory works involve planned cross-border wind, hydrogen and district heating projects in Estonia, Germany, Latvia, the Netherlands and Poland. The studies assess project feasibility or prepare projects for implementation, while some of these projects have been awarded CEF funding for construction works, according to a statement by the Commission’s European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency.
The CEF for Energy is a funding program implementing the EU’s Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E) Regulation, which aims to link state and regional power and natural gas infrastructure for integration into a single market.
Battery Storage Stands the Heat in California and the West
July 24, 2024
The benefits of CAISO’s foresight and storage investment have not just been isolated to California. Due to transformative expansion of integrated power market structures in the last several years, California was not only able to maintain clean, reliable power for itself, but offer extra power to neighboring states. CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) served as a crucial component in balancing supply and demand to other Western states that also experienced high heat. Thanks to the WEIM, CAISO was able to export 8,000 MW of energy on July 8 and 9, and even became a net exporter during several hours. This helped vital cooling resources and electricity for other uses stay online, all at lower climate and financial costs to customers throughout the West.
West Africa moves closer to unified electricity market with proposed grid code
July 24, 2024
The ECOWAS Regional Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERERA) is on the brink of a major breakthrough with the proposed regional grid code, aiming to unify the electricity market across West Africa.
This is seen as the key focus for engagement as ERERA’s 23rd Meeting of its Consultative Committees of Regulators and Operators comes off in Accra.
The proposed grid code seeks to harmonize rules governing the regional electricity market, focusing on system operation, market operation, system planning and connection rules. This comprehensive framework is designed to streamline operations and enhance efficiency across member states.
USTDA to aid in Bulgarian transmission expansion
July 23, 2024
Bulgaria’s state-owned electricity transmission company, Elektroenergien Sistemen Operator EAD (ESO), has signed an agreement with the US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) to advance new transmission infrastructure for cross-border export capacity.
According to the partners in a release, the new transmission infrastructure will ease the integration of new renewable energy sources and increase ESO’s capacity to export electricity to Bulgaria’s neighbours.
USTDA will provide grant funding for a feasibility study to assess the expansion of Bulgaria’s transmission grid, with the goal of increasing cross-border capacity by 2,000MW at each of its borders with Greece, North Macedonia, Romania and Türkiye.
India’s Power Grid Ranks Among World’s Largest Unified Systems: Economic Survey 2023-2024
July 22, 2024
ndia’s Power Grid, according to the Economic Survey 2023-24 presented by Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, Smt Nirmala Sitharaman, has emerged as one of the largest unified electricity grids globally. The survey highlights that India’s power transmission is consolidated into a single grid operating at a uniform frequency, capable of transferring 1,18,740 megawatts (MW) inter-regionally. As of March 31, 2024, the transmission infrastructure has expanded to include 4,85,544 circuit kilometers of transmission lines and a transformation capacity of 12,51,080 mega volt amp (MVA).
The Government of India has intensified efforts to bolster the sector in response to escalating electricity demand, which surged by 13 percent to 243 GW in FY24. Notably, the survey underscores substantial growth in electricity generation from renewable energy sources during FY23 and FY24.
July 19, 2024
Cross-border electricity trading (“CBET”) in South-East Asia has a long history, including bilateral arrangements and regional initiatives through the Association of South-East Asian Nations (“ASEAN”) and other regional bodies. Expanding these arrangements and working towards an ASEAN Power Grid could play an important role in increasing the resilience and efficiency of energy supply chains in the region and help governments achieve their carbon emission reduction goals. Australia has also identified a potential opportunity in supporting ASEAN’s energy transition through CBET. The ambitious Australia-Asia Power Link project by SunCable (an Australia renewable energy company) aims to export solar power from Australia to Singapore through subsea cable connections via Indonesian waters.
The Uneven Politics of Decarbonization in the Middle East and North Africa
July 17, 2020
Despite the distributed nature of renewables, they require certain production, storage and transportation technologies that often inhibit the redistribution of power away from wealthier states and multinational corporations. Mega wind parks, mega photovoltaic and concentrated solar power plants and green hydrogen all require significant investment costs that deter community-owned structures.
Lebanon’s solar boom has unfolded “as a hyper-individualized, privatized free-for-all shopping spree.” It exacerbates previously existing inequalities, between those who can afford installing a solar system on their rooftops, for instance, and those who are not homeowners to begin with.
Greece, the First Phases of a Mediterranean SuperGrid
July 17, 2024
A new project, with the contribution of European cohesion funds, will integrate Crete's electricity system with mainland Greece. The project represents the first phase of the "Great Sea Interconnector", a larger Mediterranean grid connection.
The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), according to the European Commission, pledged 250 million Euros to finance “the first stage of high-voltage electricity infrastructure between the island of Crete and the Attica region, located in mainland Greece.” Using cohesion funds, the ERDF will help finance the project through the “Transport Infrastructure, Environment and Sustainable Development” Operational Programme, which falls under the priority to achieve low carbon emissions in urban areas.
China, Kazakhstan make solid progress in economic, trade cooperation
July 15, 2024
Energy remains a crucial area of practical cooperation between China and Kazakhstan. The two countries continue to deepen their partnership in oil and natural gas while actively expanding into new energy sectors like wind and solar power.
Chinese automakers such as JAC Motors and Yutong have entered the Kazakh market, boosting the development of the local new energy vehicle industry. Major projects built by Chinese companies, including the Zhanatas wind farm, the Turgusun hydropower plant, and the Akmola wind farm, are playing a vital role in Kazakhstan's green development efforts.
"The successful collaboration between Kazakhstan and China in green energy have brought valuable technology and experience to Kazakhstan," said Kazakh economist Almas Chukin.
Revolutionizing Africa’s Energy Future: The SPLAT-CMP Model And The Continental Master Plan
July 12, 2024
The SPLAT(System Planning Test)-CMP model, an advanced framework developed by IRENA in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), represents a significant leap in continental power system planning for Africa. This model underpins the Africa Continental Master Plan (CMP) for electricity generation and transmission, a flagship project adopted by the African Union as part of its Agenda 2063. The CMP aims to create a unified African power grid by 2040, enhancing energy access, reliability, and sustainability across the continent.
The model’s power generation updates include a detailed representation of different technologies, from solar and wind to hydro and thermal power plants. It incorporates data from the AfREP-hydro database to model reservoir hydropower accurately, and it uses geospatial data to optimize the placement of solar PV, CSP, onshore wind, and offshore wind generation.
At UN, Pakistan pushes for concessional financing for clean energy
July 11, 2024
Pakistan has underscored the importance of stepping up progress towards sustainable energy goals at an event arranged by China and partners that focused on hastening the adoption of clean energy.
In his remarks at the session on, Global Energy Interconnectivity and Transition for SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), Ambassador Usman Jadoon, deputy permanent representative of Pakistan to the UN, pointed out that investments in sustainable infrastructure were not commensurate with the scale of the challenge the international community faces.
China , he said, has been a key partner for developing countries in achieving SDG-7, highlighting that under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, several energy projects have been undertaken, including the Karot Hydropower Project, Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park, and various Wind Power Projects.
Nepal, India expanding infrastructure for cross-border power trade
July 11, 2024
Cross-border electricity transmission lines with a combined capacity of 1,580 MW have been built and deployed for electricity trade between Nepal and India.
The voltage levels of these transmission lines range from 33 kV to 400 kV, with capacities from 45 MW to 800 MW. The 400 kV Dhalkebar-Muzaffarpur transmission line alone can transmit 800 MW of electricity, according to the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA).
NEA officials state that Nepal can immediately export up to 1,500 MW if India grants approval. Currently, NEA has permission to export 690 MW of hydropower to India. According to NEA officials, Nepal and India will have infrastructure to support transmission of 12,700 MW by 20230. Many transmission line projects are under different stages of construction.
Spotlight: Brazil’s regional energy integration initiatives
July 10, 2024
Brazil is acting to intensify energy integration with neighboring nations.
"Integration is a necessity for the survival of South American countries. We are aware that what we have done here is aimed at improving the quality of life of the people of Bolivia and the quality of life of the people of Brazil," Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said on Tuesday during a visit to the Andean country.
Brazil is negotiating the direct purchase of gas with Bolivia, which just became the newest member of the Mercosur trade bloc. The talks are aimed at preventing intermediation of federal oil firm Petrobras in order to reduce domestic fuel prices.
The agreements provide for the interconnection of the countries' electricity transmission and distribution systems, the possibility of supplying power from the Jirau hydroelectric plant (3,750MW) to Bolivia and the use of Bolivia's gas pipeline infrastructure to serve Brazil.
Iberian leaders agree to negotiate energy interconnections with France
July 5, 2024
Portugal and Spain have agreed to participate jointly in meetings with France on energy interconnections, arguing that the issue is a European one and not just one between the Iberian peninsula and France, the environment ministers announced on Wednesday.
This statement from the Portuguese and Spanish leaders follows a meeting between the two on various topics, including the environment, water management and energy.
“We have agreed to be present together at the negotiation meetings with France and to ask the European Commission that this is a European issue and not an issue of the Iberian Peninsula with France,” said the Portuguese Environment and Energy Minister Maria da Graça Carvalho at a joint conference with Ecological Transition Minister Teresa Ribera at the Environment Ministry for the environment in Lisbon.
Da Graça Carvalho, who met her Spanish counterpart for the third time in three months, argued that the issue of energy interconnection was also of great importance for the countries at the heart of Europe.
“We must further strengthen the cohesion of the "SCO family,” president of Uzbekistan
JULY 5, 2024
President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized the imperative of reinforcing unity within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) during the latest summit of the Council of Heads of State held in Astana.
“We must further strengthen the cohesion of the "SCO family," make the most of emerging opportunities, and consistently implement the principle of joint development,” the President of Uzbekistan voiced.
Addressing the assembly, President Mirziyoyev highlighted the pressing challenges confronting the SCO amidst a global landscape marked by unprecedented trust deficits. He stressed the importance of Uzbekistan's Samarkand initiative, advocating for enhanced cooperation in mutual security and development efforts.
The New Era of Clean Energy: Transcontinental Power Lines
June 29, 2024
It is the era of importing power from faraway lands.
A grandiose project to build a nearly 2,500-mile subsea power line would connect vast wind and solar farms in Morocco to the U.K., providing a reliable supply of electricity to meet a projected boom in demand.
The plan’s architect, Simon Morrish, said it is the U.K.’s best option for clean electricity. Morrish has secured early-stage investment and hired a seasoned team, but his vision faces long odds. He needs to coax subsidies from the U.K. government, raise tens of billions of dollars and secure crucial permits from countries that control the seabed. The plan involves building Scotland’s tallest building—a giant cable factory—and a special ship to lay the lines.
How Singapore’s Cross-Border Power Trade Can Catalyse a Greener ASEAN Power Grid
June 23, 2024
Expanding power trade in ASEAN will be key to meeting the region’s climate action pledges. Singapore can lead by showing that renewables are increasingly affordable, reliable, and a good return on investment domestically — and when traded regionally.
At COP28 in 2023, 125 countries agreed to triple renewable energy capacity by 2030 and double energy efficiency improvements. Half of ASEAN signed on to this pledge, but even countries that did not sign on have made national commitments to increase renewable energy and move to net-zero emissions. ASEAN power trade will be crucial to ensuring that these commitments are met. Singapore already has ongoing or recently signed electricity trade projects with six ASEAN countries — Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Indonesia — placing it at the forefront of regional power trade. Singapore can use its early mover advantage to establish standard approaches to green electricity trade and inspire positive change regionally.
Major power outage hits Balkan countries as region swelters in heatwave
June 22, 2024
A major hours-long power outage hit much of the Balkans on Friday as the southern European region sweltered in an early heatwave that sent temperatures soaring to more than 40C.
Montenegrin authorities said that an outage that lasted for several hours in the country's power distribution system left almost the entire nation without electricity. Similar problems were reported in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and the coastal part of Croatia.
Nada Pavićević, a spokeswoman for Montenegro's state power distribution company, described the outage as a “disturbance of regional proportion” and said authorities were still working to determine what happened.
Europe power trade pact beckons borderless market
June 22, 2024
Plans by five west European countries to overcome national boundaries and pool power capacity should help ward off blackouts and bring prices lower.
But with less than 10 percent of power in the bloc traded across national borders and with many parties like utilities, regulators and exchanges having to transform their operations, a single market is still a long way off.
An agreement on power market coupling was signed on June 6 by France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, the widest market accord to date. It followed a Franco-Belgian-Dutch deal last year and other projects are due before 2029.
National borders still create bottlenecks in the EU, which aims to harmonize its internal markets but is still bound by its past as a region of states with self-sufficient infrastructures.
Time for Greek-Turkish energy co-op in Aegean, East Med: Official
Juneteenth, 2024
The head of Greece’s official investment and trade promotion agency has said that "the time has come" for Türkiye and Greece to focus on energy cooperation in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean.
"Bearing in mind the historic cultural and trade ties between our countries along with the collaborations established within the framework of a positive agenda, I believe the time has come for Greece and Türkiye to take the next steps toward fostering energy cooperation in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Seas," Marinos Giannopoulos, the CEO of Enterprise Greece, said.
Ankara and Athens have over the recent months agreed to put aside decades-old disputes and focus on areas where they can find consensus. The list of items on the so-called positive agenda includes trade, energy, education and cultural ties.
Sweden rejects cross-border network project with Germany
June 17, 2024
The Swedish government recently rejected an application to build a new undersea power cable between Sweden and Germany. The project, dubbed Hansa PowerBridge, was to have a capacity of 700 megawatts and was intended to boost electricity exchanges between the two countries. According to Ebba Busch, Sweden’s Minister of Energy, the decision is based on the fact that the German electricity market is not efficient enough to guarantee beneficial integration for Sweden. Indeed, Busch pointed out that connecting southern Sweden, which suffers from a significant shortfall in electricity production, to Germany would risk driving up prices and increasing instability in the Swedish electricity market. This decision illustrates the challenges facing European countries in their quest for better integration of national power grids.
Pact signed to fund extension of GCC electricity interconnection system
June 16, 2024
Muscat: The Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnection Authority (GCCIA) and the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development have formalised the second financing agreement to advance the Gulf electrical interconnection system and its integration with the southern Iraqi grid.
This strategic investment aims to fortify the GCC electrical interconnection system and enhance its linkage with the southern Iraqi network.
This phase includes three major projects to enhance interconnections with Kuwait, the UAE, and Oman, in addition to the southern Iraq linkage, with total costs surpassing $1billion.
The authority aims to leverage additional transmission capacities to activate the GCC common electricity market, facilitating electricity trade within and beyond the Gulf, potentially generating economic benefits exceeding $20 billion over the next fifteen years.
EBRD to provide €45mln for Tunisia-Italy ELMED electricity interconnection project
June 15, 2024
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) announced on Friday that it is providing a €45 million financing package to Société Tunisienne de l’Electricité et du Gaz (STEG) for the construction of a 200-km electricity interconnector between Tunisia and Italy.
The package will assist STEG in financing the construction of the ELMED project, a 600 megawatts (MW) High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) submarine power cable connecting the Tunisian and Italian electricity transmission grids by 2028.
The €920 million ELMED will be implemented jointly by STEG, Tunisia’s state-owned national electricity and gas utility company and TERNA, the Italian transmission system operator.
Baltic States to Disconnect From Russian Electric Grid in Early 2025
June 12, 2024
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will disconnect their electrical grids from the Russian and Belarussian system (BRELL) in February next year, officials from the Baltic nations have confirmed.
“The desynchronization process, which has lasted for almost 20 years, will come to an end in early August when the Baltics inform Russia and Belarus that they do not want to be part of the new annual period starting next February,” Estonia’s Deputy Secretary for Energy Jaanus Uiga told national media on Tuesday.
The Baltic states will join the Continental European (UCTE) grid on Feb. 9, 2025, the day after disconnecting from BRELL. Desynchronisation was previously planned for the end of 2025.
Energy customers are not expected to be impacted by the switch.
Powering Progress: SASEC’s Transformative Energy Cooperation With Bangladesh – Analysis
June 11, 2024
Established in 2001, the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) program unites Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, and Sri Lanka in a collaborative partnership aimed at fostering regional prosperity, enhancing economic opportunities, and improving the quality of life for people in the subregion. The member countries of SASEC share a vision of increasing intraregional trade and cooperation within South Asia, while also enhancing connectivity and trade with Southeast Asia via Myanmar, the People’s Republic of China, and the global market.
The SASEC Operational Plan outlines the strategic objectives of this partnership, focusing on the four main sectors: transport, trade facilitation, energy, and economic corridor development. Notably, energy cooperation within SASEC encompasses a range of projects focused on improving electrical grid interconnections, expanding transmission capacities, and promoting renewable energy development.
Singapore partner with US and Vietnam to boost cross-border electricity trade
June 8, 2024
The Singapore Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), the US Department of Energy, and Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade have formed a team that will enhance cross-border electricity trade by attracting more renewable energy investments and studying the development of a regional subsea cable framework.
“This is the first such multilateral workstream among the three countries in promoting regional power interconnectivity, with the aim to establish regulatory frameworks, infrastructure, and a supportive ecosystem,” the MTI said.
The working group builds on the Vietnam-Singapore energy cooperation agreement signed in October 2022, and the ongoing Singapore-US feasibility study on regional energy connectivity aimed at accelerating the development of the ASEAN power grid.
Abnormally Dry Canada Taps U.S. Energy, Reversing Usual Flow
June 3, 2024
Energy experts say the United States also ought to add more such connections to Canada. That would allow, for example, solar farms in California to supply Canada when its dams don’t have enough water and for Canadian utilities to send more power south when they have an abundance.
“Most models suggest that a more interconnected grid is a better grid,” said Shelley Welton, a presidential distinguished professor at the University of Pennsylvania who helped write a recent report on electric grid reliability and governance. “I do think there is power in being interconnected across North America. We need scenario planning. We need long-term planning.”
A New Pathway to a Western Grid
June 1, 2024
Integrating the western grid by linking utilities in a broad electricity market will not only enhance reliability, but also provide the region with significant annual cost savings, increase opportunities to integrate more renewable energy resources, and allow more efficient use of the renewables currently available.
The full integration of the western grid would create such substantial benefits to customers across 11 states in the western region, including Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Each state in the West has varying energy resources mixes, population densities, electricity demand levels, and many more unique qualities. Harnessing that geographic and resource diversity under an integrated market is key to meeting our decarbonization goals, load growth needs, and reliability expectations.
SE Asia gas expansion threatens green transition: report
June 1, 2024
Southeast Asia is on track to vastly expand its gas-fired power plant and liquid natural gas import capacity, threatening its green energy transition, a report warned Thursday.
The region's existing plans project a doubling of gas-fired power capacity, and an 80 percent increase in LNG import capacity, said Global Energy Monitor (GEM), a US-based NGO.
The report warns that international finance is encouraging gas capacity expansion over renewables, in part by offering countries like Indonesia and Vietnam money to convert plants to LNG.
But the area already has enough large-scale solar and wind capacity in development to cover nearly two-thirds of the projected increase in energy demand by 2030, GEM added.
EU backs supergrid blueprint
May 31, 2024
The EU Council has approved a series of measures for an interconnected and resilient electricity network in Europe, to ensure energy security and achieve decarbonisation in the bloc.
Energy ministers stated the conclusions align with the growth of renewables and reflect the EU’s ambition to become more green, competitive and resilient in the energy sector.
They emphasised the need to roll out an EU Supergrid to incorporate more renewables, support electrification, stabilize prices and increase energy security, according to Belgian Minister for Energy Tinne Van der Straeten.
The EU aims to achieve a fully integrated, interconnected, and synchronised power system in Europe.
Harnessing Regional Potential By Facilitating Nepal-India-Bangladesh Hydropower Agreement
May 18, 2024
Countries like Nepal have a significant amount of water resources that can play a crucial role in meeting the energy needs of the South Asia region. Nepal, situated in the majestic Himalayas, showcases awe-inspiring peaks and a vast network of rivers that cascade down from these lofty heights. Nepal’s geographic advantage positions it as a natural powerhouse, with the potential to generate vast amounts of hydropower.
Recognizing the complementary nature of their energy needs, Nepal and Bangladesh have identified hydropower as a key area for collaboration. Though it may just be a minor start, the Nepal-Bangladesh power trade would be a major step towards sub-regional cooperation in the power sector—something that BIMSTEC and BBIN (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal) have been attempting for a number of years.
Jordan and Saudi Arabia Finalize Feasibility Studies for Electrical Interconnection
May 17, 2024
Amjad Rawashdeh, Director General of the National Electric Power Company, announced that Jordan and Saudi Arabia have finalized economic and technical feasibility studies for an electrical interconnection project between the two nations. He noted that draft agreements for the project are nearing completion.
In a press release, Rawashdeh, attending a workshop in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, for joint Arab market committees, emphasized the strategic significance of the interconnection project.
He highlighted its potential to integrate Saudi Arabia into the Gulf interconnection system, creating a nucleus for regional electrical energy exchange based on regulatory and legislative agreements currently under development.
Wind Focus in the in the continental power system masterplan
May 16, 2024
Demand for electricity in Africa is expected to more than triple by the year 2040, due to a variety of factors such as rapid industrialisation, migration to cities, rising household incomes, and effects of climate change. This will require a concerted effort to plan and coordinate power generation and transmission infrastructure on a continental scale. Besides, the creation of the African Single Electricity Market (AfSEM) - one of the largest electricity markets in the
world, covering a population of more than 1.3 billion – requires physical interconnection of Africa’s continental energy infrastructure.
This is why, in 2019, African energy ministers tasked the African Union Development Agency to lead the development of this interconnection – under a Continental Master Plan (CMP) for electricity generation and transmission.
Cameroon's Nachtigal Dam to Supply Electricity to Northern Regions and Chad by 2027
May 13, 2024
The government of Cameroon is planning to connect its southern and northern electrical grids to form a unified network by 2027. As part of this strategy, the energy produced by the Nachtigal Dam will soon be transmitted to the northern part of the country through the integration of the Southern Interconnected Network (SIN) and the Northern Interconnected Network (NIN).
This move, according to Water and Energy Minister Gaston Eloundou Essomba, will enable the country to have a unified grid, ensuring that the northern regions benefit from the power generated by facilities within the SIN. Eloundou Essomba emphasized the strategic importance of this unification during a ceremony marking the injection of the initial 60 megawatts from the Nachtigal Dam, located on the Sanaga River, about 65 kilometers northeast of Yaoundé. Combining these two networks into a unified system will enhance electricity distribution across the country, reducing regional disparities and bolstering the resilience of the national power grid.
Moreover, this unification will facilitate better integration of renewable energy sources into Cameroon's energy mix, with the Nachtigal Dam expected to provide "decarbonized, available, and cheaper" electricity, according to the Energy Minister.
Unlocking Clean Energy Potential: Southeast Asia Can Reach 17 TW Of Renewables-REPORT
May 13, 2024
Southeast Asia is on the cusp of a significant renewable energy transformation, according to a joint report by McKinsey & Company and the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) titled “Powering Progress in Southeast Asia’s Renewables Development.”
The report highlights the region’s vast potential for clean energy, boasting an estimated 16 terawatts (TW) of solar power and 1 TW of wind energy. Despite this potential, current non-firm renewable energy penetration sits at a mere 5% as of 2022.
The good news is there’s a clear path forward. The report outlines several opportunities to propel Southeast Asia’s renewable energy growth including
building a strong ecosystem that fosters collaboration between governments, businesses, and research institutions.
'Green energy' of Central Asia: how Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are changing the energy landscape of Europe
May 7, 2024
In the shadow of geopolitical storms, a new alliance is emerging that could transform Europe's energy landscape. Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, countries rich in natural resources and ambitious plans, are joining forces to export green energy to Europe.
Today, at a meeting in Tashkent, the ministers of economy and energy of these countries discussed the prospects for laying a main corridor through the territory of Azerbaijan, which will become a bridge through which "clean" electricity from solar and wind power plants in Central Asia will flow to homes and businesses in Europe.
They will lay an energy cable along the bottom of the Caspian Sea to facilitate the sale of green energy to Europe.
Bridging Borders: Case for interregional power connectivity
May 7, 2024
The idea of long-range grid connectivity is gaining traction in many parts of the world. Southeast Asian (SEA) countries have formed the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) to promote power trade and have set up the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) programme. In South Asia (SA), Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) are exchanging power through bilateral channels in power markets, and soon further through trilateral transactions via India. At the recent G20 conference held in India, regional cooperation was discussed, and the “One Sun, One World, One Grid” initiative was endorsed by all. Why do we need interregional connectivity? Building national grids is essential to meet domestic electricity demand, but connecting grids across countries and regions is essential to deliver low-cost renewable energy. Cross-border power trade can optimise generation costs and capacity, reduce fossil fuel consumption, air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions, and increase renewable energy share.
PLN introduces green super grid at Beijing renewable investment forum
May 5, 2024
PLN (Indonesian State Electric Company) has reiterated its commitment to achieving net-zero emission by 2060 at a forum of Chinese investors by showcasing its green energy-enabling transmission line, also known as the green super grid.
As Darmawan Prasodjo, CEO of the state-owned electricity company, revealed in his remote presentation on April 1 at the third China RE Invest Indonesia in Beijing, the green super grid is PLN's solution to solving the geographical mismatch between supply and demand for Indonesia's renewable energy.
Demand for renewable energy tends to be centralized in highly populated, urban regions, while renewable energy sources tend to be located in remote or relatively isolated regions.
Power line linking Kenya to southern Africa set for 2025
May 2, 2024
A key power line linking Kenya to Zambia through Tanzania is set for completion in November 2025, raising hope for cross-border electricity imports and exports among nations covered by the high-voltage grid.
The 507.5 kilometer, 400 kv (kilovolt) line line has an intended transfer capacity of 2,000 megawatts and is set to allow the two countries to sell excess electricity to one another besides tapping hydro-power from neighboring Ethiopia through a regional power pool.
Completion of the line will allow Kenya and other countries within the Eastern Africa Power Pool (EAPP) to sell and buy power from Southern Africa Power Pool (SAPP) countries which include South Africa, Tanzania, Angola, Mozambique, Lesotho, Eswatini, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Namibia, Botwsana, and the DRC.
Regional grids key to Singapore’s energy future
May 1, 2024
Singapore’s clean energy transition hinges on regional collaboration in power grids and diversified renewable energy imports.
As a small city-state constrained by limited renewable energy potential and land availability, Singapore is actively securing an energy-resilient future by reducing reliance on gas and aiming for more renewable energy imports. Due to its geographical reality, Singapore cannot rely on its domestic energy capabilities alone and must leverage the renewable energy potential of its larger and less resource-constrained neighbours.
Singapore aims to boost solar capacity to 2 GW and build up to 4 GW of interconnections to import clean electricity from neighbouring countries like Indonesia, Viet Nam and Cambodia, based on its 2030 Green Plan. As a result, the share of renewable generation will increase from around 4% in 2022 to 40% by 2035, highlighting the need for enhanced electricity system connectivity to integrate fast-growing renewable energy projects.
Geopolitics of Cross-Border Electricity Grids — A working paper
January 9, 2024
Can supply of electricity be used as an energy weapon? This question rises in importance as more countries deepen electrification of their economies and increasingly trade electricity across borders.
As the global energy transition takes hold, the growing deployment of low-carbon electric technologies will bring about a deep transformation of the global energy landscape that will have profound geopolitical implications. This transformation will alter relations between states, affecting the global distribution of power, and creating new vulnerabilities.
Yet, despite the growing importance of cross-border electricity flows, the geopolitical relevance of electricity trade has traditionally been understudied. Inquiry at the intersection of energy and geopolitics have mainly centered around the commerce of fossil fuels, which differ from electricity in several important ways.
Ribera: Spain has ‘enormous difficulties with France‘ on cross-border energy links
April 30, 2024
The Spanish Energy Minister, Teresa Ribera, says the French have been blocking projects to better connect the Iberian Peninsula to the European grid for years, calling it an absolute shame.
Ribera, well-connected among the EU’s pro-renewables countries, is eyeing the EU energy portfolio next term. Speaking to Handelsblatt in Berlin, she slammed the French government for blocking cross-border power lines.
The Iberian Peninsula is colloquially known as an ‘energy island’ for its limited wire and pipeline connections with the rest of Europe, known as ‘interconnectors’.
Building more power lines to France is a “top priority for us,” said Ribera.
A new economic partnership is emerging between Africa and the Gulf states
Apriul 29, 2024
The emerging economic relations between Africa and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) — namely the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman — are poised for significant growth, driven by mutual interests in diversification, investment and sustainable development. More pointedly, last year, companies in the GCC announced 73 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) projects in Africa worth more than $53 billion.
The growing Africa-GCC economic partnership, shaped by geographical proximity, is focused on addressing critical issues such as food security, the energy transition and infrastructure development.
Türkiye, Greece vow to boost energy cooperation
April 26, 2024
Turkish and Greek energy ministers pledged Thursday to strengthen bilateral cooperation during the first Greek-Turkish Energy Forum in Istanbul.
Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Minister Alparslan Bayraktar said that Türkiye is committed to increasing partnerships while welcoming intergovernmental cooperation as well as private sector collaboration.
“We are hopeful that this will be the beginning of a new era of opportunities between Türkiye and our neighbor Greece in the field of energy,” Bayraktar said in a video message.
He highlighted the important role that Türkiye plays in Europe’s energy security, part of which is maintaining national and international cooperation.
Study shows potential of super grids when hurricanes overshadow solar panels
April 26, 2024
Caribbean islands are starting to shift away from importing expensive fossil fuels, using instead their own abundant sun and wind to make electricity. However, their frequent hurricanes can put a damper on solar energy generation. Researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory developed a comprehensive modeling method to predict the drop in electricity generation better when these storm clouds overshadow solar panels.
The team explored ways to compensate for these energy losses with super grids, a collection of grids connected so electricity can flow across island chains or between continents.
Lead researcher Rodney Itiki said this kind of infrastructure planning is crucial to maintaining equitable access to electricity in the Caribbean's 12 island countries and the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Cross-border transmission across ASEAN
April 24, 2024
Cross-border power projects and the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) are gaining prominence as a multifaceted solution to address the region’s pressing energy needs. Driven by a convergence of economic, environmental, technological, and political forces, they hold the promise of enhancing energy security, ensuring affordability, and fostering sustainability across ASEAN member states.
However, the APG, first proposed nearly three decades ago, has made limited progress. Could we now be witnessing a turning point? This article dives into the latest developments surrounding cross-border power projects and the APG, shedding light on the challenges – both historical and future – that these transformative endeavours face in shaping ASEAN’s energy landscape.
Towards Prosperity: Revisiting The Significance Of Subregional Cooperation Among BBIN Nations – OpEd
April 22, 2024
Recently, the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh, Dr. Hasan Mahmud, requested the ambassador of Bhutan to consider rejoining the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) initiative emphasizing its significance for sub-regional cooperation in connectivity and proposing collaborations in various sectors.
The Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal (BBIN) Initiative, epitomizing subregional cooperative framework within Eastern South Asia, emerged following the signing of the landmark Motor Vehicles Agreement (MVA) in Thimphu on June 15, 2015, with the objective of facilitating seamless cross-border movement of goods and people, thereby fostering regional integration and economic development.
India finally okays use of grid for Bangladesh
April 21, 2024
Following long-time planning, Bangladesh is finally on the verge of starting the process of importing 40 megawatts (MW) of hydroelectricity from Nepal, after facing prolonged delays primarily due to the wait to get India's full permission to use its grid.
With all preparations now complete, Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) has confirmed that approval from India has been secured. A contract in this regard is expected to be finalized in the first phase this month.
According to Power Division sources, the unused capacity at the High Voltage Direct Current (HVC) substation, located on the border, will be leveraged to incorporate Nepal's hydroelectricity into the Indian grid.
Attica-Crete leg of Mediterranean super grid due mid 2025
April 21, 2024
Linking solar-rich Middle Eastern countries with European nations that generate significant energy from wind could benefit both regions.
There is great imagination in Greece’s interconnection strategy. Recent announcements about plans to connect the Greek grid with networks in Saudi Arabia, Austria, and Germany demonstrate huge ambition. Moreover, in recent years, the country has been steadily working to link with Cyprus, Israel, and Egypt.
The idea of an electricity interconnection running from Saudi Arabia to Greece was first expressed publicly in July 2022, during a state visit by Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Bin Salman told Greek officials at the time that by linking the electricity grids of the two countries, “we can provide Greece and southwest Europe, through Greece, with much cheaper renewable energy.” He added that the two countries are working on hydrogen and that Greece can function as a hydrogen hub for Europe. “That’s a game changer for both of us,” he said.
Tackling Afghanistan's energy crisis: OSCE outlines regional cooperation path for Central Asia
April 20, 2024
Amidst Afghanistan's energy crisis, regional cooperation emerges as a crucial avenue for addressing shared challenges and harnessing mutual benefits. Initiatives like the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline and the Central Asia-South Asia power transmission line (CASA-1000) highlight the potential for cross-border energy trade and infrastructure development. However, security concerns, funding gaps, and geopolitical tensions pose significant obstacles to realizing these projects.
Afghanistan boasts substantial untapped energy and mineral resources, including natural gas, oil, coal, and renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower. Despite this potential, the country faces significant hurdles in harnessing these resources due to underinvestment, lack of infrastructure, and security concerns. Importantly, Afghanistan relies heavily on imported electricity, with Central Asian countries like Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan being major suppliers.
Asean could save up to US$800 billion on decarbonisation costs through fully interconnected grid, study shows
April 18, 2024
Countries in Southeast Asia could save up to US$800 billion from their collective decarbonisation costs if they fully collaborate on building a regional power grid, including hydrogen pipelines, according to new research by energy expert and assurance provider DNV.
The report, published on Tuesday, found that “unconstrained sharing of resources” between Asean countries through power grid interconnectors and hydrogen networks would lower the cost of decarbonisation by approximately 11 per cent compared to a scenario in which countries tried to fully decarbonise using only their own resources.
A fully interconnected grid would require an additional 3.75 million kilometres of additional electrical infrastructure, but reduce the need for up to 600 gigawatts (GW) of installed solar capacity and 1.2 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electrical storage, said DNV. It would also lead to a 13 per cent reduction in the spatial footprint needed for Asean’s energy transition, their research found.
Africa Pushing Limits To Boost Renewable Energy Supply Chain, Security Access
April 18, 2024
Investors, regulators, researchers, policymakers, and representatives of renewable energy companies, acknowledged the key challenges of shifting away from fossil fuels to renewable energy in Africa when they gathered in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) this week.
The latest estimates by the African Development Bank show that Africa’s energy potential, especially renewable energy, is enormous, yet only a fraction of it is currently employed. The latest estimates show that Africa accounts for around 39 percent of the world’s renewable energy potential. Official projections indicate that the demand for energy could also be around 30 percent higher than it is today over the next decade on the continent.
Amani Abou-Zeid, the Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy of the African Union Commission (AUC) told IPS that a cross-border approach is critical for participating countries in the transition to clean energy affordability.
Azerbaijan to play an important role in regional integration with green energy corridor - Minister
April 17, 2024
Minister of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Parviz Shahbazov spoke at the High-Level Plenary Session on Tripling of Renewables, within the framework of the 14th session of the IRENA Assembly in Abu Dhabi, Ministry of Energy told APA.
During the speech, Azerbaijan's joining the Global Promise on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency was assessed in the context of the country's commitment to the green energy transition. It was also noted that COP29 provided an opportunity to advance achievements in developing renewable energy in Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan will be a country contributing to the increase of recovered energy potential by 2030 at the national and regional levels, the minister spoke about the projects related to the supply of green energy which is a significant component of energy partnership with the European Union. It was mentioned that within the regional context, the tripling increase in renewable energy holds strategic importance. The Caspian-Black Sea-Europe green energy corridor, whose technical and economic rationale will be ready by the end of the year, will transform Azerbaijan into one of the leading countries in regional integration in the field of renewable energy.
Asean states may differ in approach to South China Sea spat, but all are seeking peace
April 17, 2024
Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan said Singapore hopes to see claimants in the South China Sea settle the dispute peacefully, adding that Asean nations may differ in their approach to the issue but remain united in seeking peace in the region.
Dr Balakrishnan said the Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore Power Integration Project shows that it is possible to have cross-border energy trade cooperation among Asean countries.
“In this part of the world, the connection between the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei is another critical pillar. And if you put these two networks together, you, in fact, get the beginning of a very significant Asean power grid,” he said.
He noted that the Philippines is chair of the Asean Power Grid Consultative Committee, adding that “we look forward to working closely with the Philippines to make the Asean power grid a reality”.
April 15, 2024
In line with Malaysia’s energy transition aspiration and commitment to support regional power integration via the ASEAN Power Grid Initiative, the government of Malaysia has agreed to establish Energy Exchange Malaysia (ENEGEM) for cross-border green electricity sales to neighboring countries.
The cross-border sales of energy through the ENEGEM platform will be implemented based on the latest “Guide for Cross-Border Electricity Sales (CBES)” issued by the Energy Commission, The Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (PETRA).
PETRA is also inviting interested and eligible party to participate in the inaugural auction for the purchase of green electricity from Malaysia’s Electricity supply system to be supplied to Singapore via the ENEGEM Platform.
The auctioning process for cross border sales of green electricity will commenced with a 100 megawatts (MW) pilot run, utilizing the existing interconnection between Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia.
ACER alerts European Parliament and Commission of pressing need for power grid operators to maximise the electricity transmission capacity they make available for cross-border trading
April 13, 2024
The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) released its Opinion, addressed to the European Parliament and European Commission, highlighting the urgency for Transmission System Operators (TSOs) to meet their obligation of making 70% of transmission capacity available for cross-border electricity trading by the end of 2025. The urgency relates to the approaching legal deadline and the delays with many of the necessary steps to reach the 70% transmission capacity rule that is needed to achieve the ambitious political objectives set for renewable generation. The ACER opinion makes clear that without significant uptake in progress on the “70% rule”, such ambitions will be hard to achieve.
Transmission capacity is essential for cross-border trade of electricity, as it connects supply and demand. TSOs delivering maximal transmission capacity to trade electricity is therefore an essential condition to achieving the ambitious political objectives set for renewable generation.
A Just Transition Approach to the ASEAN Power Grid
April 12, 2024
The ASEAN Power Grid (APG) aims to integrate the electricity systems of Southeast Asian countries through cross-border interconnections. As of this time of writing, eight out of 18 key interconnections proposed under the APG have been completed, bringing cross-border transmission capacity to 7,720 MW.
Examining linkages between justice and interconnections is important, as cross-border energy infrastructures are double-edged swords. Regional grids and pipelines facilitate energy trade, enhance economic development, increase electricity access and enhance the stability of energy systems, but multiple cross-border energy projects have also devastated communities and the environment, facilitated collusion between state actors and corporations and instigated political conflicts and instability.
The Battery of Southeast Asia: Challenges to Building a Regional Transmission Grid
April 9, 2024
Southeast Asian nations face immense pressure to develop renewable energy as they balance economic growth with goals of net-zero emissions (NZE) by 2050 under the Paris Agreement. While ASEAN has identified hydropower exports from Laos through an integrated regional transmission grid as a way to balance growth with reduced emissions, this strategy overlooks the significant environmental impacts of large dams. To truly achieve sustainable energy security, ASEAN must facilitate a diverse renewable energy mix beyond hydropower dependence and foster transboundary cooperation – especially with upstream power China – through strengthened regional governance mechanisms. On the other hand, the U.S. has strategic interests in promoting a just energy transition in this globally vital region through increased investment and technical capacity building.
Investors urged to support Kingdom’s energy goals
April 3, 2024
Cambodia yesterday welcomed strategic partnerships and investments from across the region to achieve its targets of 70 percent installed renewable energy capacity and a 19 percent decrease in Total Final Energy Consumption (TFEC).
Underpinning its commitment to regional collaboration, the Ministry of Mines and Energy has been actively engaging in regional dialogues on power trade within The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). “Since taking over my ministerial role, I have consistently engaged with like-minded partners to continue strengthening cross-border grid interconnections and make the ASEAN power grid a reality,” said Cambodia’s Minister of Mines and Energy Keo Rottanak.
Bangladesh’s Pursuit To Import Hydroelectricity From Bhutan: Bolstering Bilateral Energy Ties – Analysis
March 30, 2024
In a meeting with King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, Bangladesh’s Foreign Minister Hasan Mahmud expressed Bangladesh’s interest in importing electricity from Bhutan, mentioning ongoing discussions about the potential import of hydropower from Bhutan and the anticipated cooperation of India in the process.
To comprehend the characteristics of importing energy from Bhutan, it is essential to grasp the nature of energy cooperation between India and Bhutan. The energy collaboration between these two nations is deeply rooted in a longstanding and mutually beneficial partnership, primarily centered around hydroelectric power.
Israel, Cyprus move forward on construction of underwater electric cable
March 29, 2024
Israel's Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, Eli Cohen, met Wednesday with the Minister of Energy, Trade and Industry of Cyprus, George Papenstasio. During the meeting, it was agreed that the construction of the underwater electric cable that will connect Israel to Cyprus and from there, reach Europe, will be promoted as a high priority.
The ministers toured the Reading Power Station in Tel Aviv together with the Director General of the Ministry of Energy Yossi Dayan, the Chairman of the Electricity Authority, Amir Shavit and other professionals from the Ministry and the Electricity Authority, in order to examine the possibility of establishing the underwater connection at the site. In addition, they agreed to strengthen the regional alliance between the countries and to continue and promote joint projects in the fields of energy.
'Unprecedented opportunities to strengthen beneficial clean energy India-Bhutan partnership'
March 24, 2024
India and Bhutan on Friday agreed that there are "unprecedented opportunities" to further strengthen mutually beneficial bilateral clean energy partnership, including through the development of new energy projects and trade in electricity.
This was spelt out in a 'Joint Vision Statement on India - Bhutan Energy Partnership' issued on the day Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in the Himalayan nation on a two-day State visit.
"India and Bhutan share an exemplary bilateral relationship characterised by trust, goodwill and mutual understanding at all levels, strong bonds of friendship and close people-to-people contacts," it said.
Hitachi Energy to accelerate introduction of HVDC technology with Grid United for transmission projects to strengthen US power grid
March 20, 2024
Today at CERAWeek, Hitachi Energy and Grid United, an independent electrical transmission company, announced a collaboration to deliver high-voltage direct current (HVDC) technology for Grid United transmission projects that will interconnect the eastern and western regional power grids in the US. These projects will dramatically boost transmission capacity across the US to support the urgent need for smooth sharing of power between energy markets at a time of drastically increasing demand for electricity.
Long-distance transmission lines are critical in delivering low-cost energy from areas with access to abundant supply to areas with high demand. These projects will help overcome one of the most persistent bottlenecks in the energy transition in the US by bridging the east-west divide. They also will play an important role in supporting the US government’s commitment to accelerating the energy transition, and specific stated priorities of the US Department of Energy.
Britain to import energy from US under plan for transatlantic power cable
March 14, 2024
Britain homes could one day be powered by electricity generated in America under plans to install up to six power cables across the Atlantic.
The cables would stretch roughly 3,500 miles across the ocean, reaching depths of up to 11,000 feet, and carrying power roughly equivalent to several nuclear power stations.
A group of London investors and energy consultants are behind the ambitions scheme, as they claim technological advances in subsea cables could allow the creation of a global “intercontinental grid”.
Simon Ludlam, one of the businessmen backing the project, says such a cable would enable electricity to be traded across the Atlantic, taking advantage of the differences in peak demand as the power line crosses time zones.
Nepal, Bangladesh want dedicated grid. Will India comply?
March 10, 2024
Nepal and Bangladesh have never traded electricity. But the two countries are now negotiating tariffs for the export of 40MW of power from Nepal to Bangladesh via India’s existing transmission infrastructure.
Bangladesh wants to buy more power from Nepal in line with the Himalayan country’s wish. For this, the two sides want a dedicated transmission line via India whose territory separates the two countries, and taking India on board is essential to building a dedicated power line.
But considering how India sees electricity as a strategic product, Nepali officials and experts cast serious doubt over whether India would be ready to build a dedicated line between Nepal and Bangladesh over which it will have less control.
Southern Africa Boosts Energy Grid with $1.3 Billion RTIFF, Spearheaded by CFM and SAPP
The Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) in collaboration with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has marked a significant milestone in regional energy development by appointing Climate Fund Managers (CFM) to oversee the Regional Transmission Infrastructure Financing Facility (RTIFF), aimed at enhancing power transmission across Southern Africa with a $1.3 billion investment. This initiative seeks to bridge the infrastructure funding gap, leveraging a blended finance model to attract both public and private investment towards sustainable energy projects.
This visionary project not only sets a precedent for similar initiatives worldwide but also highlights the transformative potential of blended finance in catalyzing large-scale infrastructure development. As RTIFF progresses towards its funding targets, the spotlight will increasingly focus on its ability to deliver on its promises of enhanced connectivity, economic benefits, and a greener, more sustainable energy landscape for Southern Africa.
Kenya-TZ power line complete - CS Chirchir
March 2, 2024
The high voltage (400-kilovolt) electricity transmission line between Kenya and Tanzania is complete and awaits commissioning, Energy and Petroleum CS Davis Chirchir has said.
This ends nearly a decade of the project's implementation, whose Kenyan side faced numerous challenges, including land compensation.
The latest developments come even as the African Development Bank (AfDB) calls on the two countries to speed up the signing of key agreements, to pave the way for the exchange of excess electricity via the Sh43 billion line.
The 507-kilometre line that runs from the Isinya substation to Arusha through Namanga can transfer 2,000 megawatts, allowing the cross-border exchange of cheap and cleaner surplus power from neighbouring countries in the power pool states.
OPINION: Partnerships and Power trade with neighbors through Energy Diplomacy
February 24, 2024
In South Asia, grid connectivity is making a steady progress. Most recently, a long term power agreement has been signed between India and Nepal. First discussed at the Prime ministerial level last year and followed up at the with details by signing the long-term power trade agreement at the secretarial level in the presence of the Minister for External Affairs Shri S Jaishankar. Under this agreement, India would facilitate export 10,000 MW of electricity from Nepal to India and Bangladesh over the next 10 years from the current level of 450 MW. This is a massive undertaking requiring investment of nearly US$100 billion inclusive of transmission for trading the generated power. It exemplifies the role of energy diplomacy for energy transition.
European power grids head towards an ever closer union – and a new watchdog
February 29, 2024
Since the 1990s, European countries have been hard at work integrating their national electricity grids. Despite slow progress, flows between EU countries have become an important source of grid stability and lower consumer prices.
When the energy crisis instigated by the Kremlin wracked Europe, cross-border flows came to the rescue. France relied on imports of German renewable electricity amid nuclear fleet outages, while supplying some natural gas in return.
“Cross-border energy infrastructure improves the stability and reliability of electricity supply,” stressed Tinne Van der Straeten, who currently chairs the EU’s energy minister meetings.
Ethiopia eyes tapping South African electricity market in five years
February 25, 2024
The executives of Ethiopian Electric Power have disclosed ambitious plans to connect eastern and southern African power pools and supply energy to South Africa within five years.
In 2023, reports indicated that South Africa had experienced unprecedented electricity shortages, as the coal plants that generate 85 percent of the nation’s electricity have aged and grown increasingly susceptible to malfunctions.
The South African government recognizes the need for alternatives for electricity generation to reduce its heavy reliance on coal-fired power stations and on coal itself.
Ethiopia has abundant renewable energy resources and has the potential to generate over 60,000 megawatts (MW) of electric power from hydroelectric, wind, solar, and geothermal sources. Approximately 90% of its installed generation capacity is from hydropower while the remaining 8% and 2% is from wind and thermal sources respectively.
The ASEAN Power Grid: How the LTMS-PIP Can Inform the BIMP-PIP’s Development
Fenruary 23, 2024
A quartet of ASEAN member countries have taken a first important step towards the vision of a regional power grid. The next step is to look back for lessons learned to move forward and improve collaboration, leveraging the experience of not just officials but stakeholders in the private sector.
Globally, grid development is slower than the expansion of renewable energy capacities.
The case is similar in Southeast Asia. In 2020, more than 80 per cent of new capacity was from renewables, but to date, only eight out of 18 key interconnections planned under the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) have been completed. Most are bilateral arrangements. 2022 saw the implementation of the Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore Power Integration Project (LTMS-PIP), transferring 100 MW of hydroelectricity from Laos through Thailand and Malaysia into Singapore using existing infrastructure.
Greece-Saudi Arabia Electricity Interconnection: A Monumental Step Towards Global Energy Interconnectivity
February 17, 2024
A new venture linking Greece and Saudi Arabia in an ambitious electricity interconnection project promises to bolster energy security, sustainability, and international relations. As nations increasingly turn towards renewable energy sources, this project offers a glimpse into the future of global energy interconnectivity.
By knitting together the electrical grids of distant regions, this venture not only promises to enhance the energy security of the involved parties but also to facilitate a more sustainable and interconnected global energy landscape. With the feasibility study underway, the project stands at the cusp of turning the vision of a seamlessly connected energy network into a tangible reality.
As the project moves from the drawing board to implementation, it holds the promise of knitting together not just electrical grids, but also the aspirations of nations seeking a more interconnected and resilient future.
TNB’s Strategic Partnership with China to Revolutionize ASEAN Power Grid with HVDC Technology: Advancing Sustainable Energy Solutions in the Region
February 15, 2024
Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), a leading energy provider, is spearheading a transformative partnership with China’s state-owned power utilities to revolutionize the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) through cutting-edge high-voltage direct current (HVDC) technology. This strategic initiative underscores TNB’s dedication as a regional energy leader committed to advancing sustainable energy solutions.
During a recent analyst briefing, TNB President and Chief Executive Officer, Dato’ Seri Ir. Baharin Din, unveiled the ambitious venture, highlighting the pivotal role of HVDC technology in facilitating efficient power trading, seamless resource sharing, and the integration of renewable energy (RE) sources among ASEAN nations.
Belarus-Russia Union State common electricity market almost a reality
February 15, 2024
According to Belarus Energy Minister, Viktor Karankevich, the tasks set by the leaders of Belarus and Russia have been fulfilled. “A draft interstate agreement on the formation of the common electricity market has been prepared, agreed upon and aligned during internal procedures. The document defines the powers of government bodies, market participants and infrastructure organizations, as well as the principles of cross-border trade. In furtherance of the agreement, the rules regulating operations on this market will be approved. The work on them is on the home stretch. In fact, the common electricity market is ready for the first stage of operation,” said Viktor Karankevich.
U.S. Rep. Greg Casar files bill to connect Texas grid to rest of the country
February 14, 2024
Unlike any other power grid in the continental U.S., the energy system that serves 90% of Texans cannot share much electricity with neighboring grids. That means when the Electric Reliability Council of Texas cannot meet demand, there is no way to import enough power to make up the difference. That leaves the grid operator with no option but to cut electricity to homes and businesses to balance the system.
Now, three years after the disaster, U.S. Rep. Greg Casar, D-Austin, has filed a bill to end that energy isolation.
“This is the first bill ever in the U.S. Congress to require ERCOT to finally interconnect,“ the former Austin City Council member told KUT in an exclusive interview ahead of the bill's filing on Wednesday.
Iran And Turkey Seal 600 MW HVDC Line Deal For Cross-Border Energy Exchange
February 12, 2024
In a significant milestone for regional energy collaboration, the Iran Electricity Grid Management Company and TEIAS Turkey have officially signed a contract for the operation of the 400 kV Khoi (Iran) – HVDC Back-to-Back Van (Turkey) line.
The line, inaugurated in the presence of Presidents Ebrahim Raisi and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, marks Iran’s first cross-border connection through HVDC infrastructure.
Mehdi Moghimzadeh, the head of Iran’s Electricity Grid Management Company, highlighted the advanced technology employed in the Van station and outlined the comprehensive agreement covering technical aspects, safety measures, and standards for the smooth and secure operation of the 600 MW line.
Cross-Border Energy Cooperation Grows Between Tajikistan and Afghanistan
February 8, 2024
Tajikistan may not recognize the Taliban government of neighboring Afghanistan, but the two countries are starting to cooperate better on trading electricity.
Tajikistan at present exports power to Afghanistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Juma says most of this power is delivered in spring and summer, when hydropower facilities produce excess capacity. The exception is Afghanistan, which continues to receive electricity in small quantities to keep key infrastructure up and running. The precise tariff structure for that electricity is not made public.
Ever since the Taliban seized power and installed a self-styled Islamic Emirate, Tajikistan has adopted a cool stance toward Afghanistan.
Nepal proposes tariff for electricity export to Bangladesh
February 7, 2024
Nepal has proposed the tariff to be charged on power to be exported to Bangladesh as the two sides inched closer to a deal for the first-ever trading of electricity. The two countries have already agreed in principle for the export of 40MW of hydropower-generated electricity from Nepal to Bangladesh.
When Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal visited India in May-June last year, the southern neighbour had promised to facilitate the export of 40MW electricity to Bangladesh. Bangladeshi Ambassador to Nepal Salahuddin Noman Chowdhury said that his country’s existing generation has not been enough to meet the growing demand for power and Nepal could fill that gap.
AfDB wants Kenya, Tanzania electricity deals finalised
February 1, 2024
The African Development Bank (AfDB) wants Kenya and Tanzania to speed up the signing of three key agreements to pave the way for the exchange of excess electricity between the two countries via a Sh43 billion ($309.26 million) line.
The three are a wheeling agreement between Tanzania Electric Supply Company (Tanesco) and Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited, a power exchange deal between Kenya Power and Tanesco and a tripartite deal for the maintenance of the interconnected grid.
The two neighbours were last month expected to complete the 507.5-kilometre line that runs from the Isinya substation to Arusha through Namanga. The line will have an intended transfer capacity of 2,000 megawatts.
Connectivity and Resilience in the ASEAN Power Grid 2.0 under Laos’ ASEAN Chairmanship
January 26, 2024
Laos will kick off the ASEAN calendar with a ministerial retreat in Luang Prabang this weekend (January 27-28) under the theme “ASEAN: Enhancing Connectivity and Resilience”. Among its nine priority areas, Laos aims to promote infrastructural connectivity and regional economic integration to showcase its ASEAN Chairmanship this year.
As ASEAN’s smallest and only landlocked member, Laos’ strategic objective is to become a land-linked country and it has done so using power interconnectivity since the late 1990s. Thanks to the abundance of hydropower sources, Laos’ main export and highest foreign income earnings come from hydropower electricity exports to its neighbours. Laos earned US$1.96 billion from electricity exports in 2021 and is ranked 12th out of 97 electricity exporters.
Europe sets course for cooperation on cross-border offshore wind energy grids
January 25, 2024
On January 23 the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) published EU Offshore Network Development Plans (ONDPs). The ONDPs are the first comprehensive cross-border review of existing offshore grid capacity and future offshore grid requirements at sea basin level. They will help to accelerate the expansion of offshore wind and facilitate the deployment of innovative grid solutions to integrate offshore wind power into Europe’s energy system.
Offshore renewables are set to become the third-most important energy source in the European power system. Building all these wind farms will require a substantial expansion of offshore grid capacity. To ensure the most efficient grid buildout possible, future grid connections should be designed at sea basin level rather than at national level. ENTSO-E present 5 different ONDPs – one each for the North Seas; the Baltic; the Atlantic Basin; the West Mediterranean; and the East Mediterranean and Black Sea.
Sceptics, look away: a mostly renewable electricity grid is highly feasible
January 24, 2024
Australia’s electricity could be over 95% renewable by 2035, according to the latest release of Australia’s electricity market operator’s Integrated System Plan. But many people are sceptical. They regularly witness days with little wind and sun and deduce that relying primarily on wind and solar generation will lead to disaster. They firmly believe that 24×7 baseload generators are an essential ingredient in our energy mix.
Seeing countless arguments of this variety on social media, wind engineer David Osmond decided that a useful contribution to this debate would be to model a near real-time simulation of a mostly renewable electricity grid. "Whenever someone claimed that a day wasn’t particularly windy or sunny, I’d be able to point them to the day in question and they could see how the electricity supply may have looked on that day.”
Greece, Bulgaria, Romania join forces in offshore wind, green hydrogen
January 20, 2024
In contrast to Western Europe and the North Sea, there are no offshore wind installations yet in Southeast Europe. But Greece, Bulgaria and Romania made the first step today with a declaration of intent to develop such projects. They are also improving cooperation in the sectors of gas and green hydrogen.
The document was signed in Athens at the annual meeting of the Central and South Eastern Europe Energy Connectivity (CESEC) high-level working group. The three governments said offshore wind has great potential for the decarbonization of their economies and for supplying their neighbors with green energy.
Greece completed its national offshore wind program in October, determining the zones in the Aegean Sea where such projects can be realized. The country will make use primarily of floating wind turbines, because of the sea depth.
Global transcontinental power pools for low-carbon electricity
If all suitable sites for renewable energy are available for development, transcontinental trade in electricity reduces the annual system cost of electricity in 2050 by 5–52% across six transcontinental power pools compared to no electricity trade. Under land constraints, if only the global top 10% of suitable renewable energy sites are available, then without international trade, renewables are unable to meet 12% of global demand in 2050. Introducing transcontinental power pools with the same land constraints, however, enables renewables to meet 100% of future electricity demand, while also reducing costs by up to 23% across power pools.
Nepal signs deal with India to export 10,000 MW power in 10 years
a group of rights activists and former bureaucrats have criticised the agreement reached between the two countries. They termed the energy deal a problematic one.
“We find the decision to guarantee 10,000 MW of Nepal's hydroelectricity for the Indian market problematic, as this also affects Nepal's flexibility in relation to stored water as a natural resource,” read a statement jointly signed by them. “Because hydropower is not just a tradeable commodity but also intrinsically linked to the use of water as a resource, we demand that decisions be reached only through wide national discussion and parliamentary oversight.”
World's longest undersea and land power cable switched on in Lincolnshire
December 29, 2023
The world's longest undersea and land power cable has been switched on.
The £1.7bn Viking Link interconnector stretches 475 miles (764 km) from Denmark and connects to the Bicker Fen substation near Boston in Lincolnshire.
Operator National Grid said it would be used to supply cheaper electricity to the UK and could power up to 2.5m homes.
Katie Jackson from the energy firm described it as a "fantastic example of engineering and collaboration".
Portugal, Spain and France agree to boost energy links
December 20, 2023
Portugal, Spain and France will strengthen energy links, according to a memorandum of understanding that sets new priorities for the High-Level Group, signed with the EU Commission in Brussels Tuesday.
The signatories, with Portugal, represented by Acting Secretary of State Ana Fontoura Gouveia, agreed “on the importance of building the energy infrastructures needed to realise a secure and efficient internal energy market”, according to a statement from the EU executive.
Portugal and France are working on a project to increase the interconnection capacity between Portugal (Minho) and Spain (Galicia), enabling the Iberian electricity market (Mibel) to function more efficiently, with an impact on the single European electricity market. There are also plans to link Spain and France via the Bay of Biscay.
Global transcontinental power pools for low-carbon electricity
December 15, 2023
The transition to low-carbon electricity is crucial for meeting global climate goals. However, given the uneven spatial distribution and temporal variability of renewable resources, balancing the supply and demand of electricity will be challenging when relying on close to 100% shares of renewable energy. Here, we use an electricity planning model with hourly supply-demand projections and high-resolution renewable resource maps, to examine whether transcontinental power pools reliably meet the growing global demand for renewable electricity and reduce the system cost
Brazil Resumes Electricity Imports from Venezuela: A Step Towards Sustainable Energy and Lower Consumer Costs
December 12, 2023
The decision to import electricity from Venezuela comes as Brazil’s energy policy faces a mixed reception. The country has been focusing on energy transition and decarbonization initiatives, while also drawing controversy over its promotion of the oil industry. Despite the criticism, Brazil has announced substantial financing for projects centered on energy transition, bioeconomy, and decarbonization. This aligns with the country’s commitment to the Global Methane Pledge and its efforts to regulate gas emissions in the local oil industry
3,800-km Cable Offers Glimpse of a Global Power Grid
December 2, 2023
At first glance, North Devon, an expanse of rolling hills and gentle seaside cliffs deep in the English countryside, may not seem like a place to find the future.
But if a company called Xlinks can realize its plan, North Devon will be a conduit for one of the most ambitious renewable-energy dreams to date. By 2029, Xlinks hopes, the North Devon coastline will host the landing site for two electric cables providing as much as 8 percent of the United Kingdom’s electricity needs. At the other end of those cables, there will be a vast complex of yet-unbuilt solar panels and wind turbines in the Moroccan desert thousands of miles away.
Commission proposes 166 cross-border energy projects for EU support to help deliver the European Green Deal
November 28, 2023
oday, the European Commission is taking another step to make the EU’s energy system fit for the future by adopting the first list of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs) that is fully in line with the European Green Deal. These key cross-border infrastructure projects will help the EU reach its ambitious energy and climate goals. The projects will benefit from streamlined permitting and regulatory procedures, and become eligible for EU financial support from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).
This list is adopted under the revised Trans-European Networks for Energy Regulation (TEN-E) which ends support for fossil fuel infrastructure and focuses on cross-border energy infrastructure of the future. It includes PCIs, which are projects within the EU territory, and for the first time PMIs, which connect the EU with other countries. The Commission will ensure the projects are swiftly completed and can contribute to doubling the EU’s grid capacity by 2030 and meeting its 42.5% renewable energy target.
Investing billions in new cross-border Electricity Transmission capacity can cover its costs within a few years
November 27, 2023
The huge divergence of electricity prices between nations after the energy crises of 2021 and 2022 exposed Europe’s pressing need to increase cross-border transmission capacity, explain George Dimopoulos, Conall Heussaff and Georg Zachmann at Bruegel. Without it, generation costs will be higher, emissions too, and new generation will continue to be badly congested. The author’s calculations reveal that one additional MW of cross-border capacity is worth tens or even hundreds of thousands of euros per year, depending on which two countries get the new connection. That means that, for example, the 1,400 MW NorLink interconnector between Germany and Norway, finalised in 2020, costing €2bn, will cover its costs by early 2024. Though an expensive investment, the returns come rapidly. It’s a major argument for building new transmission lines, say the authors. Ten EU nations/regions are assessed.
Egypt to Build Undersea Interconnection Cable with Europe
November 25, 2023
The Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC), on behalf of the Egyptian government, has signed an agreement with Belgian civil engineering firm Jan De Nul Group, to co-conduct a feasibility study for the construction of an undersea cable connecting the north African country with Europe.
Philippe Hutse, Director Jan De Nul Offshore Energy at Jan De Nul Group, said “We recently ordered a new next-generation cable installation vessel, the Fleeming Jenkin, which is twice the size of any existing cable-laying vessel in the world. We are building this ship for exactly this type of project: long distances, great depths,” adding that the development of the undersea cable is an indication of Egypt’s leadership role in the energy transition
Countries can save $3 trillion on net-zero power systems by 2040 from global grid upgrades
November 23, 2023
We now understand that a massive scale-up of electricity transmission infrastructure is needed to realize a net-zero world economy. Left unchecked, the ambitions of the Paris Agreement could be jeopardized.
Grid infrastructure is an important enabler for more efficient deployment of zero-carbon energy technologies. Transmission allows us to build electricity production sites in regions with high renewable energy potential and move the generated power to regions where it is to be used. This is a particularly important characteristic in regions that have poor natural renewable resources or lack the land to develop energy infrastructure. Yet, it inevitably involves searching for solutions beyond national borders and as such requires careful navigation of costs, trade-offs and opportunities.
North Sea states launch 100GW tender plan
November 21, 2023
The North Seas Energy Cooperation (NSEC) countries are launching a joint tender planning initiative with around 15GW of offshore wind auctions scheduled each year and almost 100GW of awards by 2030.
This will increase predictability in the wind energy sector and ensure better cooperation, said NSEC at its annual meeting attended by Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the European Commission. The United Kingdom was present as a guest.
The countries will also improve the coordination of infrastructure planning at sea. In January 2024, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) will publish a joint plan for infrastructure in the North Sea, with input from NSEC countries.
Bangladesh-Nepal Energy Cooperation: Applying The BIN Approach – Analysis
In September 2022, during the visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to India, Bangladesh made a request to import power from Nepal and Bhutan through India. The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has requested authorization from the Indian regulatory bodies to export 40-50 MW of electricity to Bangladesh by utilizing India’s current transmission infrastructure.
The Bangladesh-Nepal Energy Cooperation, which employs the BIN approach, aims to establish a durable understanding between the two nations, capitalizing on their respective competencies and assets in the energy domain where India can be a trustworthy friend to ensure the development of the region. The objective of this initiative is to bolster energy security, encourage sustainable development, and stimulate economic growth in Bangladesh and Nepal through the promotion of regional energy integration. And in return India can emerge as a regional power to facilitate the energy domain of the region in terms of connectivity.
Malaysia 'accelerating' Sarawak-Singapore electricity export plan, exploring second power interconnector
October 31, 2023
Malaysia and Singapore have affirmed commitment to collaborating on renewable energy co-development and cross-border electricity trading, with talk of a second interconnector acknowledged by leaders of the two countries. The affirmation came as both countries “work towards a low carbon future”,
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in a joint statement at the 10th Singapore-Malaysia Leaders’ Retreat in Singapore.
Equity, transparency and clarity needed to propel ASEAN energy interconnectivity plan – SIEW 2023
October 28, 2023
ASEAN’s first multilateral electricity trading project, the Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore Power Integration Project (LTMS-PIP), had dominated the conversations around ASEAN energy interconnectivity at this year’s SIEW.
Under LTMS-PIP, Singapore has imported more than 170,000 megawatt hours of electricity from Laos, via Malaysia and Thailand, since June 2022. Discussions are currently under way to continue power trade between the two countries.
This is one of two multilateral power trading projects in ASEAN, along with the upcoming Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines Power Integration Project (BIMP-PIP) announced this year.
Singapore hits clean power import milestone with conditional nod for Vietnam wind
October 24, 2023
Singapore’s electricity regulator has given tentative approval for plans to import 1.2 gigawatts (1.2 GW) of primarily wind-generated electricity from Vietnam, Southeast Asia’s renewable energy powerhouse.
The latest conditional approval – given to power import projects preliminarily found to be technically and commercially viable – comes after similar authorizations for a 1 GW import plan from Cambodia and 2 GW from Indonesia earlier in the year.
The projects would total 4.2 GW of power imports, just exceeding Singapore’s target to bring in 4 GW of low-carbon electricity from neighbouring countries by 2035. The capacity represents around 30 per cent of the city-state’s projected power needs that year.
Sri Lanka president reiterates power grid connectivity plans with India
October 23, 2023
Sri Lanka President Ranil Wickremesinghe has reiterated his government’s plans for India-Sri Lanka power grid connectivity even as low-intesity protests begin to emerge around the country against a recent power tariff hike.“
India’s electricity system and Sri Lanka’s electricity system will be connected. This will be across Mannar,” Wickremesinghe said on Sunday October 22 speaking at the National Milad-Un Nabi Celebration held at the Musali National School Stadium in Mannar.“
In July this year, Sri Lanka and India entered memoranda of understanding (MoU) on renewable energy cooperation, an energy hub development in Trincomalee.
Adani commissions India’s largest inter-regional 765 kV transmission line
October 19, 2023
Adani Energy Solutions Ltd (AESL) announced that it has fully commissioned the 765kV Warora Kurnool transmission link, spanning 1,756 circuit kilometers across the three states of Maharashtra, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh.
The project will strengthen the national grid to ensure a seamless power flow of 4.5 GW between the Western and Southern regions. It will strengthen the southern region grid and support large-scale integration of renewable energy generation.
The project, Warora Kurnool Transmission Ltd (WKTL), provides an additional inter-regional alternate current link for import into the southern region, i.e., Warora-Warangal and Chilakaluripeta-Hyderabad-Kurnool. It was incorporated in April 2015. It is the largest 765 kV D/C (Hexa conductor) project ever awarded under a single scheme, AESL said.
Tenaga Nasional Berhad Initiates Cross-Border Collaborations To Strengthen ASEAN Power Grid Vision
October 16, 2023
Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Malaysia’s leading utility company, has taken a significant step toward enhancing the interconnected ASEAN Power Grid by forming strategic partnerships with key counterparts in the region.
Under the first Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), TNB has joined forces with PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), the state-owned electricity company in Indonesia, and the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE). Together, they will conduct a joint feasibility study to explore the potential for a cross-border electricity interconnection linking Sumatra, Indonesia, and Peninsular Malaysia. This project is essential for the seamless integration of renewable energy sources and economic development across ASEAN countries.
The Worldwide Grid: Why Not Put Our Money On A Sure Thing?
October 15, 2023
Fortunately, thanks to high voltage direct current (HVDC) wires, electricity need not be locally produced. Winter in the U.S. is summer in South America, and vice versa. A north-south grid connecting North, Central, and South America would allow solar energy produced where it is plentiful to be shipped to the other hemisphere where it is needed, year round. A similar north-south grid could also connect Eurasia, the Middle East, and Africa-Australia. No long-term storage would be necessary.
Adding connections between eastern and western hemispheres would allow electricity produced where it is daytime to be shipped to where it is nighttime, reducing even the short term need to store electricity.
Source: NASA Earth Observatory
Experts call for more efforts in grid network for clean power transmission
October 12, 2023
Established in China in 2016, GEIDCO, with the aim to build a globally interconnected smart grid with ultrahigh voltage grids as its backbone, is a nongovernmental, nonprofit international organization with member firms, associations, institutions and individuals dedicated to promoting sustainable development of energy worldwide.
GEIDCO currently has 1,305 members in 142 countries achieving global coverage of the five continents, while China has become a significant force in promoting the global transition to green energy and international energy cooperation.
Singapore set to start importing green energy from Indonesia within 5 years
October 11, 2023
Singapore could start importing two gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy annually from Indonesia within five years, in what is the Republic's biggest effort so far to import low-carbon electricity.
The imports would account for about 15 per cent of Singapore's annual needs, and would constitute the country's largest cross-border electricity contract to date.
Combined with a similar deal to grant conditional approval to import 1GW of electricity annually from Cambodia, Singapore is three-quarters of the way to reaching its import target of up to 4GW of electricity a year by 2035.
Related Prior Post: Indonesia agrees to supply low-carbon electricity to Singapore
India inches a step closer to its One Sun One World One Grid mission
October 10, 2023
India inched a step closer to its One Sun One World One Grid (OSOWOG) mission when it signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Saudi Arabia on October 8. The MoU intends to build international grid connectivity between the two nations, share knowledge and technology in green hydrogen, and create a supply chain for the overall expansion of new and renewable energy.
On November 2, 2021, the OSOWOG mission was jointly released by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the COP26 Climate Meet in Glasgow, to reduce the carbon footprint and energy costs. The aim of OSOWOG is to help develop a worldwide grid through which clean energy can be transmitted anywhere, anytime.
It also aims to help reduce storage needs and enhance the viability of solar projects. The idea for the OSOWOG initiative was first put forth by Modi at the First Assembly of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) in October 2018.
Prior Related Posts: India, Saudi Arabia ink MoU for sharing electricity during peak demand & emergencies
Promoting transboundary cooperation on water and energy in Drina River Basin to achieve the green energy transition and climate commitments
October 3, 2023
The Drina River Basin, shared by Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia, holds abundant water resources and valuable natural landscapes, along with significant hydropower potential and untapped renewable energy resources. However, developing these resources involves trade-offs and requires balancing different objectives. Therefore, a collaborative effort of nexus assessments involving sector authorities and key stakeholders from these countries identified intersectoral challenges and a range of potential technical and policy solutions. A pivotal Nexus Assessment carried out under the Water Convention (implemented by UNECE and GWP-Mediterranean, funded by ADA) also highlighted the benefits of cross-border collaboration in renewable energy and hydropower, as well as sustainable water flow management.
As a result of close cooperation with the countries, a Drina Nexus Roadmap was published in 2021 to support coordinated planning across various sectors at national and cross-border levels and aligns with the Green Agenda and its Action Plan for the Western Balkans.
Aho, Kelsey & Flotemersch, J. & Leibowitz, Scott & Johnson, Zachary & Weber, Marc & Hill, Ryan. (2020). Adapting the Index of Watershed Integrity for Watershed Managers in the Western Balkans Region. Environmental Management. 65. 10.1007/s00267-020-01280-x.
India approves Nepal to trade in real-time energy market
September 30, 2023
India has finally approved the Nepal Electricity Authority to trade in its real-time energy market.
India had earlier allowed Nepal to participate in the day-ahead market where the power’s quantum and prices are fixed a day ahead of trading.
With the approval from the Central Electricity Authority of India, Nepal’s electric utility can now export power from Saturday through a bidding process that is held one hour and fifteen minutes ahead of the sale.
Earlier, the option of giving access to the real-time market was kept open, but no provision for it had been guaranteed.
Recent Related Post: Now Indian states can do direct power trade with Nepal
A Promising Leap in Energy Market Diversification
September 29, 2023
In a significant development, Nepal and China have inked a commitment to move ahead with the construction of the Jilong-Keyrung-Rasuwagadhi-Chilime 220 KV Cross-Border Transmission line, a landmark project that signifies China's newfound willingness to cooperate with Nepal in energy distribution. Both nations have demonstrated a shared intent to collaborate on the development of hydropower and cross-border transmission lines, showcasing their commitment to fostering a fruitful bilateral relationship.
This initiative promises to fortify Nepal's energy sector, offering a stable market for electricity generated by power promoters within the country. Not only does this diversify Nepal's energy market, but it also mitigates the risk of overdependence on any single trading partner.
Prior Related Post: China’s engagements in Nepal and challenges
4 things to know about the state-led push for underwater transmission
September 27, 2023
North Atlantic states are weighing an offshore transmission “backbone” that would support a massive boom of wind farms critical to the nation’s climate goals.
The upsides could be huge — both in efficiency and cost. An ocean corridor of high-voltage power lines would smooth the way for wind turbines to connect to the electric grid, allowing states from Maine to New Jersey to more easily add new clean energy.
A coordinated grid for offshore wind could also jump-start the “macro grid,” a high-voltage spider web of electricity lines that advocates say is needed as the country shifts away from fossil fuels.
“Offshore wind could very well become the first leg of the North American macro grid,” said Eric Hines, an offshore wind expert at Tufts University. “There is an imperative to make this happen in the next 30 years. The consequences (if we don’t) are disastrous for the country and the planet.”
U.S. Department of Energy | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Climate change and the shift to cleaner energy push Southeast Asia to finally start sharing power
September 27, 2023
The urgency for Southeast Asian nations to switch to clean energy to combat climate change is reinvigorating a 20-year-old plan for the region to share power.
Malaysia and Indonesia inked a deal in Bali, Indonesia last month to study 18 potential locations where cross-border transmission lines can be set up.
Those links could eventually generate power roughly equivalent to what 33 nuclear power plants would produce in a year. They are economically and technically feasible, and now are supported by regional governments, said Beni Suryadi a power expert at the ASEAN Centre for Energy in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Russia and Mongolia: The 2023/24 Trade and Investment Dynamics
September 25, 2023
Acting as a buffer state between China and Russia, Mongolia plays a significant role in ensuring that Russia’s southern border is separated from a powerful neighbor, reducing the risk of direct conflicts and providing a degree of security to Russia’s southern regions.
Mongolia’s foreign policy of maintaining a balanced relationship with Russia and China has yielded mutual benefits. Mongolia’s strategic location serves as a valuable bridge between these two major powers and has the potential to facilitate communication and cooperation between them. This balancing act not only benefits Mongolia but also helps preserve regional stability.
Meeting the increasing energy demand while reducing dependence on coal for health and environmental benefits remains one of the top priorities of the Mongolian government. The country’s expansive undulating steppes and deserts are perfect for harnessing wind and solar energy, offering enormous potential. With approximately 270 sunny days per year and almost one-tenth of the land endowed with wind resources, Mongolia has the potential to become a leading exporter of clean energy in the region.
IMEEC – A Green Corridor or a Pie in the Sky
September 20, 2023
The unexpected meeting between the leaders of India, the United States, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Italy, France, Germany and the European Commission on the side-lines of the G20 to announce their shared ambition of creating an India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEEC) came as a surprise to many.
The inclusion of electricity grids in the framework of the Corridor is particularly significant from an Indian perspective. As part of its leadership of the International Solar Alliance, India has already promoted the One Sun, One World, One Grid initiative, an ambitious attempt to connect the world’s key regional grids into a common green grid that can transfer renewable energy from one region to another. It would leverage different time zones to maximize the use of solar energy and reduce the need for expensive energy storage systems.
Prior Related Post: India-Saudi Arabia power grid pact to accelerate shift towards renewable energy
Increased cross-border electricity trade key to universal access in Africa
September 7, 2023
For Africa to achieve universal electricity access by 2040, a more equitable system must be implemented – one that leverages a diverse mix of the continent’s abundant renewable resources and is dependent upon a more interconnected, flexible and reliable power grid.
This was the key message from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Director-General Francesco La Camera to mark an agreement signed with the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) in support of Africa’s energy goals.
Pollet, Bruno & Staffell, Iain & Adamson, Kerry-Ann. (2015). Current energy landscape in the Republic of South Africa. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.09.141.
Conference on Transnational Grid Interconnections for One Sun, One World, One Grid held in New Delhi
September 6, 2023
In the run-up to the 18th G20 Summit, a day-long conference on "Transnational Grid Interconnections for One Sun, One World, One Grid (OSOWOG)" was held in New Delhi, on 6th September, 2023.
Following the theme of G20 “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” i.e. One-Earth, One-Family and One-Future, India under its G20 presidency highlighted the importance of transnational grid Interconnections in enhancing energy security, fostering economic growth, and facilitating universal energy access for all, in affordable, reliable and sustainable manner which will accelerate integration of Renewable Energy towards energy transition, with enhanced resiliency.
The world’s longest subsea power cable is now complete
September 5, 2023
Testing and installation of the world’s longest onshore and subsea power cable, which connects Denmark and the UK, is complete.
Viking Link is a £1.7 billion ($2.15 billion) joint venture between the UK’s National Grid and Denmark’s Energinet, and it’s due to come online by the end of this year.
The 765-kilometer-long (475-mile-long) onshore and subsea high voltage direct current (HVDC) interconnector joins Lincolnshire in the UK with Jutland in Denmark. The single-core, mass-impregnated, paper-insulated submarine cables pass through British, Dutch, German, and Danish waters.
The HVDC interconnector will allow up to 1.4 gigawatts (GW) of clean energy to move between the two countries. That’s enough to power approximately 1.4 million UK homes
India’s Strengthening Energy Diplomacy With Southeast Asia
September 2, 2023
India is engaged in discussions with Southeast Asian nations, such as Singapore and Thailand, to facilitate the cross-border trade of renewable energy (RE) electricity. Plans include establishing grid connections both underwater and on land, contingent on cost factors. This initiative aims to significantly increase India’s cross-border electricity sales, which presently involve Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Myanmar, with a combined power transfer capacity of around 4,423 MW. This move is seen as a testament to India’s deepening diplomatic relationships in the region, highlighting its ambition to become a major producer.
India’s strategic decision to forge alliances with Southeast Asian nations comes at a pivotal juncture, signaling a concerted effort to bolster regional cooperation. Central to these plans is the establishment of both underwater and on-land grid connections, contingent upon careful consideration of cost dynamics.
Google Maps
ASEAN Energy Ministers Discuss Electricity Interconnection System To Enhance Energy Security And Sustainability
August 30, 2023
In a recent development aimed at achieving energy transition goals and global emission reductions, ASEAN member countries are prioritizing energy security through enhanced connectivity. During the 20th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) 41 held in Bali, the focus was on establishing an interconnection system among ASEAN countries to ensure efficient electricity distribution according to regional needs.
The ASEAN energy tagline encompasses three key pillars: sustainability, security, and interconnectivity. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif emphasized the importance of these pillars in driving energy connectivity for sustainable ASEAN growth. Arifin highlighted the role of interconnection systems, which can serve as a backbone to balance electricity supply and demand within the region.
GCC Grid Infrastructure and Connectivity – An Electrifying Vision
August 30, 2023
The Middle East could become the center of an electric spider’s web, but such dreams face massive challenges.
The term “Middle East” might be losing some ground to the less Eurocentric “West Asia,” but the region is in the middle of a tricontinental economy. Africa lies to the southwest, Europe to the northwest, Central and South Asia to the east and northeast. And in a future of much greater electricity interconnection, that could be very important.
International electricity trade today is minuscule, and 80% of the world total occurs within Europe, with a single market, dense geography, and long-established infrastructure. Most countries rely almost entirely on generation within their borders. That will have to be very different by mid-century.
Liberia: The Paradox of Liberia Exporting Electricity to Ivory Coast During Elections
August 29, 2023
When Liberia’s Finance Minister, Samuel Tweah burst the news boastfully at a Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) political campaign rally that Liberia is exporting surplus electricity to neighboring Ivory Coast while the vast majority of its population suffer acute electricity blackouts, many took the news as a fairy tale.
The information was found to be true as LEC’s Chief Executive Officer, Monie Captan confirmed that as a result of rise in the water level of LEC’s Mt Coffee Hydro power plant, it generated enough electricity, and the Government thought it prudence to engage in international energy trade with Ivory Cost by exporting the surplus power through the CLSG transmission corridor. CEO Captan emphasized that the power transaction in July of 2023 raised over half a million U.S. dollars which would help offset Liberia’s energy debt to Ivory Coast for the past periods.
The export deal seems to favor more economic benefits that lack clarity on how it is fairly captured and accounted for to benefit the state and citizens whose rights to affordable and reliable access to electricity is being denied, given the announced power surplus generated.
Four Asean top power companies may opt for interconnection system and reduce global emissions
August 27, 2023
Four power companies of Asean countries discussed opportunities for interconnection systems between countries in order to achieve energy security amid achieving energy transition targets and reducing global emissions. "The Asean energy tagline contains the three energy pillars of sustainability, security, and interconnectivity.
"These pillars represent our main challenge in accelerating energy connectivity to achieve sustainable Asean growth," Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif noted in an official statement received in Jakarta, Friday, reported ANTARA news agency.
The four Asean power companies that attended the 2023 AMEM meeting are State-Owned Electricity Company (PLN) from Indonesia, Tenaga Nasional Berhad from Malaysia, Electricite du Laos from Laos, and Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand.
A Big Step Forward on Transmission Infrastructure
August 28, 2023
Planning, siting, permitting, financing and building transmission infrastructure is a complex, time-consuming and difficult process. Congress, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, state legislators and bulk electric system operators like the California ISO have been working to identify new and more efficient ways to make sure we have the transmission infrastructure required to move power.
The TransWest Express Project calls for building a 732-mile combined HVDC and AC transmission line that has the potential to bring up to 3,000 MW of Wyoming wind power into California and other states in the desert Southwest as early as 2027. The line splits at the end of the HVDC portion in Utah, allowing 1,500 MW to go to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, while the remaining 1,500 MW can serve the CAISO and NV Energy.
Redefining ‘power’ in South Asia: An assessment of the Kathmandu-Delhi-Dhaka nexus
August 25, 2023
In an evolving demand-supply equilibrium in South Asia, India is now emerging as an invisible hand that is facilitating economic integration, trade, and connectivity
Bangladesh will soon be signing a 25-year power sale deal with Nepal, through which the latter will export 40 megawatts of electricity. As geographical compulsions dictate, this power trade between Nepal and Bangladesh will have to pass through Indian territories. The trade agreement—already drafted—will soon be formalised once a tripartite agreement is signed between Nepal, Bangladesh, and India. The agreement will be the first of its kind where South Asian countries will trade power with each other via the Indian power grid. It is the realisation of a long-standing demand by Nepal and Bangladesh, and its implementation indicates the growing demands and importance of smaller South Asian nations, and India’s increasing efforts to promote connectivity, and counter Chinese presence in the neighbourhood.
PBBM approves Palawan-Mindoro inter-island power connection
August 24, 2023
President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has granted approval for the integration of the Palawan-Mindoro inter-island connection project into the main Luzon grid, aiming to resolve power issues that have been impeding full economic progress in the provinces.
The project aspires to connect the two off-grid areas in order to provide adequate, reliable, and affordable power supply to the two provinces that have consistently been plagued by prolonged outages.
According to the NGCP, the initial phase of PMIP, projected to cost around P6.4 billion, functions as the groundwork for linking Palawan to the primary grid. It focuses on conducting additional research regarding the Palawan-Mindoro interconnection via an underwater cable, and aims to create a robust transmission infrastructure capable of meeting the region’s enduring power requirements.
In addition, there are 125 stand alone islands served by small power utilities groups. For these, the President ordered the exploration of renewable energy sources not just limited to solar energy but other green technologies as well.
Nepalese Prime Minister’s Upcoming Visit to China: What Does It Mean for the Region?
August 22, 2023
Prime Minister Prachanda’s visit signifies not only bilateral cooperation but also Nepal’s aspiration to become a regional power hub. The pursuit of power trading agreements with both China and Bangladesh reflects Nepal’s intention to harness its energy resources for the collective benefit of its neighbors. This endeavor not only demonstrates Nepal’s commitment to regional stability but also exemplifies the nation’s determination to retain its youths by creating employment opportunities through sustainable development.
The upcoming China visit, therefore, encapsulates Nepal’s strategic navigation amidst intricate geopolitical dynamics. With its eyes set on bolstering national dignity, unity, and mutual interests, Nepal forges ahead with a clear understanding of its foreign policy goals. As it engages with regional partners like China and India, the country positions itself as a proactive participant in cross-border energy trade and agricultural collaboration. This diplomatic overture not only strengthens Nepal’s regional stature but also augments its potential to become a catalyst for positive change in the broader South Asian region.
PM Modi calls for global solar power grid
August 21, 2023
New Delhi Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday hailed India’s contribution towards creating awareness about the importance of renewable energy and gave the slogan of ‘One Sun, One World, One Grid’. Addressing the nation on its 77th Independence Day, Modi called for connecting solar energy supply across borders. “We have presented philosophies and the world is now connecting with India over them. For the renewable energy sector, we said ‘One Sun, One World, One Grid’.
The vision behind the OSOWOG initiative is the mantra that “the sun never sets”. The OSOWOG initiative aims to connect different regional grids through a common grid that will be used to transfer renewable energy power and, thus, realize the potential of renewable energy sources, especially solar energy.
‘Nation-building moment’: Yukon eyes connection to B.C. electricity grid
August 21, 2023
Yukon’s energy minister says Canada’s push for more green energy and a net-zero electricity grid should spark renewed interest in connecting the territory’s power to British Columbia.
Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources John Streicker says linking the territory’s power grid to the south would help with the national move to renewable energy, support the mineral extraction required for green projects, and improve northern energy and Arctic security.
“We’re getting to the moment in time when we will want an electricity grid which stretches from coast to coast to coast. … I think that the moment is coming for this — it’s sort of a nation-building moment. And I think that from the Yukon’s perspective, we’re very interested,” Streicker said in an interview.
Dahal to take cross-border power transmission proposal to China
August 20, 2023
Nepal is preparing to propose two-cross border transmission line projects with China during Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal’s planned visit to the northern neighbour, officials at the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation said.
Addressing the 38th anniversary of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) on Friday, Prime Minister Dahal said that the government was moving forward the plan to build the 220kV Chilime-Kerung cross-border power line.
Nepal also plans to propose to the Chinese side another cross-border power line via the Kimathanka border point, said a senior official at the energy ministry. “There have been talks with the foreign ministry on these projects.”
In 2023, India could export power to Singapore, link power grid with UAE, Saudi Arabia
August 14, 2023
Singapore’s Energy Market Authority (EMA) has indicated its openness to the potential of importing electricity from countries in the region, including India. The response was provided to The Straits Times in light of inquiries about a reported initiative between India and Singapore to explore the possibility of linking their power grids.
The details of this potential collaboration and the linkage of power grids between India and Singapore are still being assessed and discussed. The reported move to explore such a linkage could have significant implications for regional energy trade and cooperation.
The consideration of importing electricity from other countries reflects a broader trend in many regions toward exploring cross-border energy partnerships to enhance energy security, improve resource utilization, and promote sustainable energy practices.
Prior Related Post: Construction of new cross-border power line may start in two months
Transmission Ties: Saudi Arabia’s regional connections
August 10, 2023
Saudi Arabia has a robust and extensive transmission network that serves as the backbone of its electricity infrastructure. It plays a critical role in ensuring reliable power supply and supporting the country’s economic growth. Saudi Arabia has been actively pursuing electricity transmission ties with neighboring countries, fostering regional cooperation and bolstering energy security.
To fully utilize the upcoming capacity, optimize operating costs and increase regional power exchange, state-owned electric company Saudi Electricity Company (SEC), through its wholly owned transmission subsidiary, National Grid SA, is actively pursuing opportunities to interconnect its grid with those of other countries in the region. Currently, it is working on cross-border interconnectors with Iraq, India, Jordan and Egypt. Saudi Arabia is also embracing the energy transition and as it advances towards a more sustainable future, the integration of smart grid technologies becomes increasingly crucial.
Neighbourhood First: India Allows Three Neighbours Real-Time Access To Its Energy Market
August 10, 2023
As part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘neighbourhood first’ policy, India has allowed Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal real-time access to its energy market.
With this, all the three countries can buy or sell power in the energy market in real time as per their requirements. This access was a key demand of all three countries and is expected to boost New Delhi’s ties with them.
The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) under the Ministry of Power has amended the procedures for approval of cross-border trade energy trade with the three countries last week.
The three countries had, till now, access only to India’s ‘day ahead market’ (DAM) in energy where prices and quantity of electricity are determined a day before the actual physical trading.
prior Related Post: Neighbouring countries can now trade electricity in India's real time market
Prior Related Post: India Forges Ahead: Engaging Southeast Asian Nations in Renewable Energy Power Trade, 2023
Prior Related Post: Nepal-Bangladesh’s 25-Year Power Deal: A New Dimension Of Cooperation In South Asia
Prior Related Post: India-Bangladesh-Nepal Trilateral Electricity Diplomacy Has Regional Implication For South Asia
August 7, 2023
Malaysian electricity utility firm Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) has partnered with Laos state-owned electricity firm Electricite Du Laos (EDL) to boost cross-border renewable energy (RE) trade from Laos with potential trade value ranges from MYR 460 million ($101 million) and MYR 2.3 billion ($500 million) beyond 2030.
TNB said in a statement on Sunday that the has presented a letter of intent (LOI) to EDL to forge a collaboration in facilitating cross-border trade and human capital development, as part of its ongoing drive to strengthen the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) interconnectivity and to reinforce TNB Power Generation Sdn Bhd (TNB Genco) presence as the power generation arm in ASEAN countries.
Baltic countries strike deal to disconnect from Russian power grid earlier than expected
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have agreed to speed up their integration into the European Union's electricity system in order to desynchronize from the Russian power grid.
The three Baltic countries, which are EU and NATO members, still remain a part of the Soviet-era BRELL power system that also includes Belarus and whose frequencies are controlled by Moscow, leaving them vulnerable to possible energy weaponisation by the Kremlin.
All three agreed in 2018 to decouple from Moscow and join the EU's system by the end of 2025 but Russia's full-scale war on Ukraine prompted calls to accelerate the timeline. An agreement struck this week by their respective electricity transmission system operators will now see them fully separate from BRELL in February 2025.
Source: Wikipedia
Regional Power Utilities meet in Kampala for the Eastern Africa Power Pool Conference
July 30, 2023
The EAPP region is presently experiencing a few challenges which must be adequately addressed if the envisioned fully integrated regional power market is to be realized. It is not only insufficient power generation that was standing in the way of this integration but also absence of interconnectors to wheel power across borders as well.
We are part of the process trying to actualize this vision of a fully integrated power market. The first win for us is that we have countries and utilities as members of the EAPP. Secondly, about 65% of the member countries are currently interconnected. Case in point, Uganda is already interconnected with Rwanda and Kenya, while Kenya is interconnected with Ethiopia, which is interconnected with Sudan and Sudan is interconnected with Egypt. So, you can see the integration is already taking shape. Lastly, for the countries which are not yet interconnected, we continue to hold consultative meetings to ensure that the required infrastructure is put in place and a number of feasibility studies are ongoing geared at this. For the case of Uganda, we are undertaking feasible studies for the Uganda-Tanzania, Uganda-South Sudan and Uganda DRC interconnection projects.
Proposed South and South East Asia power grid can spur rise of Bay of Bengal community
July 29, 2023
The countries associated with Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) come from South and South East Asian regions but they have aspirations to be interconnected with electricity transmission lines.
Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Sri Lanka from South Asia and Thailand and Myanmar from the South-East Asian region are represented in the inter-regional grouping—BIMSTEC.
Some of these countries are bilaterally connected with the power transmission lines but no regional or inter-regional transmission line has been realised yet among these countries.
Now, these countries have initiated the study on the feasibility of BIMSTEC grid connectivity.
Source: Wikipedia
Jointly Build a Zero-Carbon Energy System to Further Advance the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
July 27, 2023
An energy thematic side event held Thursday (July 13) at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York called for global energy interconnection through building a zero-carbon energy system for sustainable development.
The meeting on "Jointly Building a Zero-Carbon Energy System to Further Advance the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" was co-hosted by the Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO), the Latin American Energy Organization, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition.
GEIDCO released a report titled "Global Energy Interconnection: Pathway Towards 2030 Sustainable Development," which points out that the current extensive exploitation and use of fossil energy have brought about resource, climate, environmental, and health problems, which are major obstacles to sustainable development.
"It is urgent to accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of energy," the report said. "The construction of a global energy interconnection will generate nine benefits, which will fully align with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda and play a key role in achieving the seven goals, including Goal 7 (affordable and clean energy), Goal 8 (decent work and economic growth), and Goal 13 (climate action)."
Source: United Nations
Juxtaposing Sub-Sahara Africa’s energy poverty and renewable energy potential
January 25, 2023
Recently, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released a comprehensive roadmap for the global energy sector to achieve net-zero emission by 2050. Considering the sizeable share of (Sub-Sahara) Africa in the global population, the attainment of global energy sector net-zero emission is practically impossible without a commitment from African countries.
In this paper, the energy poverty in Africa and the high renewable energy (RE) potential are reviewed. Beyond this, the generation of electricity from the abundant RE potential in this region is analyzed in hourly timestep. This study is novel as it proposes a Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) central grid as one of the fastest/feasible solutions to the energy poverty problem in this region.
Mukhtar, M., Adun, H., Cai, D. et al. Juxtaposing Sub-Sahara Africa’s energy poverty and renewable energy potential. Sci Rep 13, 11643 (2023).
Mauritania-Mali power transmission line to transform region’s economy
July 22, 2023
Development partners have committed to mobilize funding for a $900 million multinational power transmission line between Mauritania and Mali. The project aims to connect 620,000 people to electricity.
The project constitutes an essential link in the regional electricity distribution system known as the ‘trans-Sahel spine’, which is currently being studied.
It will link Mauritania to Chad, passing through three other landlocked countries; Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali.
The 225 kV line will connect new renewable energy parks to the sub-region’s power grid.
The project aligns with the Bank Group’s Desert-to-Power initiative, which is set to become the world’s largest area of solar power generation.
Source: Wikipedia
Viking Link joins UK and Denmark power grids for first time
July 19, 2023
An electricity link between Denmark and the UK has been connected for the first time, the National Grid said.
The 475-mile (765km) high-voltage Viking Link cable joins Bicker Fen in Lincolnshire with Jutland in Denmark.
When it is completed, the two countries will be able to share enough green electricity to power up to 1.4 million UK homes, the utility company said.
Rebecca Sedler, from the interconnectors team, said it was a "fantastic moment" for the project.
"Interconnectors bring huge benefits to the UK, acting as clean energy super-highways, allowing us to move surplus green energy from where it is generated to where it is needed the most."
prior Related post: World’s largest cross-border power line will deliver clean energy to 1.8 million homes in Europe | April 24, 2023
WAPP announces synchronization of 12 Power grids
July 17, 2023
The West African Power Pool (WAPP) announces synchronization of Power grid of 12 African West African countries in the realization of its mandate to interconnect the power transmission networks of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) member states and create a unified regional electricity market.
WAPP is pleased to announce the successful permanent synchronization of the power grids of twelve West African countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.
From now on, the power grids of these countries will operate as a single synchronous network, under the supervision of the WAPP Information and Coordination Centre (ICC) and the national control centers of these countries.
Source: IRENA
Tunisia-Italy cable project part of effort to connect energy grids with Europe: World Bank
Tunisia’s project to join its power grid to the much larger European electricity network through a 600-megawatt undersea cable to Italy is part of a broader effort by North African countries to connect their energy grids with the continent, the World Bank has told Al-Monitor.
The Tunisia-Italy interconnector (ELMED) project's total cost is around €960 million ($1..06 billion). The European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and German state-owned bank KfW will finance the other part of the Tunisia segment while the transmission company Italian Terna will finance the cost of Italy’s part of the project. The European Union is also providing grant funding of €308 million equally between the Tunisia and Italian segments of the ELMED project.
The project will support the Tunisian government’s target of increasing renewable energy in its energy mix from 3% to 35% by 2030.
Queensland identifies ‘renewable energy zones’ as part of $62bn ‘super grid’ plan
July 11, 2023
The Queensland government has identified 12 “renewable energy zones” across the state that will form the backbone of its $62bn plan to decarbonise its electricity supply.
In plans to be released on Tuesday, the Palaszczuk government says it wants wind, solar and pumped-hydro projects to be concentrated in these zones and connected to a “super grid” of renewable power, storage and transmission lines by 2035 – just 12 years from now.
Queensland’s minister for energy, renewables and hydrogen, Mick de Brenni, told the Guardian the new renewable energy zones would help secure community support for “the biggest economic transition project that Queensland has ever embarked upon”.
Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0
Kazakh expert: Central Asia needs a transnational electricity grid
July 6, 2023
Kazakhstan is “completely dependent” on Russia when it comes to balancing energy needs and the best solution is to create a transnational electricity grid in Central Asia, similar to the one in Europe, a Kazakh expert told a Brussels audience on Tuesday (4 July).
Nurlan Kapenov, chairman of ‘Qazaq Green Association’, made this appeal at a conference titled ‘A clean energy future for Central Asia’, organized by the Brussels Energy Club, where the debate highlighted the huge potential of this region in developing green energy, but also the various challenges.
“Today, we are completely dependent on the Russian Federation with regards to balancing energy. Coal generation is not flexible generation”, especially for Kazakhstan, where 70% of electricity is produced from coal. In theory, he said, flexible generation could be achieved with big hydroelectric plants or gas power plants.
Serg!o, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Israel Unveils Ambitious Underwater Electric Cable Project for European Grid Connection
July 5, 2023
In a significant development, Israel announced its ambitious plan on Tuesday to construct an underwater electric cable along its Mediterranean coastline to establish a connection with electricity grids in Europe.
The proposed cable, spanning 150 kilometres (93 miles), will facilitate the transfer of electricity generated from solar energy farms located in Israel's southern Negev desert to cities in the central and northern regions of the country. Additionally, the plan includes provisions for connecting networks in Cyprus and Greece, enabling regional collaboration.
Second Greece-Bulgaria power interconnection becomes operational
July 4, 2023
Greece’s Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO) announced today that a new international ultra-high voltage, 400 kV electrical interconnection with Bulgaria began operation on Friday, June 30, following a trial run conducted through close cooperation between the two countries’ transmission system operators.
Greece’s new Minister of Environment and Energy, Theodoros Skylakakis, stated: “The second, international ultra-high voltage electrical interconnection of Greece-Bulgaria, is an important energy project of pan-European interest. The immediate benefits of this cooperation include: enhancing cross-border trade and strengthening energy security in Southeast Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. More international interconnections will follow, which will further upgrade our country on the European energy map.”
El Salvador’s Energy Market: Challenges and Solutions for Grid Integration
June 23, 2023
El Salvador, the smallest and most densely populated country in Central America, has been facing significant challenges in meeting its growing energy demand. The country’s energy market has been characterized by a high dependence on imported fossil fuels, limited diversification of energy sources, and an aging electricity grid. In recent years, however, El Salvador has made considerable progress in diversifying its energy mix and promoting renewable energy sources. This has been driven by the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy security, and reduce the economic burden of fossil fuel imports.
Another important measure has been the promotion of regional electricity market integration through the Central American Electrical Interconnection System (SIEPAC). This regional initiative aims to create a more competitive and efficient electricity market by connecting the national grids of six Central American countries, including El Salvador. By allowing for the exchange of electricity between countries, SIEPAC can help to mitigate the intermittency of renewable energy sources and improve the overall reliability of the electricity system.
Serg!o, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Smart Grids in Slovenia: Integrating Renewable Energy and Enhancing Efficiency
June 19, 2023
Slovenia, a small European country with a population of just over 2 million, has been making significant strides in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency. One of the key developments in this area has been the implementation of smart grids, which are designed to integrate renewable energy sources, enhance efficiency, and improve the overall reliability of the country’s power system.
Slovenia is a member of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), which is working on the development of a pan-European smart grid to facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources and improve cross-border electricity trade.
Breaking borders: The future of Europe’s electricity is in interconnectors
June 14, 2023
Europe’s electricity transition is accelerating. But the energy transition is not just about building more solar panels and wind turbines. Built in the right way, grid infrastructure and how it is managed will determine whether and how Europe reaches its power sector targets, and how cost-efficient that process is. It also has the potential to be a driver of European unity in the face of geopolitical uncertainty and energy insecurity.
Interconnectors — cross border, high voltage cables linking national power grids — and shared market rules together create the integrated European electricity market. This allows electricity to flow freely across the continent, according to patterns of supply and demand, and in response to price signals.
By allowing electricity to move across borders in a matter of minutes, interconnection creates a more flexible system that can balance geographic variations in wind and solar generation, minimizing output fluctuations and curtailment. This will be essential to integrate the variable output of wind and solar in a cost-effective way. By offering more opportunities for this electricity to be used, cross-border exchange can halve the curtailment of cheap, clean power.
Serg!o, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Iraq, GCCIA inaugurate landmark grid interconnection project
June 10, 2023
The Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnection Authority (GCCIA) has embarked on the implementation of a new super grid project, connecting the GCC with the southern region of Iraq, according to a press statement.
The interconnection project, slated for completion by late 2024, marks the first-ever expansion beyond the electrical grid system of the GCC countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) has embarked on the implementation of a new super grid project, connecting the GCC with the southern region of Iraq, according to a press statement.
The long-term goal is to establish an electricity highway, extending all the way to Europe. This would enable the exchange of excess energy during winter and summer months, providing affordable and clean energy to both regions.
Lack of regulation delays cross-border offshore wind – lobby
June 7, 2023
The emergence of offshore wind farms that can be connected to more than one country through so-called hybrid cables is hampered by a lack of a regulatory framework and state support, said WindEurope on Tuesday.
The development of hybrids was crucial to optimising grid use and reducing the need for maritime space as offshore wind capacity looked set to surge in the decades to come, said Vasiliki Klonari, head of energy system integration at the lobby group.
Linking offshore farms to more than one country could also improve the profitability of projects by allowing developers to send power to where prices were highest, market participants have told Montel earlier this year.
But building hybrids required cross-border coordination on market and technical aspects from an early planning stage, which was currently missing, Klonari told an event organised by European TSO group Entso-E.
Race to zero in Asia-Pacific: Our hopes in climate fight
May 11, 2023
The recent energy crisis has kicked renewable energy into a new phase of even faster growth thanks to its energy security benefits. There is an opportunity now to leverage this momentum and turn it into a revolutionary moment.
Cross-border electricity grids can be a game changer. The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific has simulated different scenarios for grid connectivity and scaling up renewables. It shows that a green power corridor and cross-border power grid integration utilizing renewables can help remove the last hurdles of the transition. We are working with countries to chart a path to improved regional power grid connectivity through cooperation.
Egypt approves MoU with Norway to explore connecting electricity grid to Europe
May 4, 2023
The Egyptian cabinet has approved an MoU with Norway, signed in November, to explore the possibility of connecting Egypt's electricity grid to Europe through Italy with a capacity of 3 gigawatts.
The MoU was signed between the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Co (EETC) and the Norwegian Scatec Company.
With an electricity production increase of over 30,000 MW in six years, Egypt has achieved surplus levels for the first time, reaching self-sufficiency in electricity in 2015 and now having a 25% surplus, according to the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy.
Inside the battle over who gets to build the grid of the future
April 27, 2023
The U.S. Department of Energy issued a draft report in February that found a “pressing need” for new electric transmission infrastructure across the country to improve reliability, connect a rapidly growing number of solar, wind and battery storage projects, supply increasing electric demand and alleviate scattered pockets of consistently high prices across the country.
To meet the future envisioned by the federal infrastructure act and the Inflation Reduction Act, which both contain major provisions to boost clean energy, the country needs to increase its current transmission system by an eye-popping 57% by 2035, the report says. Princeton University’s Net-Zero America study estimates expanding transmission capacity by 60% by 2030 will cost $330 billion and tripling it by 2050 will cost $2.2 trillion.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
The North Seas can be the world’s biggest power plant
April 23, 2023
Held for the first time last year, Denmark, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands came together for the inaugural North Sea Summit in the Danish harbor town of Esbjerg, setting historic goals for offshore wind with the Esbjerg Declaration. It paved the way for making the North Seas a green power plant for Europe, as well as a major contributor to climate neutrality and strengthening energy security.
This Monday, nine countries will meet for the next North Sea Summit — this time in the Belgian town of Ostend — where France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway and the United Kingdom will also put their political weight behind developing green energy in the North Seas, including the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish and Celtic Seas. Together, we will combine and coordinate our ambitions for deploying offshore wind and developing an offshore electricity grid linking our countries, putting Europe on the path toward a green economy fueled by offshore green power plants.